Is there any foods you DONT enter into the meter?



  • I dont enter!

    *Diet sodas
    *Veggies (as long as its not potatoes)
    *Apples (negative food - means, you burn more calories digesting it than it contains)

    What about you guys ! ? =)

    Coffee, tea, and other calorie-free beverages I never log. If I put sugar or milk in them, I would log that, but I don't.

    Lettuce I rarely log. Not much point. But I log most other veggies to track my macros (nutrients) and because some contain sugars (like carrots). I pretty much log everything but lettuce, come to think of it.

    I'd disagree on the apples - I log them and count them as calories. I don't see how you could possibly burn more calories digesting an apple than you take in when I feel the sugar boost from them after eating them. But your food diary, your rules. ;)

    True .. im not sure what im gonna do about that. I might just keep it this way for a while. Not sure, ill think about it haha :D
    Anyway i did first log that sugar intake thing, but i dont count fruit sugar as SUGAR : ) so i cut that stuff out since it was always like wayy higher then 37 grams and it annoyed me, even though my real sugar intake was like 17... (from almond and spelt milk)
  • I log everything except diet soda, gum and mints.
    Not sure why you think apples and veggies are free, but they all have calories and should be logged for a true look at your intake.

    The only reason why i wouldnt log my veggies or fruits, is because i dont belive in restricting foods that are purely vitamins and minerals .. you know? :)
    Like if i was really craving an apple or celery or carrots or something but i was at my limit of calories, or carbs or sugars... i wouldnt have it. Even thought its sooo good for you.

    I belive in restricting everything else but not that.
    I might though since you guys are all on that wagon ;P try it !
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I log pretty much everything including gum and hard candies when I remember. I don't really keep track of water because I drink so much of it in many forms: tea, seltzer, coffee etc. -- that it would be a PITA to jump on and log every single glass that I have.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member

    I don't see anywhere on that page that says that apples have negative calories. She mentions that your body burns more calories when you eat protein, but apples are not protein.
  • Fruit and veggies! (not potatoes)

    AHh so you dont log fruits or veggies ether!? =) and still lost 21lbs? =) amazing, JUST amazing :D

    And why dont you log it? : )
  • It says in the Fruit and Veggies part

    Fruits and Vegetables
    Fruits that are considered to have negative calories include blueberries; citrus fruits, including oranges and grapefruit; and melon, including watermelon and cantaloupe. Other kinds of fruits that are also considered negative calorie include apples, peaches, grapes, apricots, tangerines, cherries and prunes.

    Many vegetables are considered negative calorie because they have a high water content. According to the Fat Free Kitchen, some of these vegetables include lettuce, celery, radishes and cucumbers. Other types of vegetables that are also considered negative calorie include cauliflower, beets, carrots, green beans, spinach and turnips.

    ;) im thinking of logging the sugary fruits and veggies though, not the others ... but logging the fruit and carrots and such sugary things :D
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    bump for later
  • I did see an interesting point from someone, witch is that the nutrients you can get from the sugary fruit you can actually get the same thing from veggies, wich dont have so much sugar!! = )
    Im gonna try and see if this works, maby ... im not sure :P im going out of the country in 2 weeks and im SURE i will be eating ALOT of fruits there... : )
    I didnt belive in restricting fruit sugar intake before, but after reading some stories on here i think maby i might try it ? Even thought it feels SO un natural
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
  • one more thought on this though.. i was raw vegan for 4 months... i must have eaten like 2000grams of sugar from fruits EVERY day... why didnt i get fat or obese then? ... i maby gained 2 kg or something and that was only cause i was coming out of a starvation diet... .... so do i REALLY need to watch my sugar intake on fruit?? even if i count them as calories ... do you guys still make sure u dont go over the sugar levels?

    then id go over it with 1 small banana and 1 large apple a day : /
    and then i still have to add my spelt or almond milk wich has 4-7grams of sugar in 100ml
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    Shooottt my gala apples have about 100 calories each so helz yeah I log them.
  • even weight watchers have started counting veggies AND fruits as 0 points.... and dont they get paid or something? wouldnt it work against them if they did this and the people didnt lose weight with it?
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    The only thing I don't log is water. I drink a gallon a day. I don't bother to keep adding it.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I dont enter!

    *Diet sodas
    *Veggies (as long as its not potatoes)
    *Apples (negative food - means, you burn more calories digesting it than it contains)

    What about you guys ! ? =)

    Someone lied to you about the apples. I eat a lot of veggies. Why wouldn't you log veggies? They are calories.

    About the only thing I don't log are spices and mustard (The bottle actually says one serving has zero calories.)
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    The only thing I don't log is gum and if I take some of my kids gold fish or something. I started taking a multi vitamin so I log it just to make sure I remember to take them.
  • The only things that I don't log are the veggies on my subs/sandwiches/wraps and gum. They both have such minor calories that I know I burn them off with the amount of walking around and fidgeting I do during the day.
  • Birdnicaj
    Birdnicaj Posts: 95
    No mustard, vinegar or hot sauce, but YES ketchup, gum, etc...
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    We understand whet you mean by negative calories. You aren't understanding that no one believes you. Because its boolhockey.
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    It's funny that you try to defend "negative calories"

    I love apples. Do you truly think that if I ate 1,200 calories worth of apples every day, I would lose weight faster than if I ate other foods.?

    I enter everything into the journal. Diet soda contains sodium, and I track sodium.

    This article explains that "negative calories" means "It refers to the effective net calories subtracted from your body through the preparation, eating, digestion and elimination of these foods. In other words, you expend more calories eating them than they deliver to your body."
    Learn more:
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I don't log food stolen from my daughter, those are her calories surely - lol.

