

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I also have trouble with eating out, mainly because I do it so seldom that I really like to get what I really want on the menu. When I am at home, I do better, because I will order what I really want, and put half of it in a to go box for tomorrow. However, when traveling, I have a harder time because I don't want to leave the food on my plate, but don't have facilities for storing and reheating later. I ran into this over the weekend again when I took my mother to Red Lobster. I wonder if I should just tell them to put a half serving on my plate to start with, even though I will have to pay for the full serving. I guess I will think about if that might work for me. Good luck with it, Robin! Mary
  • MimawP
    MimawP Posts: 9
    Hey, found the new posting ... I'm so proud of me :happy: I too have challenges for the next few days. I'll do my darndest but we've had a death in the family and it tends to send the eating schedule into chaos.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Jane - hugs to you. It's hard losing a treasured pet x
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hey, found the new posting ... I'm so proud of me :happy: I too have challenges for the next few days. I'll do my darndest but we've had a death in the family and it tends to send the eating schedule into chaos.

    :flowerforyou: So sorry for your loss.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    mimaw: Sorry for your loss...take care and hope the next few days go as well as they can!

    DH has surgery tomorrow in Charleston and has to stay overnight, so I am putting together a little cooler to keep in the car and hotel with some healthy things. He has been SO uncomfortable since his "Ski Lift Accident" and the ruptured disc just isn't going to heal by itself, so I really hope this gives him some much needed relief! He is such an active guy, it is driving him nuts not to be able to do anything!
    I hope I can walk around the area while I wait for the actual surgery to take place...I'll put my tennis shoes and pedometer in the car to motivate me to use that time well.

    Everyone have a good week!:heart: Kackie
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Monday here,

    Robin - travel & resturants seem to go hand in hand and not necessarily in a good way:grumble: Sometimes it's just hard to make good choices when someone else is cooking:wink:

    Sherry - hope you are able to get all the steps in that you are wanting:drinker:

    Katiejarr & Dawn- WTG on those losses:drinker:

    Dawn- it's always hard when you are between the too big and too small sizes...keep up the great work and you will be making the change before you know it:flowerforyou:

    Jane:flowerforyou: so sorry about your tabby kitty.

    Nancy- Smart move on having the bowl moved away from you:wink: Glad to know you are home:flowerforyou:

    Jen- WOW yard work for exercise:noway:

    Amanda:laugh: your bra changes:laugh: gave me quite a laugh

    Jeannie- nice pic of your Mom & daughter....ahhhh Prom:flowerforyou:

    Kackie- You are a runner:noway: I'm impressed:noway:

    Jen- I remember when #1 Son was deployed we had our home phone forwarding all calls to our cell phones so that where ever we were we were sure to get his calls, he never knew when he could call and with the time difference we were always waiting for the phone to ring...you might check and see if your phone company offeres that service.:drinker:

    Hubby and I had a very successful weekend, we rode our bikes three days in a row and I do so love getting to be outside:bigsmile: I even kept my calories in line so today I'm back to eating all that I ought, except I forgot my turkey breast for my lunch so I had a sandwich with just sprouts:grumble: very plain ...will try and remember to bring it tomorrow.

    So last night son #2 calls to let us know he was okay, but that there had been a shooting at the church:noway: where he was playing the piano. Sadly the pastor's mother was killed :cry: and an off duty police officer that attended the church shot the shooter, but our son didn't want us to hear it on the news. Hubby was going to take him back there today so he could pick up his vehicle as they had closed off the parking lot as a crime scene. Just glad he is okay:heart:

    I best get back to the stacks of papers. Everyone have a great evening, keep logging, drinking and moving your body:drinker:

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks to all about the sympathy wishes.
    Hope everyone is having a good mon.
    Pt tonite,should be done next week,unless the ortho dr orders more.
    thanks for being so caring and supportive.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Im so confused...kept writing posts and was getting message that the post was locked :cry: ok Im still a new bee...think I'm in the right place finally whew!!!
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hey, found the new posting ... I'm so proud of me :happy: I too have challenges for the next few days. I'll do my darndest but we've had a death in the family and it tends to send the eating schedule into chaos.

    Sorry for your loss , sending good thoughts
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    KathyGSM - I'm proud of you for starting, even if it is again, that's OK.

    Took the food donations to the soup kitchen today (I also gave them 1/4 of the banana spice cake and the rest of the key lime cake), stopped at one store on my way to exercise class to return cereal that Vince didn't really want and also to get more cat litter (it's on sale, and they're doubling $1 coupons so I got it), went to exercise class, then on the way home stopped at another store to get mushrooms that were on sale so I can freeze them (first I'll roast them), came home and got the rest of the banana spice cake, went to the Y and gave them 1/4, then went practice bowling and gave them the rest. So it's out of the house!!! Had to pick up the cake for the bowling party Wed. night, unfortunately I was hungry so I had 2 of the sugar cookies they had as samples, came home and am getting dinner ready.

    Did 15 min of yoga today then an hour of the extreme pump class. There is this lady who always wants the fan on high, then she leaves early and leaves the fan on. I hate having wind blowing on me, especially when I'm cooling down. It's really not healthy to be sweating and then have so much cool air blowing on you. So I'm just going to try standing somewhere else. I thought where I was I was out of the way of the fan, but that wasn't the case. When we were cooling down, I just moved to the back of the room.

    Tomorrow I'll do incline intervals on the treadmill. Then I'll come home. The Newcomers board meeting is being held at this one lady's house. It's just too far for me to be home in time for my class, so I'm not going to go. After the board meeting, Vince'll drop off the bowling pins with the certificates and the cake to the lady who is having the bowling party Wed. night. I have the shrimp defrosting in the refrig. I'm taking shrimp since I'm not a real big fan of burgers and also burger fixings (lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, and onion).

    I have trouble, too, ordering food in a restaurant when I'm away from home. At home, I can ask to be served only 1/2 of the portion and take the rest home, but in a hotel I can't really do that. I feel badly (even tho I shouldn't) paying for and not eating the whole meal. I'm sure part of this is the old "clean your plate" that was ingrained in almost all of us. Robin - I wish you the best. Let us know how you make out. Know something I do when I'm in FL and we go out to eat? Even tho I can bring things home, many times I've asked for 1/2 of the meat and double the veggies.

    Laura - so sad for the pastor and his family.

    Want to take a shower early tonight, then watch DWTS. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All

    Busy day today!! But did manage to have a hearty breakfast and lunch and did my elliptical workout interval training and made it to 20 mins like that the the last did it the regular way whew!!!

    :smile: rjadams and msh0530 when I know Im going out to eat I try and go on line before I go and see if the restaurant has a Nutritional Info posted (most places do) Then I pre plan what Im going to order and make sure its within my calls for my dinner. If I have a plan before I go in then I don't panic when I get there...sometimes I can even plan in a glass of wen with dinner which makes me happy :love:

    Hope that helps!

    Well Im off to a Home Owners Association meeting :tongue:

    Happy Monday evening to you all!!!!

    Love Kat
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi All

    Busy day today!! But did manage to have a hearty breakfast and lunch and did my elliptical workout interval training and made it to 20 mins like that the the last did it the regular way whew!!!

    :smile: rjadams and msh0530 when I know Im going out to eat I try and go on line before I go and see if the restaurant has a Nutritional Info posted (most places do) Then I pre plan what Im going to order and make sure its within my calls for my dinner. If I have a plan before I go in then I don't panic when I get there...sometimes I can even plan in a glass of wen with dinner which makes me happy :love:

    Hope that helps!

    Well Im off to a Home Owners Association meeting :tongue:

    Happy Monday evening to you all!!!!

    Love Kat

    Wow I have a lot of typos!!!!!

    That should be Wine not WEN!!!!!
    And the first sentence I meant to say Like the trainer told me to...Oh Boy I better stop typing now!!!!!!! My fingers are not obeying :huh: Oye Vey
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Tueday and its nice and sunny and I slept in. Damm so have to work extra fast to get everything done while the sun shines. First grocery shop and refill with healthy choices. Down to the bare minimum and thats not good. Must bake Anzac biscuits today. Anzac day here tomorrow and its a must. I like to make my own. I will go into the city for the parade tomorrow so lots of walking but also lots of standing, but if the old diggers can march i can at leastt stand and honour them.

    Went to zumba last night after many many weeks but now that i am over the pneumonia thought I would give it ago. I was so happy to be back at it.

    ANZAC Day – 25 April – is probably Australia's most important national occasion. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. Anzac stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces quickly became known as ANZACs, and the pride they took in that name endures to this day. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their country.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    bump--need to find you all again.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    What does "bump" mean???:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    What does "bump" mean???:smile:

    the letters in bump stand for something but I forget what, but what happens is that once you post on a thread, it shows up on "My Topics" so you can find it again.

    :bigsmile: I've had a busy day with friends, dog walking, housework, nd garden puttering and now I'm watching DWTS so there's no time to post

    :bigsmile: with a little creativity and some zip up freezer bags and ice from the hotel ice machine, it's possible to keep your leftovers cool enough to eat safely for breakfast or a bed time snack....I hate throwing food away.

    :bigsmile: jellyfishjen, thanks for the info on ANZAC Day,.....I didn't know about it.
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Welcome to all the new ones. :flowerforyou:

    Jane-sorry to hear about Milo. Glad to her your healing is progressing. Sorry you are struggling in other areas right now.
    Nancy-good for you to have that bowll of snacks moved to where you could not get to them. Glad you are home. Looking forward to hearing about your chair aerobics.
    Sally-Good news that your neck/shoulder is better. If you are ready to do something with your mom's diamond now then now is good. We are not ready until we are ready to do those kinds of things.
    Kackie-Outstanding job with the run/jog of 45 min. :drinker: Hope all goes well with your husbands surgery. Is he having a discectomy?
    KathyGSM-The weight goes on so much faster than it comes off. Glad you decided to continue.
    MimawP-Sorry for your loss.
    Laura-So thankful your son is okay. Caring thoughts and prayers to his Pastor and family.

    Good night all,
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    ok I found you all again thanks jb for the link Been a very long weekend but man what a great one had our newest grandaughter Gracie Mae was born this last sunday she is amazing beautiful and just can't believe how blessed we are I posted two long stories on the other thread of how the birth went and all the roller costers of emotions and lucky for you all it was locked so you don't have to endure my Grandma stories I have tried to catch up on all the postings but I gotta tell ya it's 1am here and I am tired so I am off to bed
    Jane I do want to say I'm sorry forthe loss of your cat weare dog people and have been thru that it is not easy

    Kackie it's prob old news now but congrats on your running I love to run just can't do it right now but someday soon I will run again

    Welcome to all the newbies this is a great thread and you will get all you need from these amazing ladies