What to put on popcorn



  • kuregisto
    kuregisto Posts: 124 Member
    I tend to keep popcorn available as a snack all the time (work and home). I usually just add some garlic powder.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Butter spray with chocolate protein powder and cinnamon
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Bacon and Cheese. Bacon and Cheese popcorn is great.
  • OperationSkinty
    OperationSkinty Posts: 7 Member
    mini marshmallows & salt while hot..good sweet and saltly combo w/o the fat..
  • JoshS2012
    JoshS2012 Posts: 25 Member
    Franks Red Hot
    I put that *kitten* on everything
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I very lightly spray olive oil on it and then add this:

    Which is incredibly fantastic and makes me infinitely happy.
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    I also air pop ... then spray lightly with cooking spray/PAM or water to make my seasonings stick.

    I use Cumin, or Chili Powder, or Garlic Powder, or Dill, or whatever savory flavors I feel like using..

    Oh, and I like a few shakes of hot cause on mine too!

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    insults and broken dreams with a splash of drama

    Oh, not that kind of popcorn? Anything. When I have the calories I like to mix in milk duds while it's still hot. Otherwise, just some salt and maybe some pepper. You have seasonsing in your cabinet? Add a little taco seasoning or italian seasoning. Whatever you're in the mood for. popcorn doesn't taste like anything so it will taste like whatever you add to it.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I use a cooking spray and chili powder with some salt and pepper sometimes. I've also used italian seasoning. Garlic powder works well too. Just experiment.
  • Tigger228
    Tigger228 Posts: 23 Member
    Try adding some pepper, it provides extra taste without any extra calories.
  • bexblonde
    bexblonde Posts: 80
    Just got a bag of my microwave popcorn to see what it contains. I always have salted flavour, and the ingredients are: popcorn, vegetable oil, and salt. The oil is already coating all the unpopped kernels so there are no big lumps of congealed fat like someone else mentioned theirs had ! (Gross!)
    There are 410 calories per bag and 20g of fat, so quite high. I might try having a go at making my own with plain popcorn, spray oil and salt. That would have to cut the fat content down?
  • sabian711
    sabian711 Posts: 4 Member
    in the popcorn section they have seasoning that is 0 cals. I love the white chedder one. It doesn't stick too well, but it is still good. You can try to add a teaspoon on grapeseed oil and mix it with the popcorn and add the white chedder seasoning to see if it sticks.
  • housegirl2
    housegirl2 Posts: 79 Member
    I sprinkle a little grated cheese- Parmesan or cheddar on my pop corn. Really love it that way. I also pop my corn the old fashioned way on stove top using olive oil. Gives really nice flavor.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I top mine with a spritz of extra virgin olive oil, and a few spoonfuls of nutritional yeast.

    Nutritional yeast has a nutty flavor similar to parmesan, and lots of protein + fiber. It's a great vegan sub for cheese.
  • heidihurl
    heidihurl Posts: 138 Member
    OHHHHH I LOVE popcorn too! And I have an air popper. I have tried the spray version of "I can't believe it's not butter" and I have tried the pump spray version of olive oil. Both work well.. I prefer the olive oil myself... I either sprinkle "Spike" seasoning (found in health food stores) or garlic salt.

    IF I pan pop with oil... I add the garlic salt to the oil when it heats up... it's sooooooo tasty.
  • bunnyboo24
    bunnyboo24 Posts: 32 Member
    bump for later
  • ThePunkHippie
    insults and broken dreams with a splash of drama

    Alright, thread over, no one will beat that comment.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I've never tried this, but I've heard it's good. Sprinkle nutritional yeast over your popcorn. If you don't know about nutritional yeast, google it, you can use it in some interesting ways!
  • ThePunkHippie
    Just got a bag of my microwave popcorn to see what it contains. I always have salted flavour, and the ingredients are: popcorn, vegetable oil, and salt. The oil is already coating all the unpopped kernels so there are no big lumps of congealed fat like someone else mentioned theirs had ! (Gross!)
    There are 410 calories per bag and 20g of fat, so quite high. I might try having a go at making my own with plain popcorn, spray oil and salt. That would have to cut the fat content down?

    You could cut down on the fat, & use real butter (vegetable oil isn't healthy at all). I love air-popped popcorn, it tastes so much better than microwave :)
  • tspinrad
    tspinrad Posts: 1 Member
    I just tried sprinkling lime and chili powder and salt last night. It was yummy and the seasonings actually stuck to the popcorn, which is a huge plus!