Any low Carbers out there?



  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Yes new to MFP and have been low carbing but do include fruit and lots of vegetables. This seems to work for me. I think any type of food plan needs to be adjusted to each individual. As an RN I think a healthy approach that works for you is what you should follow. :smile:

    ^^^^ Very smart! Listen to her! ^^^^
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679

    By your logic, the solution to alcoholism is to simply drink in moderation, right?

    Contrary to YOUR belief, there are many people who cannot tolerate high carb diets! Eating high-carb foods actually causes them to get MORE hungry, and doesn't satiate them. Similar to how drinking alcohol causes an alcoholic to crave more alcohol than just abstaining from it.

    So you shouldn't knock it if you don't understand how it helps people. Read "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" before judging this type of diet.

    Indeed! ^^^^^

    There is compelling evidence that sugar, especially refined or processed, stimulates the same area of the brain as cocaine. This was demonstrated on 60 Minutes about 2 or 3 weeks ago with Dr. Sonjay Gupta. In my opinion, that just confirmed what I always believed, that sugar is a drug or has drug like effects. I had only to look at my own behavior to arrive at at that hypothesis.

    I also believe this doesn't bode well for society when the food pyramid base is grains and a great deal of foods in the grocery stores are grain based, and if the last 3 decades of low fat craze and sky rocketing obesity is any indication.

    Even if there was no evidence that refined carbs or sugar are addictive like cocaine, I think its asinine that the recommended solution to alcoholism is abstinence, but the recommended solution to over-consumption of sugar and/or refined carbs is to simply eat less, but not too little! As if we actually need any of these foods.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member

    By your logic, the solution to alcoholism is to simply drink in moderation, right?

    Contrary to YOUR belief, there are many people who cannot tolerate high carb diets! Eating high-carb foods actually causes them to get MORE hungry, and doesn't satiate them. Similar to how drinking alcohol causes an alcoholic to crave more alcohol than just abstaining from it.

    So you shouldn't knock it if you don't understand how it helps people. Read "The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living" before judging this type of diet.

    Indeed! ^^^^^

    There is compelling evidence that sugar, especially refined or processed, stimulates the same area of the brain as cocaine. This was demonstrated on 60 Minutes about 2 or 3 weeks ago with Dr. Sonjay Gupta. In my opinion, that just confirmed what I always believed, that sugar is a drug or has drug like effects. I had only to look at my own behavior to arrive at at that hypothesis.

    I also believe this doesn't bode well for society when the food pyramid base is grains and a great deal of foods in the grocery stores are grain based, and if the last 3 decades of low fat craze and sky rocketing obesity is any indication.

    Even if there was no evidence that refined carbs or sugar are addictive like cocaine, I think its asinine that the recommended solution to alcoholism is abstinence, but the recommended solution to over-consumption of sugar and/or refined carbs is to simply eat less, but not too little! As if we actually need any of these foods.

    Well that must be because you haven't heard that without all those carbs our brains will lose function. The zombie apocalypse is coming and it's going to start with us!
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    I have just started south beach. I lost a lot of weight in college (45lbs) and kept it off for about a year and a half, then law school caught up with me and I've gained 40lbs back. I went through some of my old food journals- did it by hand then- and noticed that I had basically been doing south beach. Carbs came from fruits, veggies, and the occasion serving of brown rice. Since I am also suffering from a knee injury at the moment and cant work out, I have decided to actually follow south beach now instead of loosly follow it. I am on the second week and it is definitely working. (I won't give up my coffee creamer though!)

    For me, more proteins, veggies, and fruit keeps me full, allows me plenty of calories to snack, and keeps me under my goal. Half a bagel, peanut butter, and banana slices works great for some people but I'm not one of them.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    There are lots of groups that might apply to anyone doing LC - a bunch of great supportive people in those groups!

    There are a few of us who just joined a short-term goal group today - started by my friend Hammbone. It is a 6-week accountability challenge. Come and join the fun if you like!
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    "Carbs alone don't make you fat. Overeating, sugars, salt, bad processed foods, etc all contribute. So cutting out carbs alone isn't going to work long term"

    I think you are right and wrong here. You are right that sugary and high processed foods are bad and if you bring those back in to your diet you will gain. But when you are low caring you are cutting out most sweets and processed foods. Most processed foods- frozen dinner, chips, ect- have a lot of carbs. So only getting them from fruits, vegetables and beans with the occasional "cheat" meal is a good long term plan. I'm not saying everyone should do it- but it works for many and it's not a temporary fix
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Well that must be because you haven't heard that without all those carbs our brains will lose function. The zombie apocalypse is coming and it's going to start with us!

    I am looking forward to Season 3 of The Walking Dead. ;)

    Yeah, interesting how even a Ketone is a form of sugar. ;)
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Well that must be because you haven't heard that without all those carbs our brains will lose function. The zombie apocalypse is coming and it's going to start with us!

    I am looking forward to Season 3 of The Walking Dead. ;)

    Yeah, interesting how even a Ketone is a form of sugar. ;)

    I should probably find some people my own age to hang out with instead of my teenage boys LOL
  • saintsfanatik
    saintsfanatik Posts: 68 Member
    Low Carber here!

    MFP is a great resource. Have you customized your goals here to match up with a low-carb/Ketogenic/Paleo/Atkins style diet?

    Wanna know what all of those are? Go to . That's an online board where you can get even more great info about low-carbing.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me!
  • ChinaDollTKP
    ChinaDollTKP Posts: 12 Member
    I am a very low carber 20g or less a day! (Medically supervised) I am new to MFP but not to losing the weight. Would love to add some friends for motivation and support!
  • saintsfanatik
    saintsfanatik Posts: 68 Member
    Do you feel better about yourself now that you've made someone else "look bad"?

    Okay, let me amend what I said to please some anonymous person. I dont think people should cut something completely out of their diet unless supervised by a professional. DERP

    Okay, now. The reaction from the previous guy was understandable. We low-carb eaters always get folks talking about how we're "extreme", that we are killing ourselves, that Atkins/Paleo/Keto are "crazy talk", etc. You probably didn't mean it that way. Drinks all around, people.

    Just like I wouldn't berate a diabetic for not eating the normal amount of sugars in the SAD (Standard American Diet, an apt acronym), people who have had struggles eating any other way and losing and keeping weight off and feeling better have suceeeded famously with low-carb. At the end of the day, I try to live by this saying here on MFP: I'll "do" me. You "do" you.

    I agree that one should not undertake this without a healthcare providers guidance...but then again, isn't that true of ANY diet or exercise regimen?
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    Low carb is what got rid of my diabetes. When I was at this same weight years ago I was still diabetic. Now I have normal HgbA1c on NO MEDS. Even my doctor was shocked at what difference cutting the carbs did. You can still eat everything with low carb, you just have to be very selective. The glycemic index is a good guide.
  • MsPetuniaPig
    MsPetuniaPig Posts: 74 Member

    i haven't dropped dead either, i was advised by a doctor to limit carbs for weightloss. my 1st week i lost 8 lbs.if it works dont knock it.

    WAHOO!!! GO YOU!
  • MsPetuniaPig
    MsPetuniaPig Posts: 74 Member
    No. And personally I dont think anyone should completely reduce/cut out a portion of their diet. Just stick within your calorie goals and try and switch up things to healthier choices. I still eat bread/tortillas/wraps most days and haven't dropped dead or stopped losing weight.

    Everybody has their own methods. What works for us, works for us... I haven't dropped dead either. Just sayin' :)

    i haven't dropped dead either, i was advised by a doctor to limit carbs for weightloss. my 1st week i lost 8 lbs.if it works dont knock it.

    My last "quote" didn't work.... Wanted to repost and make sure you got my congratulations on a job well done!!!!!
  • mrsweasley23
    mrsweasley23 Posts: 20 Member
    I am aiming for 20g carbs per day and have been doing thi for about six weeks. Love the food, feel great and my body shape is changing which is great!
  • jasonchance
    jasonchance Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, there is a lot of drama in this thread.

    I eat keto with 5%/20g of carbs a day, feel free to add me :)
  • intoxicnt
    intoxicnt Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a fellow Keto-er as well. It's working for me, it's a change I need, and I desperately want to avoid the complications I've seen diseases like Diabetes cause throughout my family - to me, this is a good way to keep myself healthy and happy.

    Also, feel free to add.
  • MIchelleH2027
    MIchelleH2027 Posts: 1,239 Member
    That would be me! Feel free to add me.
  • low carber here
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    yep, under 50g per day of carbs and I'm in the UK. Eating lots of oils and fats, naturally.

    The photo isn't me, it's a guy that nobody told about starvation mode ;-)

    Ha! I friggin laughed out loud on that one. I do love me the "OMG, I ate less than 2000 calories do you think I am in starvation mode" threads.