Who is reading "Fifty Shades of Grey" series?



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I was wondering what the fuss was about but I probably won't now.

    Bad writing, douche canoe male character and weak women? Not my cup of tea.

    Expansion/rip off of The Story of O
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    badly written porn for bored housewives,I sure hope none of you women have an issue with your hubbys watching porn because you are kind doing the same exact thing.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok, going a little out on a limb here, let me ask something....

    How many of you that belong to BDSM communities read that book and liked it?

    Here is why I ask.....

    I noticed it has a huge following already, and woman, in particular are loving it....it was even on DOC OZ

    However, within my BDSM community, and forums, people generally do not like it.....

    So, I am wondering, if to a 'vanilla' type, it is hot and exciting and new...

    But to a D or s type, it is poorly written and not so exciting....
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Ok, going a little out on a limb here, let me ask something....

    How many of you that belong to BDSM communities read that book and liked it?

    Here is why I ask.....

    I noticed it has a huge following already, and woman, in particular are loving it....it was even on DOC OZ

    However, within my BDSM community, and forums, people generally do not like it.....

    So, I am wondering, if to a 'vanilla' type, it is hot and exciting and new...

    But to a D or s type, it is poorly written and not so exciting....

    Or anyone with a "healthy" sex-life.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    I started one and couldn't finish. The writing is ridiculous. Just beyond bad. And I actually liked Twilight, so my standards are pretty low.

    Also, I cannot believe some women are attracted to Christian Grey. In any way whatsoever. He's a grade-A douche. No wonder so many women have horrible relationships if this is what they find appealing.

    It also confirmed to me that I am decidedly NOT into BDSM. Like, at all.

    Count me among the naysayers.

    I'm almost done with the first one and I can totally agree with this. The writing is quite redundant, but there's something about the story that keeps me hanging on. I HATE Christian and all his arragant control freak-ness, I would've kicked him in the nuts the minute he started tell Ana how to eat. BUT...I can't leave it alone because I KNOW he is just a train wreck and I need to know what his issues are! lol I do love the alpha male type, he is definitely more extreme than I could tolerate though. Ana annoys me too sometimes, but I will probably still read them all, just so I can know what happens. I don't think it's a bad story, but I don't really understand the level of hype it's getting.

    Also, they're making it a movie?! Will it be rated X? :laugh:
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Ok, going a little out on a limb here, let me ask something....

    How many of you that belong to BDSM communities read that book and liked it?

    Here is why I ask.....

    I noticed it has a huge following already, and woman, in particular are loving it....it was even on DOC OZ

    However, within my BDSM community, and forums, people generally do not like it.....

    So, I am wondering, if to a 'vanilla' type, it is hot and exciting and new...

    But to a D or s type, it is poorly written and not so exciting....

    I am not in the BDSM lifestyle however my lifestyle is hardly vanilla and I personally don't like it. I am a little more than halfway through it and I am finding it very boring and the sex is wicked vanilla.
  • patty43ck
    patty43ck Posts: 248 Member
    I just started reading but am finding it to be pretty cheesy! I prefer the Sookie Stackhouse novels or if you like the vampire stuff, JR Ward has some pretty good stuff! I guess it depends on what your fantasies are!
  • Gertie_Brinks
    Ok, going a little out on a limb here, let me ask something....

    How many of you that belong to BDSM communities read that book and liked it?

    Here is why I ask.....

    I noticed it has a huge following already, and woman, in particular are loving it....it was even on DOC OZ

    However, within my BDSM community, and forums, people generally do not like it.....

    So, I am wondering, if to a 'vanilla' type, it is hot and exciting and new...

    But to a D or s type, it is poorly written and not so exciting....

    I'm not vanilla but that's not why I didn't care for the book. It's pulp fiction.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Ok, going a little out on a limb here, let me ask something....

    How many of you that belong to BDSM communities read that book and liked it?

    Here is why I ask.....

    I noticed it has a huge following already, and woman, in particular are loving it....it was even on DOC OZ

    However, within my BDSM community, and forums, people generally do not like it.....

    So, I am wondering, if to a 'vanilla' type, it is hot and exciting and new...

    But to a D or s type, it is poorly written and not so exciting....

    At the risk of embarrassing myself, I'm going to be totally honest...

    At first, I HATED reading about BDSM. I found it border line abusive and I was very embarrassed and uncomfortable reading those parts. Mind you, I had never read or knew anything about the subject before reading this book.

    However, I found myself growing more comfortable with it as Ana did. I've been with my husband for several years, but I still find myself very shy when it comes to sex. So naturally, I related well to Ana in the beginning... but than thought she was coo-coo-for-cocoa-puffs-crazy for going along with his lifestyle. Now I'm not uncomfortable the idea at all and actually find myself feeling more confidant in this aspect of my real life. I doubt I would ever try a BDSM lifestyle myself, but I understand it now and can appreciate how and why it would appeal to others.

    Edited to add, the main problem I have with the book is how Ana kind of gets on my nerves and I have trouble not getting pissed with Christian being such a control freak tyrant.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Sorry, but I just think its terrible writing! All of the "flushing" and "gasping" and "jaws dropping open" had me screaming "Oh, for fu@k's sake!" more than once, and if I had to hear about her idiot "Inner Goddess" one more time, I was going to smash my Nook against the wall.

    I finished the first book, but can't stand the idea of reading more of the same bad writing. Somebody PLEASE give this "Author" a thesaurus.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I just started reading but am finding it to be pretty cheesy! I prefer the Sookie Stackhouse novels or if you like the vampire stuff, JR Ward has some pretty good stuff! I guess it depends on what your fantasies are!

    Loved both the sookie stackhouse series and JR Ward stuff .

    I'm on the 3rd book in the 50 shades series only because I'm a little OCD and once I start a series I have to finish. I have gotten to the point where I skim the sex scenes. I'm like.. blah blah blah, yada, yada... until i get back to the story. I'm all for a few nice steamy sex scenes in a book but good grief... every 5 pages they are back at it.
  • Mindywv2003
    Mindywv2003 Posts: 62 Member
    I totally agree with Mallory0418 ...
    and I'm almost finished with the 1st book and am hooked!

    they are in talkes of casting IAN SOMERHALDER from Vampire diaries who plays DAMON SALVATORE as Christian Grey

    perfect choice!!
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    *steps in carefully*

    I'm trying to get my wife to read these books as I've heard the husbands tend to reap the benefits. No luck yet.
  • Gertie_Brinks
    *steps in carefully*

    I'm trying to get my wife to read these books as I've heard the husbands tend to reap the benefits. No luck yet.

    good luck with that :happy:
  • Mindywv2003
    Mindywv2003 Posts: 62 Member
    hmmmm maybe thats why my hubby keeps asking me "honey gonna read some more of your book " with a smile :tongue: lol
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I am reading the first one right now. The writing is horrible and the story line a bit strange so far but it is engaging. If I can find the other two in the trilogy for free (like I did the first one) I will probably read those too.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    I read all 3. This first one was the most interesting to me. I did find myself skipping over the non sex parts to get to the sex parts, I picked up on how similar it was to Twilight which was annoying as hell to me. I also didn't like how it was made out to seem that Christain was only into the kinky stuff because he is "damaged". There's nothing wrong with liking it rough! All in all, I didn't really enjoy it. If I had to pick my "favorite" it would be the first book, just because it was interesting to learn a little about the bdsm lifestyle.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I started one and couldn't finish. The writing is ridiculous. Just beyond bad. And I actually liked Twilight, so my standards are pretty low.

    Also, I cannot believe some women are attracted to Christian Grey. In any way whatsoever. He's a grade-A douche. No wonder so many women have horrible relationships if this is what they find appealing.

    It also confirmed to me that I am decidedly NOT into BDSM. Like, at all.

    Count me among the naysayers.

    I'm almost done with the first one and I can totally agree with this. The writing is quite redundant, but there's something about the story that keeps me hanging on. I HATE Christian and all his arragant control freak-ness, I would've kicked him in the nuts the minute he started tell Ana how to eat. BUT...I can't leave it alone because I KNOW he is just a train wreck and I need to know what his issues are! lol I do love the alpha male type, he is definitely more extreme than I could tolerate though. Ana annoys me too sometimes, but I will probably still read them all, just so I can know what happens. I don't think it's a bad story, but I don't really understand the level of hype it's getting.

    Also, they're making it a movie?! Will it be rated X? :laugh:

    I heard someone somewhere (I can't remember) say that it was being adapted for HBO or Showtime. That would get around the whole sex issue. My mom loves Game of Thrones and she claims it's also pretty dang porny so...maybe they'll go the cable route.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Ok - curiousity got the better of me and I read the first one. I won't bother with the others. Seriously - Ana was so annoying. And Christian is no Dom. LOL

    Besides, how can you tell a halfway decent BDSM story through the eyes of a virgin who doesn't even *kitten* (but somehow manages to be a sex goddess and continually shock him). I mean, really? She used his toothbrush and that was supposedly something SHOCKING to him. And made him admire her? What?! It had great potential as an idea, but the execution is not worth the hype.