what do you reward yourself after losing weight?



  • A man! just being honest! :smile:

    lol! talk about a guilty pleasure!
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    new clothes that will fit better
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    Events are my big motivators. When I lose 20 pounds, I'm going to book a Disney cruise as a reward. We had already decided to go, but this is motivating me. After that, the cruise itself will be my motivation. No reward needed.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 318 Member
    I haven't set small goals, but I know I need to. As far as ultimate goal of 50 pounds, I am going to do a "professional photo shoot" for my fiance'. ;)
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    I've lost 34 pounds and I'm only 6 pounds away from my goal, so I decided to reward myself with a new car- a black 2012 Buick Verano! I love it! :love:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    with adventures that require me to use what I've been working so hard for.

    Right now Im saving to go to the grand canyon next year and hike down into that sucker and sleep on the side of the river at night by a campfire and a lil pup tent.

    be still my impatient heart
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    my mini goal rewards are built to scale, but all designed to keep me moving instead of allow me to sit an rest on my laurels.

    When I can deadlift 100 pounds Im getting myself a kettle bell.
    When I can do 10 boy pushups without stopping, I can get some weight gloves.
    When I can beat Joshua to the top of the rock climbing wall, I get lessons.
    When I can eat enough food each day to fll in the healthy calorie goal, I get an extra $25 to spend on healthy food on the next grocery day.
    If Ive used up all my clean gym clothes cause Ive been working out so much in a week- I get to treat myself to new threads for the gym.
    And reaching a certain amount of mileage on my running shoes automatically guarantees me new shoes- but thats mostly just necessary.

    I want a bike this summer, but Im not sure IM going to make that reward, I might just make it a purchase :D
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 229 Member
    I got this idea from a friend on here. I have bought a charm bracelet and have colored glass hearts. For every 5 pounds I lose I will add a heart to the bracelet!
  • yourpalacf
    yourpalacf Posts: 51 Member
    ive given myself a goal of 17 lbs to loose....every pound i loose is 2 dollars and every workout i do is 1 dollar...so 34 dollars from the pounds and if i work out 5 times a week...that is another 5 dollars...when ive reached my goal...i should have just over 100.00 to spend on gym cloth for sure ;)

    Ooooohh, I like this idea!
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    Sometimes its food
    Other times is more beauty and confidence related i.e haircut/new hairstyle or mani/pedi or massage etc...
  • RJC65
    RJC65 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm buying the Fitbit ultra tracker as my reward for losing 5% of my body weight. Will help to motivate me to move more.
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Flowers ... after 24 years of marriage, don't get them as often, so I treat myself when I have a week with a loss. You can't eat them, and they are there all week to remind me to stay on track! Love the fitness jar savings account idea ... think I'll start that too!
  • My husband promised to book me a solo trip to Europe. But I actually just want new, flattering dresses!
  • lorihaug
    lorihaug Posts: 3
    Anything non-food! Sometimes I buy myself a book or get a pedicure... something like that.
  • viser_haut
    viser_haut Posts: 97 Member
    Trying not to reward myself with food anymore, so, clothes it is! I've kind of fallen into the trap of buying clothes in advance though, hoping to fit into them :ohwell: new workout gear is ALWAYS a good idea though! :)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I get enough of a reward after feeling accomplishment and looking good in the mirror. :)
  • jpruder
    jpruder Posts: 19 Member
    I am all about a mani/pedi after I have busted my booty! I don't reward for losing pounds, but for having two good workout weeks in a row.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Not being so fat is reward enough for me...
  • I buy Living Social vouchers for massages, microderm abrasion, etc. and use one for every 5 or 10 lbs. The vouchers usually cost $10-$25 and are usually good for 3 months.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Clothes mainly.

    I took one weekend where I had pizza, beer & ice cream for dinner on Friday night.