What are you having for breakfast this morning??

RachFace1000 Posts: 154 Member
It's a lovely Saturday morning and I have more time to cook something delicious instead of eating just a grapefruit and cereal this morning (: What are you guys having?

Edit: Anyone have a healthy recipe for blueberry pancakes? I'll love you forever.


  • audreygonzy
    audreygonzy Posts: 169
    banana pancakes!:love:
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Went to the gym for an hour this morning for strength training, then hubs took me out for brekkers - had a Mediterranean omelet with roast tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, onions, zucchini and feta cheese with a side of onion and dill toast. :)
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    Egg white omelette with parmesan cheese, bacon, sliced pineapple and kiwi
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    nothing interesting ... turkey bacon, eggs, wheat toast
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    English muffin, 2 slices of center cut bacon, 2 poached egg yolks (I hate egg whites), navel orange. Bacon on english muffin, egg yolk broken over it all, yum!
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    Two cups of coffee (black), yogurt, and toast with homemade jelly
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I had this http://thingswemake.wordpress.com/2012/02/11/honey-cloud-pancakes/

    It is amazing. I could eat them all the time.
  • rcountrybrat
    I am having a hard boiled egg, 1 piece of 100% whole wheat toast, and jam, plus 1 orange sliced up
    PURDYPOWER Posts: 4 Member
    Chobani plain fat free yogurt and two hard boiled egg whites.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I was lazy so I had three hard boiled eggs and some coconut water after my workout.
  • RachFace1000
    RachFace1000 Posts: 154 Member
    I had this http://thingswemake.wordpress.com/2012/02/11/honey-cloud-pancakes/

    It is amazing. I could eat them all the time.

    oh my gosh, those sound simply amazing.
  • gstanley4
    gstanley4 Posts: 12 Member
    egg white omlette with spinach and onions. yum!
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    My Herbalife shake and some fresh blackberries.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Nothing exciting I had eggs and chorizo with 2 corn tortillas and coffee!
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    pancakes ..
    (if hubby every gets home / he had a meeting this morning)

    ETA: i am waiting on him, cuz he wanted to have breakfast together (something we only recently started on his days off , b4 we didn't eat till lunch)
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    I just had a medium coffee with skim milk & 1 pump of vanilla flavoring and kashi go lean cereal (dry). Borrrrringgg.
  • nomorewishing
    nomorewishing Posts: 250 Member
    Nothing, the only breakfast food that sounds good to me is too unhealthy. :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    2 poached eggs, a sandwich thin, coffee, and OJ. My fuel for the next 2.5 hours at the gym! :)
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    scrambled egg with chunky salsa and rye toast with butter
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Nothing. I don't usually eat breakfast and save my calories for later in the day. Intermittent faster.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition