Large Framed Women



  • Agarcia8587
    Agarcia8587 Posts: 15 Member
    Yayy!! Great group of women, I'm literary n tears I know how u all feel I'm sure we all understand eachother hope we all get to the weight we feel comfortable with. I also experienced the ankle bracelet thing never could buy one that fit lose, I'm stuck I feel ill never lose anything I see tge numbers n there so close 230 -> 190 but then sooo far .. my husband is all for it n my decision of losing some weight even though he says he likes the way I look I'm not comfortable. But he's made a comment about that ill never lose weight, I try so many x's n quit. But I'm gonna try this n hope it wrks. Add me need a lot motivation!
  • Agarcia8587
    Agarcia8587 Posts: 15 Member
    I feel the same way but we can do it especially with all these women that have a lot incommon with eachother.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Whoops! Didn't see this and started another thread over in the General section. Would love to join the group, please!
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 213 Member
    Interesting string...

    Should this be large framed women or perhaps women who are comfortable with curves?

    I know I have a so called "large frame" because doctors have told me so. I'm 5' 7", wear a men's extra large hat. My bone density is 10 higher than normal (even after menopause) and even when I was at my thinnest (a real size 6) with low BMI I weighed 150lbs. The doctor said I must be made of lead!
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    Can you invite me too please! I'm 5'7, I have a size 10 shoe and my hands are bigger than my b/f's who is 6'3. When I was prego and meeting my doc for the first time he asked me to hold out my hands and he stepped back and said "Woah!" I can totally relate to looking 10-15lbs lighter than I really am which I guess isn't really a bad thing ; )
  • nikkifk
    nikkifk Posts: 48 Member
    I'd like in on this group please!
    I'm 5'6 and have always been heavier than I look because I carry my weight evenly spread all over. I have a big frame but my goal is to be healthy rather than skinny, so my goal is 190 and then we'll see how it goes.
  • CawfeeLuv
    CawfeeLuv Posts: 18
    I am 5'1, but my goal is 150 for now because much smaller and I look like a bag of bones.
  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    I would love to join! I'm 5'7 and am more aiming to be a Christina Hendricks then a Victoria Beckham as my goal, if you know what I mean :)
    I've only started MFP recently but I'm in it for the long haul, for myself and for my daughter who's got exactly the same frame I have. I want to set her a good example so she knows she can still dress and look great even if we are tall and have wide hips.
    I'm aiming to be healthy rather then skinny or muscular, and find that fad diets are not really sustainable for me, so I'm going for a "slow and steady wins the race" type of approach. It would be great to find other women with similar goals.
  • I would also call myself "large framed" at 5'8". I hit my goal weight of 148 last February from a high of 261. Then I focused on stopping smoking an gained 25 pounds. It's been a year ago today that I stopped smoking to the benefit of both my husband and myself. I'm stable of 166, and while I'd like to lose some more I only have a 28" waist - so the pounds are somewhere. (Unfortunately, I admit I miss my breasts the most =(. )

    The scale is only a number, don't let it define who you are or where you want to be.Strive to be healthy and happy - everything else will fall into place.
  • sandylion
    sandylion Posts: 451 Member
    I think this is great! I'm a large frame and tall. People usually estimate my weight to be 150lbs and almost fall over when I tell them (previously) I weighed 200lbs or more! Currently I'm checkin' in at 83kg, My goal weight is 78kg, And we'll see if I get there or not. I would jus love to be in the "Healthy Range" BMI cause I've never been there!

    I also love food, have a treat every day or I loose it and eat everything I see, and really, really don't believe in eating less then like... 1600 or 1800 calories a day. I am pretty active thought.

    I would just love to be in your group!
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    I so want to be in this group. I am five foot three, have broad shoulder and baby making hips. I currently weigh 232 and my "goal weight is 145. Not sure if I will go that low or not. A few years ago, and two full term pregnancies I was 167 and happy. So we will see how things go.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am probably just shaped odd. Or I just have more muscle than average. Based on the wrist size measurement I have a small to medium frame (my fingers overlap a bit around my wrists, and I have small hands). But in reality, my calves won't get smaller than ~15 inches. I'm built a little more solid than average. I have big arms, big thighs with muscle.

    My goal weight is 165ish (size 8-10). I don't really care about the scale, so once I have my goal "look" I'll be done. I have played around with some body fat calculators. And I am sure they aren't perfectly accurate, but the guestimate is that my lean body mass is about 130-140 pounds.....I'd love to get a real test to confirm.

    I topped out in size at 18W/20 at 250. I am down a little over 30 pounds to date...and hoping to break into onderland and size 14 this at the end of may or mid June. I'd love to join you guys.....
  • maritza327
    maritza327 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All,

    I am a large framed girl. I am 5'6" currently 220lbs. All through HS I maintained my weight at 170-180lbs, was extremely active, playing various sports. I still remember me getting my last physical with my pediatrician (20 yrs ago) before going off to college and him asking me where I packed all the weight away since I did weigh what I looked like...LOL Bless his heart!

    I went through 2 major sports injuries that required surgery and had gone up to 230lbs from limited activity. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes by way of DKA (Diabetic ketoacidosis - by body had stopped producing insulin, became acidic and the side effect of DKA is losing weight). For the year up to my diagnosis, I was eating healthy and excising. I was able to get down to 153lbs and into a size 8/10 -- some would thing great....NOOOOO. I looked horribly anorexic -- my rib cage and collar bone were pretending, my face was gaunt. I had to start sleeping with a pillow between my legs because my knees would hurt during the night from them touching each other.

    I have just lost 16lbs, currently 220lbs, and can already see my collar bone and when I lay down, by hip bone sticks out. My goal is to get down to what I was in HS....170-180lbs. There is such a thing as big boned!! LOL
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    well today is going great, I really didnt want to work out but I made myself anyways!!! Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
  • boringdanielle
    boringdanielle Posts: 43 Member
    Hello!!! I am 5ft9 and weigh 246. I would love to also get to 170, but right now 200 would be excellent! I am also large boned. I have been so mot motivated lately and have got to get with the program. I would love to join also!!
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    HeaterM, AWESOME! I have found accountability is helping me be more aware of my food choices. Hoping that once I am released to start exercise, I will be more likely to do it cause if not I have to admit I was too lazy to do it!

    boringdanielle, I will add you
  • Agarcia8587
    Agarcia8587 Posts: 15 Member
    Ok so since I put my calorie intake higher last Sunday iv lost a couple lbs that I gained eating 1360 cal. happy today I weight myself Mondays last wk 230 today 227.eatin 1563 -1700 (bmr 1783 ) So its working!
  • tat2dmrsgrimm
    tat2dmrsgrimm Posts: 226 Member
    Ok so since I put my calorie intake higher last Sunday iv lost a couple lbs that I gained eating 1360 cal. happy today I weight myself Mondays last wk 230 today 227.eatin 1563 -1700 (bmr 1783 ) So its working!

    Good job! I eat almost 2000 calories a day to be honest. It asked me today when I weighed in if I wanted to recalculate and I told it to bleep off. As long as I continue to lose weight at 1970 calories a day, I will eat that. (Usually I am anywhere from 1750 to right at 1970) If I think I am too low, I eat some cottage cheese before bed or a handful of nuts.
  • sherri33s
    sherri33s Posts: 104 Member
    Dont quit. I get upset also cause I dont think I am losing enough. I did not gain all my weight over night so I try to remember I cant loss it that fast. I am not trying just to fix my weight but also myself. I started lossing when I started exercising.
  • sherri33s
    sherri33s Posts: 104 Member
    I would like to join. I am 5'8 SW 280 CW 266 Goal is to see under 200. Wish everyone good luck