40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Wow - that Oprah's life class sounds FANTASTIC! (And, so do your runs....marathons I don't get, but 4-6 mile runs I do, lol!)

    No work-out for me, today. And, I'm doing a lower calorie day, today, to try and see if zig-zagging my calories helps me break this plateau! So far, so good.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    sdereski: The Oprah class sounds like it was great experience.

    So I signed up for the Disney World Wine & Dine Half Marathon in November. The last time I ran a half was 19 years ago so there's going to be some training needed. It'll be interesting to see how I do as a 45-year old compared to being a 26-year old. Back then, I ran a lot but didn't "train". I even ran that last one with 2 hours of sleep due to being at a concert in Tijuana the night before, and still ran it in under 2 hours. Recklessness of youth I guess.

    At the least, this one should be fun because of the location. It takes place at night (starting time 10 pm) and goes through two parks (Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios) before finishing up at Epcot for a special after hours admission to the Food & Wine Festival.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Yes, the class was a wonderful experience. Thanks all.

    Beeps, I need some of your discipline when it comes to eating! I get so frustrated with myself...why do I continually sabotage my efforts. Work out hard, only to eat it all back! :grumble:

    I did some P90X workouts today - shoulders & arms and ab ripper. Hopefully I will get to the gym for some strength training tomorrow and a short run.

    Hamncheese - that run sounds so FUN! I would love to do a night time run...I always run better in the evenings. I'm sure you will do just fine at 45...with training of course. :wink:
    It's amazing what we can do in our youth, but we do get WISER as we get OLDER, and for that, I am Grateful! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Aaaaahhhhh, sdereski - don't use me as a model of 'discipline'. For whatever reason, some "discipline" comes more naturally, to me, and other areas, I'm all over the map.

    I've simply decided to get MUCH stricter with my nutrition plan. I'm not getting the results that I want and I KNOW it's 100% because of what I put in my mouth. So, I simply have to work with the "D" word = diet. That, for me, means certain foods are just off-limits. Period. I can't have 'one bite" of them. I can't have a "smaller portion". They just have to be OFF THE LIST.

    I can re-guage in 10 weeks as to how it went....I'm pretty sure it will have gone well!

    anyway, today is a heavy lifting day, so I'll make sure to get all my protein in!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all!

    Kool kidz are being quiet these days.

    During Monday's workout I felt some pain in my right glut while doing weighted squats. Last year I struggled with a piriformis injury in my left glut. I was so upset as it hurt everytime I walked.
    Thankfully Tuesday it felt better and was able to do my run. It was only 4 miles and by 3 miles I could feel "something". Not pain, but I knew there was something not right on that side.
    Am going to see my chiro on Friday jsut to make sure all is okay to run on Sunday! I struggled a long time with my injury last year - I cannot afford ANY injuries this year as I have registered for several runs already, one being my Ultra.

    Well, Beeps, I gotta do something about this eating. I usually weigh myself every day, as it keeps me in check. I didn't weigh myself at all this week until this morning and all I can say is AAGGHH!!! :sad: It sure doesn't take much for me to creep up. SO! Thougth I would do a fast today...but no, couldn't do it. :grumble:
    I need something to shake me up!

    Hope you are all doing well.:flowerforyou:
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Once again it took me a while to check in but I see I'm not the only one. Just have had a lot going on. Father-in-law in and out of hospital not doing well at all, putting a lot of stress on my husband who is already stressed because he is so busy at work right now. School/band events with my daughter (who is a senior....yikes!), helping my 21 year old out with things he needs help with, etc., etc., etc., I'm sure you all know how it goes!! My eating hasn't been as well. I have no problem breakfast & lunch and doing okay dinners but seem to have been needing wine at night to relax, and sometimes snacking to go with it, which then blows it for the day. At least I'm still trying to get my workouts in.

    Have a busy but fun weekend coming up...daughter's drumline made the finals so have to leave 5:30 tomorrow morning to drive a couple hours north for that, but then after her performance taking her and a friend and my mom to Disneyland to celebrate my daughter's birthday. It will be fun to just do whatever we want! I know my daughter wants to spend part of the time with us because she loves watching her grandma scream on rides :noway: and part of the time the two girls will want to be on their own so Mom and I can check out what we want (like the Tiki Bar at the Dland Hotel) :drinker: At least I will be walking a lot.

    Hope you're all well and have a good weekend. I enjoy reading how you all do with your activities.

    Take care
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Forgot to say....hamandcheese the Disney World Wine & Dine Half Marathon will be awesome! You're gonna have a great time doing that at night. In January I ran a 5k inside Disneyland at 10:30 at night and loved running through there when the regular crowd was gone. Laughed when I read you ran one the morning after a concert in Tijuana :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    sder - I think being "injury-free" is key....good for you for monitoring the situation very closely. On the diet front, there's always tomorrow, right??

    mary - disneyland on the weekend....just driving on up....sounds AWESOME!! [jealous] Have fun!!

    I have had a VERY good week. My nutrition plan has gone 100% according to what I wanted. This zig-zagging thing is fun, easy, and, for whatever reason, my body is responding to it right now. Doesn't mean it won't "crash-and-burn" by week 10, but, for week 1, all is well with the world.

    I felt "hunger pains" on only 2 occasions...thankfully I chewed gum and drank water until they went away. I haven't had any headaches. And, for whatever reason, I haven't felt like snacking, at night, at ALL....that is the BIGGEST bonus, of all!

    I did step on the scale and was down nearly 5 lbs....so, yes, the water weight flushed away! Good enough. Now, to tackle the REAL STUFF - slowly, but surely. I'll be happy with 1/4 lb. per week. 1/2 lb. a week would be AMAZING (but unrealistic). Should work out just fine.

    And, my work-outs have been right-on-track. No complaints. I lifted heavy today and I don't do that, again, until Monday. Which is probably good - I think my body can use that extra day of rest. Tomorrow will be cardio and I'll try and squish in a HIIT/abs/stretching session on Sunday.

    have a great weekend all you 40+ people!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone: Sounds like everyone is busy busy busy! :bigsmile: I'm finshing week 3 of my triathlon training. sdereski it is just a Sprint Tri (500yd swim, 12.5mi bike and 5K run) it made my day to think you thought I might do a half iron man or something....uh...no! :blushing: Good news and bad on that front, the training is going really well, no injuries and although I'm sore and muscles are tired I'm doing fine..also have lost serious inches :drinker: but ALAS....no weight! :devil: Am fluctuating up and down about 2lbs and praying it is muscle gain but come on......:grumble: Still eating well, am hanging at about 1400c a day with an easy 400-600c defic most days and some days as high as 900c. Had a huge carb craving 2 days ago and did go ahead and feed it without going crazy (whole grains mostly) and it went away. Also recommited to my water intake will look at my protein level as well. Lastly, I went to a running store here and got my very first pair of actual running shoes.....I feel like a million bucks and can't wai to run it them..as a matter of fact I added a run into my workout today just so that I could try them! That's not like me....but then again...maybe it IS like me...now! :happy: That's all from me! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Congrats on losing inches, crewell....I think that's way more important, anyway (than weight!) - triathlon training sounds pretty brutal (a guy in my office is in a 6-month training program....he's just finished month 4 of training - and he looks great!).

    I had WAY too busy of a weekend and it flew by. I don't feel "rested". I caved into late-night snacking last night. Booooo. Now, it was only the 4th time this month, but still. I slept horribly and now have terribly tummy bloat. Blech.

    Today is a weight-lifting day and I'm hoping to make today and tomorrow lower calorie days since I'm heading into month-end photos and measurements.
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just saw Dr. Oz! He was part of a presentation for California state workers promoting healthy habits in the workplace. He spoke, along with state Controller John Chiang and state Treasurer Bill Lockyer (my boss), about how getting healthier will greatly reduce the cost of health insurance and save our state money. I got a pretty good picture of him, but dangit, I dont have the USB cable for my camera with me!

    Whether or not you like Dr. Oz, at least he sends a positive message about getting healthy and PREVENTING things such as diabetes and obesity. It certainly couldn't hurt. :smile:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Jen. I'm a mother of 2 children. My son has numerous anaphylactic allergies(peanut, egg, sesame and chickpea) which makes eating healthy somewhat difficult. And confession, I'm not quite 40 but I will be in July, I hope you don't mind me jumping aboard.? I've been a member of MFP for a couple of years now and done quite well. At one point I lost 40lbs! THis year I've gained back over 15 of those pounds and I'm trying to shed them before summer. I've recently joined a running group. I've been able to to run on the treadmill but had some difficulty transferring it to outside. This running group seems like it will helpmotivate me and get me moving again. I need a good group of people in my age bracket for more motivation so here I am! THis week, my goals are to run on my own on Tues and Thurs and do my running group on Saturday. I've also started a morning regimen of jumping jacks, sit ups, wall sits and some arm exercises. (Darn arm fat! Where did that come from?!?!?!) Anyways, that's me, glad to have found the group.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    tladame - a glimpse of Dr. Oz sounds pretty darned cool....yay for you!

    ferf - I'm glad you "jumped the gun" and came on over, even if you're "shy" of 40....time will move so quickly, you'll be 40 soon, anyhow! I have a number of friends who have children with severe food allergies - it's difficult, for them, for sure....so, must be for you, too. We have LOTS of allergies in our family, but none are food-borne, thank goodness.

    I've got one more work-out in Stage 4 of NROL4W and then it's onto Stage 5. Holy smokes....time really IS ticking right on by!!
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Ran and biked today for a total calorie burn of 1230c! Ran 8 minutes straight which for me is a big deal. My new running shoes are weird. They make my toes fall asleep when I'm about 7 or 8 miles into my bike but otherwise they seem OK. Maybe a bit too cushy I kinda can't feel the road....but my knees really seem to like them, so we'll see. I'm also running in them right off the bike and haven't just run in them when I'm fresh so I wonder if that would make a difference? Ate well today, tomorrow is wt lifting and 1000yard swim. My little girl has a soccor game tomorrow so will get swimming out of the way at 6am and then just have wts after she is in bed. Hope everyone is doing well, have a great week. :flowerforyou:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! You all sound so motivated and set into good routines. I think thatk's my problem, I havn't established a good fitness routine. hmmm... anyways, today looks like it will be a good day for run here, After walking to work and my run it will be BIggest Loser finale. I teach preschool (ages 2-4years) and I think I may start an exercise routine with them each morning. That way, I get a little more exercise in each day. :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Gack, I re-injured (for the 3rd time) my left shoulder/neck/back thing-y....in my sleep last night. Mind you, I did push-ups, yesterday, and it was the push-ups that caused the injury the 2nd time round. This injury isn't as bad as the 2nd time round (and SERIOUSLY diminshed from the 1st time round)....but, shoulder-checking is tough (again!) and I'm taking Advil.

    I'm in week 2 of a 10-week challenge. It's May 1, so I *really* want to be ON FIRE in May and again in June.

    I'm going to try to add in some walks (outdoors!! Imagine that....) in the evenings to just get a few more calories burned.
  • KimCain
    KimCain Posts: 7 Member
    I want to be a Cool Kid!! Soooo, I kinda sorta made a profile at myfitnesspal some time ago and promptly ditched it. At this point don't even remember why. But I'm here and got my game face on. Might I join you lovely folks? :flowerforyou:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Sure! It'll be good to have some company in here....it's tough to chat with myself, lol.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all!

    Checking in from sunny, but cool California.

    So, I ran my marathon on Sunday. It was the most beautiful marathon I have ever run, and also the toughest! The hills were incredible! Although hilly, foggy and hang on to your hat windy at times, I was feeling great and running really well. At about mile 20, I started to cramp up...feet, calves, quads. Everything was firing at once. I have never had that before, and could not understand what was going on. I don't know if it was the hills that did it, or lack of sodium or potassium. I don't know. Because it was foggy and windy, I may have been fooled into thinking that I wasn't thirsty. I did drink, but maybe not enough. Did start drinking more Gatorade, but at that point, it was too late. I ended up walking much of the last miles, which totally blew my time off. Official finish time....4:50:16. Under 5 hours, so was pleased....but I keep thinking how good I was doing. Other than those cramps, I was feeling great. :happy:

    Yesterday, thought I would rent a bike and ride the 17 mile hwy. :laugh: Weellll, little did I know that when I headed out, would be riding a long time. A LONG time. Got lost, rode up and down and up again....:tongue: finally figured it out and headed back for about 5 hours of cycling. My legs felt great! Thank goodness!!! It was when I got OFF the bike, I would have a difficult time.
    We had lunch on the 18th hole at Pebble Beach. So, so lovely! When I win the lottery :wink: I am going to take my sons there to golf.

    The coolest thing happened while there...we were watching the golfers on #18 when the young man got down on his knee and proposed to his g/f! We were wondering "who" they were as someone was taking pics, and a waiter was bringing out champagne, whe the young man did this. Very well planned on his part. It obviously worked as she said "yes". We all clapped, and have to admit, I got a little choked up. I have no idea who they were, but it sure was cool.

    Have another full day left in California. :happy:

    Welcome ferf and KimCain. :flowerforyou:

    Crewell, good job on our tri training! Hope you like the new shoes.

    Beeps, you are so disciplined! I have a tough time imaginng you having the late night munchies. I know the feeling all too well. :tongue:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    sderedki: Congrats on running the marathon and that awesome bike ride too! Amazing! My goals seem much lower than most of the people on this board. I'll be happy if I can run a 5k summer! :wink: Well...here's to another day everyone! :drinker: Cheers!