WTF is wrong with me



  • Amymarie19715
    I understand what your saying because I have been there. First of all I would not have junk food in the house. If you do want to buy treats for your kids buy treats that you dont like. It may seem unfair to not buy treats for them but really its important for our kids to eat healthy to. Second how about allowing yourself one day a week to have a treat. If its planned you are able to have a treat but control when and how much and that might make you feel better. I was also told by someone else that she had this urge to eat alot every night and she didnt knoiw why. She cut down on her carbs and that helped her. I hope this helps you!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Maybe you would just like to taste the food?
    Alot of the time i find myself eating just because i want to taste it.

    So very true! I think it has to do with our tastebuds. They are just lookin for something really good to spark and say surprise. But in the end we get disappointed cause there was no fireworks and we keep eating to get that satisfaction.

    Your not alone!
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    The more you beat yourself down the harder it is to pick yourself up.

    All the posts above are positive affirmations that it is not unusual to have one plus of those days.

    If you are concerned about this behavior, ban those types of food from your home, fair or unfair to your kids. They'll survive.

    You are a success story. Don't knock it.
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member

    My househould does not have that junk. People love snacks, but I will make a healthy brownie. And i cook the brownies in muffin pans so that they are already measured out and i know i can have one... and if i'm really feeling hungry i'll have two. I make my brownies with yogurt or apple sauce and NOT butter / oils / eggs.

    I'm not trying to hijack, but I'm interested in this recipe! :) I've been slowly adapting my children's diet to be more healthful. It was never shockingly bad before, but I am always looking for ways to help them develop good habits.

    Would you mind sharing this recipe or telling me where I could find it?! THANKS SO MUCH! :flowerforyou:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Some triggers can be simple. Boredom and loneliness are two big triggers for me. Also seeing and smelling certain foods. I am not one to believe in never having any "bad" food ever again, but for those of us who have over-eating issues serious enough to have been obese, there may be foods you simply cannot have in the house. At all.

    Crackers. Cannot have crackers in the house. That may be a sign of weakness, but I'd rather acknowledge the weakness and act on it than ignore it and have cracker binges.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I think you should celebrate your progress! And instead of having a binge why not allow for yourself to have the treats during the day. I personally LOVE tootsie rolls, so I get the little tiny ones and I can have 13 for 140 calories. Yes there's still alot of sugar and yes that is more cals than my typical snack but it tastes good, satisfies my cravings and I move on from it! :)
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    "sometimes I think weight loss would be so much easier if I didn't let the kids have any junk food in the house but I don't know if that's fair"

    of course its fair. they should eat healthy foods too! my kids snacks are things like applesauce and crackers. dad gets oreos and stuff like that every now and again and the kids will have some but def dont buy stuff like that every week and they never even ask for it anymore! they want good stuff like fruits and cheese now for their snacks. i say replace it with healthy snacks and you can start to feel like you struggle less because its not readily handy in the house.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,547 Member
    Personally I "cheat" everyday. There's always something in my daily regimen that's "junk", but that's in conjunction with all the "good" stuff I eat. For instance yesterday it was a large Mango Frutista from Taco Bell. Today, it will probably be a small bag of chips with my sandwich for lunch.
    I've found that if I "cheat" everyday, I never feel deprived and binges don't usually happen..........................unless of course you throw chocolate covered almonds in front of me! Other than that, it's okay to eat some "bad" food as long as you account for the calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    I completely get the bingeing problem, I always ate relatively healthy except for when I ate treats and it was like I just couldn't stop eating them when I started. Now I portion little bits out for myself. What I have been doing is after super if I have 100 calories or so left over I have a treat, but I do the math and make sure it is exactly the same as how many calories I have left for the day. I know this is easier said than done sometimes, but if I don't let myself have little treats on a regular basis, I will sit down and eat a huge bag of candy, or a pack of licorice. I have learned I can't deprive myself of anything, I just have to learn to eat it in moderation. Something I also do is eat slower. I have learned that if I pay attention to tasting treats, then I realize that generally it's the first few bites that are the very best. If you're conscious about the calories in it, I find it makes it harder to binge.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Keep in mind a small indulgence in something tastey is not cheating, it's choosing to nourish your mental health ;)

    I posted that on my status yesterday. Sounds like something you could do a little more often to prevent a 'binge' - just a small treat here and there to keep you sane and on point the majority of the time.

    Good luck ;)
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • irishcanadianwoman
    I know what is are human!
    63 lbs down is great. Slow and steady with exercise is great. Being so hard on yourself is not so great. Would you let your friends talk to you like that??? Of course not.
    I would eat a lot more junk if it was in the house. I could not binge only every couple of weeks if that stuff was in my house. I'd eat it all in 10 minutes! It is easier for me to not have junk food at home because my kids are grown up.
    Maybe you do this already, but I have found that keeping a fruit bowl on the counter and a container in the fridge full of prepared veggies (washed and sliced and ready to eat) gives me something to go to when I must eat. It would also be a great example to your kids. Or, what if you kept treats that the kids like and that you don't?
    Also, try to think that junk food is lousy fuel for your body anyway. It is not all about calories and weight, but health too.
    You are doing great.
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    I had a big one yesterday I didnt even log and felt like *kitten* last night and feel like crap this morning...lets get back on this wagon and keep on truckin no time to feel sorry for ourselves it happens...lets just focus on being better today and take it from there...
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    It has taken me 7 years to lose 70 lbs… that's 10 lbs a year, lol! These things take time. I'm still not at my goal, but it is just around the corner. There is nothing wrong with cheating every once in a while. I also don't think there is anything wrong with taking the junk out of the house, though. It will certainly lessen your temptations. I won't let ice-cream pass the threshold of my house.
  • Kasey057
    Kasey057 Posts: 1
    You're a definetly not alone...I love food!! I'm short so weight shows on me a lot...but I changed my diet and I'm 13 lbs from my goal now. I'm not going to lie...I did have help...I take Adderall twice a day for ADHD...I use to take it, and when I lost my insurance, I couldn't afford it. Now that I have insurance and can afford it, the dr. put me back on it. Its not to be used lightlty, you may have to force yourself to eat if you have never taken it, but if you take it....make sure that you are eating healthy and is just an aide. It may help....I am by no means pushing taking medication, but this may be an option to give you a jump start and help you learn to eat less and healthier
  • 2cherryblossoms
    2cherryblossoms Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Escarda,

    I do the same thing myself especially when I'm reaching a specific goal and I ask myself the same question. I know that sometimes for me it could be the fear of success - sounds crazy I know. I've always been heavy and that's what I know even though I truly want to lose the weight. Also, the junk food is easy to get to, you don't have to prepare or cook it and it tastes good. I have to decide what I want more. I don't have any kids so I don't have to worry about them asking for it; kids can make it harder. I know you didn't want any advice but have you thought about getting the smaller single serving bags instead of the large family packs so if you just ate one bag every other night you would stay within your calorie range and you wouldn't feel so guilty. If you do that, the trick is to eat just one bag and not several - I've done that before. BJs has the variety pack of single servings chips. Sam's club might have them too.

    Good luck to you and I hope you get a handle on it soon.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I think that happens to the best of us. Maybe try allowing yourself a treat on your weight day weekly. That is what I do. I get a guilt free treat on weigh day every week. I don't feel bad or dwell on it if I go over that day. In doing so I don't have the binge cravings that I used to have.

    Lil Note: I was skinny until my parents divorced when I was 11. My parents NEVER had snacks or soda in the house. And my best friends family had tons. Becuase my parents were divorcing I spent a lot of time at this friend's house, and the emotional eater in me emerged. I gorged myself on treats and soda, and got huge. So after that I either binged or starved myself, it was never a happy medium. So after years of struggling with emotional eating, allowing myself that treat, gives me a slight cheat treat and I don't have the need to binge anymore.

    It may not work for you, but it has so far for me in the past few months of my new way of living. I hope it helps though. Good Luck! and BTW 65 lb loss! Go You!
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I think this is where if you deny yourself little pleasures every day then you finally break and binge. I know a doc who has lost a ton of weight and he says he has a piece of candy every day but it is ONE PIECE. He will eat a Snickers Mini or something like that. I have started doing that and I have noticed it keeps me from downing 5 oreos at once or something like that. Maybe you need to build in a little treat every day that is 50 calories or so. Then, if you don't have one on a certain day maybe you can have two the next day. But remember, YOU ARE HUMAN. Don't beat yourself up. Keep searching for the answer and then correct it. You are already on that path since you are asking for help and looking for answers.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    You justified having Cheez Its and Tootsie Rolls because your kids need the junk food. Your kids DO NOT need junk food. What's not fair is that you haven't found healthy alternatives that they could love too. You are setting them up for bad eating habits by having foods like this in the house. So not only are you allowing trigger foods that set you off / but you are allowing yourself to give harmful food to your kids.

    Instead of Cheez It's and Tootsie Rolls why don't you find other healthy snack alternatives that you and your family can enjoy. Natural / Organic ones that do not have preservatives and are processed junk.

    Once you get the junk out of your house you will have less of a binge issue.

    Hell, if I had pizza sitting around my house 7 days a week you'd bet your *kitten* I'd be eating it or wanting to. But I choose not to have it in front of me because i'll want to eat it.

    My househould does not have that junk. People love snacks, but I will make a healthy brownie. And i cook the brownies in muffin pans so that they are already measured out and i know i can have one... and if i'm really feeling hungry i'll have two. I make my brownies with yogurt or apple sauce and NOT butter / oils / eggs.

    You need to stop telling yourself you are struggling struggling struggling. Same old story you are telling yourself. Move on. Be someone different. Be strong. Be happy with your progress. Stop complaining about your failures!!!

    good luck.

    Wow! What a great response... I hope you don't take offense to what she said and really take her advice. I know I'M going to!! :)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    All I have to say in this matter is I do not feel it is fair TO FEED A CHILD JUNK FOOD. Then they have to re learn how to eat later in life because they were raised on the crap?

    Your children to not need junk food, as a matter of fact, I have seen with my own eyes children behave better when they do not eat all that junk. I also know that some parents I know that do not allow it in the house use going out for dessert as a very special occasion.

    You are not doing your children any favors by feeding them junk. There are plenty of healthy snack alternatives that you can feed your kids, and then you will not feel so guilty about eating some of those.