anyone with 100lbs to lose??



  • cindy235
    cindy235 Posts: 8 Member
    I have more than a 100lbs to lose so add me..;)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Just wanted to add: stick with you, you all - you can do it! I'm down 107 since last June. It is possible :)
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi There, Started here Oct. 2011. 76 lbs Gone, 76 lbs to Go... Add me and we can help
    each other...Olive.
  • DropsOJupiter
    DropsOJupiter Posts: 131
    Hi all! I just wanted to encourage you all that this is a "YES I CAN" place! A few years ago, I needed to lose over 100 pounds. Currently still working on those last 20 or so pounds. What I found helpful was to break it up into smaller goals...5 or 10 pounds at a time. To think of 100 pounds was overwhelming but 10 was attainable. Then I'd celebrate by indulging myself in a NON-FOOD item, like a new purse, shoes. Also, don't think of this as a diet but as a way you CHOOSE to eat to be healthy. If you can't exercise for more than 5 minutes, then that is okay as we all had to start somewhere. (I personally thought exercise was walking from my living room to my car!) Just take one more step, one more squat, one more lap, one more whatever and build up. I know you can do it! :)
  • I'm in :)
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    feel free to add 196 to lose and need support
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I have about 150 I want to lose. I'm ready emotionally to have kids, but not physically, and don't want to put it off anymore. I'm 26, my husband is gonna be 33. I don't want him to wait any longer. I don't want him to be in his 50s or 60s when our kids graduate high school. It's not fair to him. I think I waited a long time to get my life started, but he's waited longer. The only thing holding us back is me and my weight and eating issues. Have joined a program at work and start it next week. Praying this is the end of my overweight journey and the start of my new life.
  • My start weight back in December was 242 and I lost 17 lbs on my own, without any real support. Then I gained 10 back in a matter of a few weeks in April. I just joined MFP yesterday because I refuse to remain obese and I admit I need a community to help me overcome it.
    I will take as many friends on here as I can get who are positive and uplifting yet won't judge me in my times of weakness. I need an army to help me win this war! =)
  • Presley0381
    Presley0381 Posts: 88
    I do ; ) Anyone feel free to add me! I love the support I've gotten from this site!!
  • I am trying to get to 200 from 297... any support would be great!
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Yep, I'm looking to loose another 120 lbs or so. Maybe more, but we'll see when I get down there. :) Feel free to add me!
  • LooneyBruni
    LooneyBruni Posts: 52 Member
    Hi y'all!!!! I have lost over 20 pounds since February. Tuesday is my weigh in day...

    I still have 60 more pounds to go before my wedding on November.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    I started at 268. I'm down to 200. My goal is 168 but supposedly I should be under 155. I'll be happy with 168 or below. So 32 lbs to go. I'd be happy to "support" you and anyone else looking to lose. I try really hard to stay upbeat and supportive because I know this can be such a struggle. Feel free to add me.
  • grannyfunk
    grannyfunk Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I have 100 pds to lose, started at 125 pounds to lose, I would be glad to be anyone's friends who will be there when I or you have a bad day so please add me! It is so hard. I try and walk 3 to 4 times a week. One of my biggest problem is I don't eat vegtable, there yucky!
  • niecyc23
    niecyc23 Posts: 402
    Hello there I have 100 pds to lose this will be a journey but we can do it :smile:
  • stacygb
    stacygb Posts: 69 Member
    I would love to be friends with anyone. I started in the 300's and I am almost half way to my goal.
  • dat6308
    dat6308 Posts: 3
    yep me
  • dat6308
    dat6308 Posts: 3
    how do we be friends
  • loen29
    loen29 Posts: 1
    I started needing to loose 98 lbs, i'm down 10.6 lbs so far! Only 87 more! Please add me! i need the support!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    When I started in December, I had 123lbs to lose. Now I have 61 left. Feel free to add me if you want though. :)