30 Day Shred.....Lets Support Each Other!

Sooo I weighed myself this morning, took all my measurements lastnight including before pics ready for today, the BIG day, the start of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred!
I did the dvd this morning & my god did it kill me, I thought I was quiet fit until doing this BUT it made me feel good when I completed the workout.
Lets support each other & give motivation to reach our goals.
Once completed I will put up before & after results (hopefully you will too)
Good Luck Everyone :o)


  • mozza77
    mozza77 Posts: 5 Member
    Snap! :smile:

    I train 4 times a week already in similar style but for some reason it was harder! Maybe cos it was at 7am???

    Need to shift another 10 pounds asap so am super motivated now....lets see what happens by the end of the 30 days of fun!!!

    Good luck!
  • Lnorris91
    Lnorris91 Posts: 3
    Im also on my 1st day of the 30 day shred. It killed me this morning and my legs still feel like jelly but so worth it in the end :)!! Good luck to everyone doing it! I think we should keep visiting this topic to help us through it! We can do together!
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    Me too 1st day today pheweeee!!

    Like you I thought I was fit with zumba, running, lifting and looking after my horses, but I had to put my weights down on the side lunge/lifts and have a small break on the last set of abs... blimey..

    I ache already - what am I going to be like tomorrow when I've got to do it again?? :sad:

    Seriously though cracking workout :wink:
  • Mizzy91
    Mizzy91 Posts: 63
    I started this last week and it is a killer. Not sure how many calories it burns in those 20 minutes, does anybody know?
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Mizzy track it as circuit training - general it works out at 214 calories. Alot of the shred forums say it compares near enough the same with one of those calorie counters. I don't have one of those though, so just went with this.
    Seriously Ladies I did this at 9:30am when my lil' one was having a nap & my legs are still hurting, it's going to be a killer tomoz
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    I worked out near enough everyday on the xbox doing post baby workouts & boxercise totaling 1 and a half hours exercise in the morning then got my partner to lift weights with me in the evening to tone up.
    I don't hurt half as much as I am hurting right now BUT no pain no gain ladies, if it's hurting it must be working. So keep at it :-)
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Hi all, I am at the tail end of level 3 and have a few words of advice for you:

    1. Stretch more than what Jillian has you do at the end, especially your quads....
    2. I found that if I do 30DS in the a.m. and a walk/run in the afternoon it helped a lot with soreness/stiffness
    3.Also something that I found worked well for me...I fully intended to do the 30 days but found that 2 rest days a week worked MUCH better for me. I did 1 complete rest day and 1 with cardio only.
    4. Days 3 and 4 were the WORST. Keep going, it does get better! Also the first 3 days of each level left me sore also, but not quite as bad as with L1.

    I peeked and took measurements after L1 because I was getting frustrated with not seeing any lbs. moving but was pleasantly surprised by the measurements after L1 already. I was down 8.5 inches all over and 2 of it off my waist!!!

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi all, I am at the tail end of level 3 and have a few words of advice for you:

    1. Stretch more than what Jillian has you do at the end, especially your quads....
    2. I found that if I do 30DS in the a.m. and a walk/run in the afternoon it helped a lot with soreness/stiffness
    3.Also something that I found worked well for me...I fully intended to do the 30 days but found that 2 rest days a week worked MUCH better for me. I did 1 complete rest day and 1 with cardio only.
    4. Days 3 and 4 were the WORST. Keep going, it does get better! Also the first 3 days of each level left me sore also, but not quite as bad as with L1.

    I peeked and took measurements after L1 because I was getting frustrated with not seeing any lbs. moving but was pleasantly surprised by the measurements after L1 already. I was down 8.5 inches all over and 2 of it off my waist!!!

    Good Luck Everyone!

    Thank You For The Advice. I was too planning on doing some form of exercise in the afternoon too while the lil' one had her second nap, poss my post baby workout or boxercise on the kinect which is more cardio based & burns a fair few calories.
    I have learnt from alot of research that lbs don't really mean anything & inches do, sooo I am avoiding the scales at every expense due to spending the last month weighing myself everyday and obsessing over 1lb here & there
  • lottieloves85
    lottieloves85 Posts: 73 Member
    Day 5 of 30DS for me, I LOVE IT! Wasn't as hard as I expected, although I've been warned it steps it up a gear on Level 2! And my butt muscles ached like crazy after Day 1...I've modified it to do 6 days Level 1, 1 day rest (as its the morning after my hen do so I'll be far too hungover to start Level 2), then 12 days Level 2 and 12 days again for Level 3. For those of you wanting to do it but don't have the DVD I just found it on YouTube on the BeFit channel xx
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Day 5 of 30DS for me, I LOVE IT! Wasn't as hard as I expected, although I've been warned it steps it up a gear on Level 2! And my butt muscles ached like crazy after Day 1...I've modified it to do 6 days Level 1, 1 day rest (as its the morning after my hen do so I'll be far too hungover to start Level 2), then 12 days Level 2 and 12 days again for Level 3. For those of you wanting to do it but don't have the DVD I just found it on YouTube on the BeFit channel xx
    Sounds like you have a great plan there, I have my daughters 1st birthday coming up soon & my cousins wedding so I hope I shed a few inches to fit into some pre baby clothes (Esp my Lipsy dresses that I adore but can't fit into)
    I seen that channel on youtube after I'd bought the dvd. For those of you that don't know you can now get youtube on xbox to watch through your tv as opposed to a little laptop screen x
  • Mizzy91
    Mizzy91 Posts: 63
    :smile: hye, thanks Cheeky, imma do that, although I failed to get my lard *kitten* up this morning to do it, tomorrow back on it. Still on level one at the moment, tryna keep up. Large breasts + jumping jacks = x_x (can't watch face) LOL
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    :smile: hye, thanks Cheeky, imma do that, although I failed to get my lard *kitten* up this morning to do it, tomorrow back on it. Still on level one at the moment, tryna keep up. Large breasts + jumping jacks = x_x (can't watch face) LOL
    Haha I know exactly what you mean, I too am big up top. I wear normal bra with sports bra over top & there is still no controlling them LMAO
  • FireSwan
    FireSwan Posts: 170 Member
    I just started the 30DS on monday and it's great! I'm sore, but it feels good. Working on form and trying to keep up with the push ups and bicycles. I can do 10 knee pushups in a row, stop then do a few more. tomorrow I'll push for 12-15 in a row and keep working up from there.

    the only part I can't seem to do is the lower ab crunches where you roll your butt up and lift it. that move has always hurt my back. I'm doing leg lifts instead.
  • kkaikkonen
    kkaikkonen Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am also on day 1 today. Can I ask everyone what size hand weights did you use?
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi! I am also on day 1 today. Can I ask everyone what size hand weights did you use?
    Hi, I used 1.13 kg weights today but it killed my arms so I think I am going to drop to 0.68kg until my arms are abit stronger.
  • cheeky1095
    cheeky1095 Posts: 83 Member
    the only part I can't seem to do is the lower ab crunches where you roll your butt up and lift it. that move has always hurt my back. I'm doing leg lifts instead.

    I struggled with these too, great idea on the modification. Anything is better than nothing & I bet if you keep at it you will soon be rolling your bum right up off the floor :o)
  • ElizmaKnowles
    ElizmaKnowles Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Everyone - there is a 30 Day Shred May group that you might like to join - all the peeps there have started beginning of May :-)
    I am on day 7 of level 1, just soldier on through the pain on the first days it does get better! But then again I am also determined to do the entire 30 days straight to finish with one complete cycle before going away on a weeks holiday end of this month!
  • mozza77
    mozza77 Posts: 5 Member

    Hi! I am also on day 1 today. Can I ask everyone what size hand weights did you use?

    3lbs and 5lbs today - side lunge evil things with the smaller weights and 8 hours on my back is starting to ache a tad!

    The star jumps made me laugh "if 400lb people can do them - SO CAN YOU" i felt like kicking the TV but was so out of breath i wouldn't have made it over there!!!! xxx
  • PumpkinsandChocolate
    PumpkinsandChocolate Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone - I am on day 13 of 30DS but wanted to join in since I didn't see a more active thread regarding beginning the workout.

    I just hit L2 yesterday and I don't think I have ever sweat so much - it's super intense and at the end all I could do was just collapse into fetal position as my mom snickered from the couch! I had been planning on adding in her 6 week 6 pack as I had done with L1 but my abs need a break so I'm looking at adding it 3 days a week with the goal of one day completing it.

    We'll get through this! Just like they say - what's 25 minutes in the grand scheme of the day?
  • PumpkinsandChocolate
    PumpkinsandChocolate Posts: 11 Member
    the only part I can't seem to do is the lower ab crunches where you roll your butt up and lift it. that move has always hurt my back. I'm doing leg lifts instead.

    I had the same problem with the lower ab crunches and what I did was put a rolled up towel or just my hands underneath my bum and it took away the intensity a bit. Not sure if it would work for everyone, but it definitely helped me modify!