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What's some advice you would tell your 16 year old self ?



  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    Dear my 16 self-
    1. You're much to mature @ the age of 16. You've already been working for years. You bought your own car with no help. You're worried sick, because your trying to figure out how to break a cycle in generation of poverty. So, I would tell you now little girl --- is to stop and enjoy being 16. Laugh alot and don't worry . It will ok!
    2. Think outside of the box , you could have done anything you put your mind to - but your family crippled you some. Reach for your dreams!
    3. Dont be scared ....
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    Dear me at 16,

    * X dies on October 30, 1998. Do not let him drive to Canada then.
    * Y commits suicide on April 1, 2001. Stop him the afternoon before.
    * Get diagnosed with and treated for ADD. Pills are awesome. Who wants to be #5 when you can be #1?
    * You are both a badass and one of the kindest men you know. Be both in spades. Awesome breeds awesome.
    * You do not realize it, but the girls are lined up to get with you. Live it up. Your current girlfriend will cheat on you with a 40 year old dude - ditch her.
    * Since your life course has now been irrevocably altered, you need to find Z and marry her. She is totally worth the effort.
    * FYI, there is one more suicide that will not surprise you and you cannot prevent. I only tell you this so you do not think your new actions have caused it.

    Finally, scrounge up every dollar you can get now and buy stock in Apple this month. Sell when it will make you fabulously wealthy. Repeat at the IPO of a company named Google.

    Good luck!
  • Keep up the good skin care. You'll thank me when you're 51 each time someone can't believe you're a grandmother.

    You think you're heavy now!? You're outta your mind, kid.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    Work off your baby weight in between babies and get it all off before you are 30 because it's way harder at 40!!!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    You are not fat no matter how much you think you are. You want to see fat, look in the mirror when you are 26.
  • ixiHemlock
    ixiHemlock Posts: 83 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    please don't start dying our hair, it'll be trashed in 3 years. :)
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    Dear 16 year old DJ TJ (yah i started spinnin records when i was 15 and im 27 now lol)...

    Stop eating like crap! start being active! whatever you do, dont fall "in love" with the girl you meet when ur 17.. she turns out to be a cheater 4 years later!!!!

    eat healthy and start getting fit because you waited toooo long to get on that bandwagon...

    Thats what I would tell my 16 year old self.
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    You are not fat at all!! In 15 years when you really are fat you will wish you looked like you did when you were 16!!
  • marieca
    marieca Posts: 7
    Dear 16 Year Old Me,
    Your mother is always, ALWAYS right. Listen to her, and show her more respect. One day you'll realize that you can't take back those words you said to her, and regret it terribly.
    Always tell her you love her before walking out the door. And always give her plenty of hugs and kisses.
    She loves you more than anyone else ever will. And she will be your superhero in years to come.
  • Bethee101
    Bethee101 Posts: 99 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    You are not fat no matter how much you think you are. You want to see fat, look in the mirror when you are 26.

    Ha! I posted pretty much the same thing!! Love it!
  • poopoomonkey1978
    poopoomonkey1978 Posts: 108 Member
    dear 16 year old me,

    I know your brain is telling your body not to eat but you need to and you will get through this, you are strong and although you don't have the best thing in your life anymore you will get someone just like your father and fall in love and have all (okay maybe most) of your dreams come true. Keep pushing as hard as you do.
  • adams4101
    adams4101 Posts: 44 Member
    Doesn't matter, I wouldn't have listened anyway........lol
  • indiedoll
    indiedoll Posts: 29 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Don't let what just happened to you ruin your life. That boy destroyed your innocence but don't let him take away anything else. Keep dancing, and running, and having fun with your friends. Get fit, be happy, try to move on. Focus on school and go straight to a 4 year university after graduation. Study for the SAT's. Don't waste the next five years with D. There are better guys out there, guys who will treat you right and won't break your heart. Your mom is often right, listen to her. Your family will be there for you if you ask. Open up to people. Show your emotions. Don't be so afraid. Listen to Penguin Cafe Orchestra. You'll thank me later.

    <3, a slightly older and wiser version of yourself.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    It's okay to let nice guys be nice to you. Enjoy their company! Don't reject them because you feel like you owe them something you don't want to give up.
  • Dear 16 year old Jord,
    You've screwed up alot.. just to be honest, its only been a few years and you will grow, and you will mature, so even when you're the baby of your friends, ignore it. PLEASE don't break up with Ry because you'll end up going with him to prom and being best friends with him anyways, you know he;s a great guy but you won't know how much you cared until he was gone. Also, don't fight with Ky, she's a big girl who can make her own decisions, and if she's addicted to abusive relationships and would rather that then friendship? So be it. DO YOUR HOMEWORK, because you'll stress out about trying to get into university later. BEG mom and dad to let you drive, you need all the practice you can get. AND don't trust your long lost bff because she will drug you and sell you for $20. Also, stay strong and way from your ED, you'd hate to relapse baby and some people really do love you. Have fun.
    <3 the girl who knows you best
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    Hey 16 year old me, don't date that guy with the afro. He's super suicidal and controlling and will isolate you from life for the next 3 years. Also, don't switch to nutrition, stay in english. It's what you're good and what you go back to anyway.
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 279 Member
    Wow. Some of these are making me cry. Here goes mine.

    Dear 16 year old,

    Don't dump him, you don't hate him . You will get back together in a few months and get married 5 years later and still be happily married 16 years from now. Your mom really does love you even though she will only let you eat diet food while the rest of the family eats what she cooks. Your daddy will be killed on his motorcycle right before you get a chance to tell him you are pregnant. You will be 21 when this happens. The person that hit him on his motorcycle will leave him lying in the highway like he never mattered, cherish EVERY moment you can now, because you will be sad for many years after he dies. Your grandma will pass away too and so will her sister. You will miss them terribly. Your sister will become your best friend be nicer to her, you'll thank yourself later. Your mom will remarry to a complete loser, but she will come to her senses and ditch him and marry Bill. He's cool. You will go back to church. You will forget all of the awful things that happened at the old church and love your new church family. You will gain 145lbs over the next 10 years so please stop eating and exercise more.

    PS don't go to college for nursing. You will freak out the first time you have to do post mortem care on someone whose eyes are open and you'll quit anyway. Save the time and money. You'll find a good job doing something else anyway.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    You're not fat. Eat something.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    Good question.. i'd tell me three things:

    There WILL be more than one guy in the world that finds you attractive... do NOT feel like if you don't stay with him you will always be alone.. ie: you do not have to settle for less than you deserve.
    *small smile*

    do NOT get lazy about your education!

    Get and keep your weight under control NOW.. do not waste more than 1/2 of your life 'wishing' you were not fat. Trust me on this, this one simple feat will change your life forever.. and definitely for the better!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Dear 16 year old self,

    It's ok to be a dork... people will love you for it. Your hair is beautiful when it's not dyed or shelacked with hairspray. Be natural. Feel free. Stop wearing fake nails and laughing at jokes that you don't find funny. Please stop drinking - people notice, it's killing you, you're better than hiding behind a constant buzz. Don't ever let anyone make you feel expendable. You are worth wanting, needing, loving and having in this world.

    Someone who's been there