Diet soda... friend or foe?!?



  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    if you put diet coke on rust it burns it right off, cant be good for the body in any way shape or form... stick to h2o

    Regular coke will clean off tarnish from your engine.

    When I cut back on my coffee, I repurposed my stainless steel mug to water. It had the coffee stains of a thousand days in it, though, and vigorous scrubbing with hot water and dishsoap didn't do the trick.

    I left it full of Coke overnight, though, and the next day it was sparkly clean and shiny like new!

    (I did not drink that Coke.)
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    if you put diet coke on rust it burns it right off, cant be good for the body in any way shape or form... stick to h2o

    Regular coke will clean off tarnish from your engine.

    When I cut back on my coffee, I repurposed my stainless steel mug to water. It had the coffee stains of a thousand days in it, though, and vigorous scrubbing with hot water and dishsoap didn't do the trick.

    I left it full of Coke overnight, though, and the next day it was sparkly clean and shiny like new!

    (I did not drink that Coke.)

    Will this work if I put my car in a pool full of Coke?? SN:// I may taste it.. just for MFP study purposes..of course.. :embarassed:
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    I say FOE, but simply because I don't drink diet soda so that if I were to go to the cooler at work to get one I am not tempted to get a non-diet soda :)
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    So, I've taken the time to read most of the posts in this thread, and I think it's safe that we can only be clear on one point:

    Diet soda will kill you. It will make you fat and cause cancer. Along with meat, dairy, cell phones, microwaves, non-organic vegetables, and pretty much everything else on the planet.

    Except water. Water is a-ok. But only if it is water that comes from a hilltop in the mountains, which has been purified by being filtered through the hemp-made underwear worn by virgin goddessess.

    But seriously, diet soda will kill you.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
  • IOWAlapbanderette
    IOWAlapbanderette Posts: 74 Member
    In the last year and a half I can count on one hand the amount of diet soda I have had. In the last week I had 12 ounces of diet mountain dew, I was CRAVING IT..
    and I feel more sluggish and blah than I ever have..
    so back to my H2O I go..
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Come on people! We're not here to poke fun or to be rude, we're here to support each other! There is obviously a lot of controversy over this topic and ultimately the decision is our own... the least we can do is offer our opinions and advice without sounding condescending!!!!

    We're not here to support each other. We're here discussing the merits of diet soda. Advice and opinions are meaningless without any facts.

    You said diet coke does not come from the earth or space. You said it in a very condescending way. Now before you backtrack and start with the "we're all in this together" talk I would like to know where you thing diet soda comes from.

    No backtracking here! :smile: Someone else said it was not of this earth and another commented that it doesn't come from space... I mearly tried to clarify that it comes from neither, but from a laboratory. Last I checked, they don't pull aspartame out of the ground (earth) or from the sky... Not that everything I eat comes from the ground... I will admit there's a ton of artificial colors/flavors etc out there that no one can say is healthy... However, if we can all agree that artificial colors and flavors (and I'm making an assumption here that we can all agree on that, my apologies if you disagree) than how can we think artificial sweeteners would be any different?

    I think the point is that matter does not just come from nothingness. So whatever is being generated in the laboratory is not coming from the end of a magic wand. The basis of the substances are earthbound.
  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    Sodas = foes. No matter how you look at it, they're chemicals. Drink water or juice.
  • dadeys1
    dadeys1 Posts: 40 Member
    I drink a diet soda every now and then...typically mixed with Jack Daniels. Figure that will kill me faster than the diet soda. If you have a hard time with water, try mixing in a little Mio flavoring. It, too, may not be very good for me but it is tasty and helps me reach my water intake goal.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Come on people! We're not here to poke fun or to be rude, we're here to support each other! There is obviously a lot of controversy over this topic and ultimately the decision is our own... the least we can do is offer our opinions and advice without sounding condescending!!!!

    We're not here to support each other. We're here discussing the merits of diet soda. Advice and opinions are meaningless without any facts.

    You said diet coke does not come from the earth or space. You said it in a very condescending way. Now before you backtrack and start with the "we're all in this together" talk I would like to know where you thing diet soda comes from.

    No backtracking here! :smile: Someone else said it was not of this earth and another commented that it doesn't come from space... I mearly tried to clarify that it comes from neither, but from a laboratory. Last I checked, they don't pull aspartame out of the ground (earth) or from the sky... Not that everything I eat comes from the ground... I will admit there's a ton of artificial colors/flavors etc out there that no one can say is healthy... However, if we can all agree that artificial colors and flavors (and I'm making an assumption here that we can all agree on that, my apologies if you disagree) than how can we think artificial sweeteners would be any different?
    Aspartame is phenylalanine and aspartic acid, a protein chain. That exact same protein chain can be found in chicken, beef, pork, soy, nuts, etc. The only reason it's called "artificial" is because they recreate the compounds in a lab setting, it doesn't mean that it's a compound that doesn't exist in nature, or that we don't eat it in normal food.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I drink mostly water but sometimes you just gotta have your soda!!! When that happens diet is probably the better choice for calorie counting. If you dont indulge too often I wouldn't worry about it.
  • kjburgess11
    kjburgess11 Posts: 20
    It's okay. (My Opinion) is that as long as you practice moderation with it and other things you are good. I used to eat ice cream with the kids every once in awhile after dinner. Now I fix them ice cream and I eat 1 spoonful. Don't deprive yourself of enjoyment but keep moderation in mind! Enjoy life! :drinker:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sodas = foes. No matter how you look at it, they're chemicals. Drink water or juice.
    Water and juice are also both chemicals.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as your getting in your water and the other things your body needs.

    I drink it all the time and have never had increased cravings for other things. Everyone is different. A good friend of mine has drank diet coke most of her life and is very thin.

    The various ingredients in diet pops are in a lot of other foods we eat on a daily basis as some of the other posters have pointed out. I have yet to see one study that 100% proves all these claims people make on why it is bad for you. For some people the ingredients may cause headaches or stomach upset but so does a lot of other things on the market for various people.

    Just because you can't pronounce an ingredient doesn't always mean it's a bad thing.

    It's a personally choice.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i drink sugar free drinks and im not dead yet.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Sodas = foes. No matter how you look at it, they're chemicals. Drink water or juice.

    adj \ˈke-mi-kəl\

    Definition of CHEMICAL

    1: of, relating to, used in, or produced by chemistry or the phenomena of chemistry <chemical reactions>

    2 a: acting or operated or produced by chemicals <a chemical fire extinguisher> b: detectable by chemical means

    noun \ˈke-mə-strē\
    plural chem·is·tries

    Definition of CHEMISTRY

    1 : a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo

    2 a: the composition and chemical properties of a substance <the chemistry of iron> b: chemical processes and phenomena (as of an organism) <blood chemistry>

    3 a: a strong mutual attraction, attachment, or sympathy <they have a special chemistry> b: interaction between people working together; specifically: such interaction when harmonious or effective <a team lacking chemistry>

    Wait, where's the part where it says it's toxic to all life? :huh:

    Just saying, we tend to throw a lot of words around.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    Try some Propel Zero.. or those zero calorie Life Waters, with no artificial sweeteners in them. They're delicious. :)
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Im addicted to diet pepsi. But, i would say FOE. Even though it is zero calories, it will make you bloated. Read the ingredients, itll show chemicals etc that are supplements instead of the real thing. Super unhealthy. Buuuuut i love it.
  • kryscallarman
    kryscallarman Posts: 114 Member
    I know Diet soda has ingredients that I can no pronounce and are probably not good for me, but I will have a Diet Pepsi on the weekends if I am craving on. But the healthier I eat the less I crave them.
  • MamaSoph
    MamaSoph Posts: 1
    Avoid diet sodas altogether. You're better off putting lemon or sliced cucumbers in water. If very desperate for something sweet, add a splash of juice in the water.

    What I like to add fruit flavored tea bags (white or green tea) to my ice water. I call it the lazy person's iced tea. Green tea helps boost metabolism. White tea is immune booster. Always a good thing.