Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • insyweensy
    insyweensy Posts: 53 Member
  • Oh no!.....The ultimate question: How much do I work out?....Hmmm, a better question would probably be 'how long have you been doing this?' I'll answer both. I've been in the "fit" game all my life since elementary school recess really. Right now though, I can say I get anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours of activity a day depending on the day. Notice I said 'activity' and not workouts. I lift weights, I ballroom dance, I practice yoga, and I kickbox. These are my loves and passions. Some days I will only have time for thirty minutes of yoga. Other days I'm blessed to have time for all. It varies. Bodyfat percentage wise, for most of my clients who have wanted to get lean, depending on their start and assuming their consistency, usually about 1-3 years to get them where they want the right way.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Is there anyway that you can use the 'quote' when answering questions? I have a couple of the same questions as others & can't tell who is being answered....

    But thank you so much for your advice it is much appreciated... :happy:
  • naveej
    naveej Posts: 73 Member
  • Overtraining.

    Yes overtraining will severely screw up your efforts. Train smart and make sure you're recovering. If you're overtraining, not only are your workouts getting less and less efficient, but your hormones are getting screwed up too. The body is trying to protect itself and will lower your metabolism to do so. Train hard, but always make sure you're recovering.

    As far as TDEE and BMR. These are good things to know of, but easier still is just slowly reducing the calories on a weekly basis till you begin losing at the rate you want. Back in the day, I would go to aggressively with the caloric deficit someone else told me to do, and I'd notice myself losing fat very fast, but muscle mass just as fast! And when I would bulk, I would take in too many calories. Yeh I would add muscle good, but I also just added a ton of body fat! Take it slow and steady and your body will reward you a lot better.
  • Relax. It WILL come off. The leaner you get, the more the body is going to fight you. Be consistent. Keep to your deficit, maybe reduce the calories by 100 more a day or increase the cardio a little throughout the week. Also, what most likely got you on that 2pound gain was water weight. How do fighters lose weight fast for a weigh-in?....They sweat it out in a sauna! I've seen people drop 8 pounds in a day by water weight alone. And if you have a salty meal that makes you retain a lot of water, on top of that you take in more carbs(carboHYDRATE), then could easily add two pounds to the scale. But it's not fat gain, it's water. Reduce the carbs, watch the sodium, and you'll be back to normal.
  • sdav1997
    sdav1997 Posts: 19 Member
    I have an apple shaped body. I am exercising and decreasing my calories to decrease my waistline. In the process, I am losing from areas I do not want to lose such as my thighs and butt. What can I do so that i do not end up with a flat butt when I get to my desired weight and waistline?
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    I have been told that love handles start in the kitchen. It all depends on what you eat. I see pics like yours with ripped abs and that is my goal. I read others diaries and see that they are taking supplements and eating nothing but chicken. Is that the secret?
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    I've been very successful at weight loss by maintaining a deficit, eating well, cardio 5/6 times per week and body condiitioning 3 times per week.

    I have about 15 pounds to go to target but retain several problem areas (upper arms, midrift, slight tummy pouch etc).

    Would 'lifting heavy' that everyone on here seems to advocate help me address these or are they inevitable for a 43 year old who was overweight for too long?
  • Stubborn fat.

    Stubborn fat is basically the areas of your body you're prone to holding the MOST fat. Obviously these places will be the last to lean out because they hold the most. For men, its their stomachs. For most women, the back of the arms, the butt, and the thighs. It CAN come off though. But this is where the consistency and determination matter the most. When you first start exercising, the body rewards you with a quick increase in muscle and some fat loss....But as you go along, this is going to be harder and harder. You've basically gotta get two things across to your body: 1) this is the new me and I'm not going back up to the weight I was before, and 2) don't worry, everything is fine. Try reducing the calories a little more throughout the week, and or increasing the cardio a little more. Also, as I've said before, adding a refeed once a week where you bring your calories up to maintenance can help because it will not only make your workouts better, but will also give your mind a bit of a break from the lowered calories. YOu'll still net a deficit for the the week. You're almost there, just stay serious, and keep fighting.
  • Why is it recommended to drink a protein shake after a workout?

    Why is a protein shake recommended afte a workout?

    Because supplement companies want you to buy their protein powders! Nothing wrong with a shake after a workout. Your body needs protein and aminos for recovery purposes. But always keep in mind that you can get this from regular food! Do I have protein powder in my kitchen? Yes, but I only use it when I can't get to the real food. Gimme some chicken breast or steak first ANYday. If you're rushed and won't be able to get to the real food for a while, then yes....supplement. Just always remember though, it IS a supplement. It SUPPLEments what you should already be doing in the gym and in the kitchen.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Good stuff in this thread.
  • Am I eating enough?

    If your goal is to gain weight and you're not gaining any, then're not. If your goal is fatloss and you're thinking you're going too low, then I recommend weekly measuring the lengths around your arms, shoulders, and waist. If the two primers are staying the same or going up while the waist is shrinking, then you are DEFINITELY doing it right. If your waist is growing, then you're doing it wrong. And if your waist is growing and your arms and shoulders are shrinking, you are DEFINITELY definitely doing it wrong. Hope this helps, bro
  • abrew82406
    abrew82406 Posts: 2
    I have been trying to lose weight for a few months now. Regular exercise with mainly cardio and some strength training. I started at 128 and got down to 116, my goal is around 107. I recently started incoporating more strength training with free weights and still doing cardio and I gained 3 pounds! Is this normal? How can I get my weight back down?
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    I have been on MFP for a little over a month now and lost the first 10lbs pretty quickly. I am now on my third week of no weight loss. My question is more related to calorie intake than anything.

    I work out 5-6 days a week. Last week I started 2 a day workouts. 30 DS in the morning and swimming for an hour in the afternoon (usually burning between 500 - 700 calories a day).

    I have had my calories set at 1200 and always ate back my exercise calories so I would net 1200 (eating about 1700-1900 calories to reach a net of 1200). On Friday I raised my calories to 1320 becuase I have stopped losing. SH\hould I be eating back all of my exercise calories so my net is 1320? Should I reduce my calories back down to 1200 and not eat back all of my exercise calories? Am I eating to little? SO confused and aggrivated about my lack of weight loss.
  • Why are we asking you questions?

    I don't know, why ARE you asking me questions?

    I'm here to try and help people out so they might not go through all the crap I did.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    Do you use a heart rate monitor to track calories burned? Do you find them to be accurate?
  • Annafly3
    Annafly3 Posts: 63
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    Hi :) You've had loads of helpful advice, so I thought I'd ask you as well :)
    I have been on this journey for AGES now, I started in September 2010. In the first 9 months I lost quite consistently, but not much, got 7 kg down, but since may last year, literally nothing has happened, I am still the same weight, maybe fitter though. In April, still last year, I started working out with a personal trainer, so I am exercising regularly, about 2-3 times a week at the gym, programs by my trainer, and 1-2 times a week Badminton or Squash. I have experimented with calories, upping them, lowering them. Nothing works. I have tried everything, I feel, and still the weight, nor the inches will come off. (I might add that I have hypothyroidism, but I'm taking my medicine, so that should not be an issue)
    My trainer said that as long as my core, especially the lower back are not strong enough, I simply won't lose weight. What can I do to not become desperate in the mean time? Thanks :)