Am I Too Fat to Be Here?



  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Welcome, Maria!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm glad that you decided to join us on MFP! I think you will find a lot of emotional support and motivation and hope that will aid you on your journey!

    With that being said, one of the gentlemen that I walk with is 472 pounds. He just finished walking his 2nd 1/4 marathon this year, and he's in training to walk a 1/2 marathon in September. This man defies people's expectations and perceptions and embodies determination. Nothing but respect for him, and you know what? Other folks who do the 5K's, 10K's, 1/4 marathons, 1/2 marathons, they all see him, and they see him finish, and they have immense respect for his accomplishments when they see him cross that finish line... My point is, don't let your 'number' (weight) dictate your abilities! Be careful, don't take needless risks and take care of yourself, but also push the limits of what YOU think you can do!!! You will amaze yourself!

    Again, welcome to MFP and hope to see you around on here!
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome!!!! i suggest you get some friends (several have asked to be added already) I put down more of my personal struggles for them to see than I do here in the community. If i have a good day i say it and if my day is really bad I say it, if I need to be "kicked" back in line they help me out. You get to know everybody and understand that you are not alone. it is awesome! Some also have really good suggetions on exercise that might help without hurting your arm and you can always find the best food ideas. Every day is one day closer!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! This is where you will take care of business. Use the tools, be supportive and find supportive friends. You will see amazing results!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    you're not too are very cool for taking the first steps to having abetter life that you and your kids deserve. as long as you avoid the forums, the people on MFP are like a family that genuinely care and will support you. good luck and enjoy mfp, will make lots of great ,genuine friends, too.
  • You're in the right place! Set small goals for yourself, surround yourself with encouraging friends and keep motivated!!! We're all on the same journey - some roads are easier and shorter than others but we all need support! *lots of hugs* You can do it!!!! Add me if you'd like! :)

  • kitkatwag
    kitkatwag Posts: 82 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am currently friends with someone who started her journey just under 400#. We can all make it. Remember that this is a journey and will not be fixed over night. I do not always eat the best I can but I am here everyday!
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    You are in the right place! Welcome to MFP and you are welcome to send me a friend request!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Welcome. You have taken a great first step in joining this site!

    I'd recommend adding some friends so you will build a support system here (add me if you'd like, I'd be happy to cheer you on).

    Also, the next time you pass a mirror, stop, look straight into it, and say "I'm worth it". Repeat as needed :flowerforyou:
  • mlyonsneil
    mlyonsneil Posts: 2 Member
    You came to the right place. I lost 30 pounds last year with no exercise at all. I sit behind a desk all day and my body burns about 1600-1800 calories per day. With two small kids at home and a husband that works later hours than me, I have zero time to exercise. I kept my daily calorie intake lower than 1400, and I watched the pounds drop. It's all about the numbers. There is one catch - I had to stay honest with myself. Cheating on my calorie count only hurt me.

    Try this, which is what I did when I started the program. Enter your food log for yesterday. Be honest with yourself, and don't forget to include the little things like a sip of soda, or a square of chocolate from a friend's chocolate bar, or coffee and creamer with your breakfast. Every little bit adds up. Look at your total calorie count for yesterday. How does it compare to where your count should be?

    I was in shock when I realized how much I was actually eating!!

    I'm back for round 2 this year, and I hope to lose another 15 pounds.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Nope, you've come to the right place! I started at 317 and I know of at least 5 or 6 folks who started out over 500. MFP works if you work it. Support is great here and I like the idea that they don't tell you what to eat but just how much based on your stats. One figures out real quick how to make the most of the calories given by not wasting them on small servings of junk. You can work some favorites in occasionally. I like that. This isn't an all or nothing for me. I can still eat the things I like, only smaller portions and not as often.

    Good luck!
  • ronaldjohn
    ronaldjohn Posts: 1
    We welcome you with open arms Maria! Chin up, and join the fight!
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    My motto is you are never to fat to start. Welcome, You will like it here, everyone is so supportive.
  • kazza2cats
    kazza2cats Posts: 87 Member
    You are really in the right place. Good luck with your journey to a long full life :flowerforyou:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Absolutely not. Best of luck in your journey. It's a great helping hand to be here.
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Hi Maria,
    Welcome to MFP, we are all here for same reason, and since you we are a life it's not to late.......just start, and keep logging your food and exercise, and one day I will remind you when you lose your weight and start your new life.

    I will add you ....accept me please.
  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    Maria, you are on the right track just by having the courage and want to post here and join this community! There are many knowledgeable people and great support groups here whether you want to lose 10 pounds of 200 pounds. I wish you luck and may your journey be a fulfilling one! Welcome to MFP!!
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello and welcome :-). There is no upper weight limit and you will be by no means the heaviest in here (not that I tell anyone my real weight, I'm cowardly about that)

    Anyway feel free to add me as a friend as well if you need support.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    No you aren't too fat!! Tons of people here to support and inspire you!! :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Every journey begins with the first step. Congrats, you have already done that. Now you need to continue the journey.

    I lost my weight with WeightWatchers. There was a man in our meeting {a chef!} , who successfully lost 50lbs. What impressed me the most was he had just ran and finished the marathon. He started out walking, and upped the anti, to running to the next mailbox, then 2 mailboxes, until he finished a marathon. You and you alone can conquer anything you allow yourself to do.

    You have made the first step, the rest will fall into place.
  • MaryPhilomena
    MaryPhilomena Posts: 31 Member
    This is the best place to find the motivation, support, kindness and friendship that helps us succeed at this losing weight lark. It is my friends on MFP that cheer me on and cheer me up and I know you that you will also find the special people to help you on your weight loss journey. You have made the difficult start by being totally honest and making yourself vulnerable in the process you therefore have proved to be a strong woman and I would be proud if you would add me as a friend :D