The reason I drink...



  • mommy4ndbandtj
    Is 8 and 12 too old for abortion?

    LOL, um YES?
  • Ribena145
    Ribena145 Posts: 201 Member
    so tell me why everyone wants to have kids lol - thank god I didn't have any - I'd be logging in from prison!
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    What in our house has Jasper not broken? He went Babe Ruth on our 42" TV(yeah we are poor. :p), Ripped 5 sets of blinds to pieces, colored on every wall in what was our guest bedroom, now is his playroom, since he has destroyed his bedroom as well.

    Child locks do not phase him anymore, he saw us operate them once and that was that.
  • evansja71
    evansja71 Posts: 12
    Options have your hands full. Be patient your revenge will come.....when you get to spoil the grand kids. :devil:
  • mellisaweldon
    Oh my! I have 3 kids, my middle boy is the one that makes me thank God everyday that he isnt a twin :)
    lmao. Same here!!

    i also have 3, aged 4, 2, and 1, and i thank god i had to get fixed during the third birth (2nd c-section) cause all three can be terrors!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck, and id buy you your next one but looks like youd have plenty after these other offers!!!!!
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    lol I have 3 kids of my own and did day care for 4.5 years. There were days that including my own I was in a house with kids 10yrs, 8yrs, 5yrs, 3yrs, 2yrs, and 1yr. I feel your pain.
  • jcarey101
    jcarey101 Posts: 31
    oh my lord......cheers to you missy!

    I have 2 girls ages 8 & 9 and a 16 year old son. I too, tend to lean towards a nice drink after a day of arguing between the girls and a long day at work, and classes. My stress level is in the red. :laugh:
  • sjackson1717
    sjackson1717 Posts: 94 Member
    Ok you may not think that it's funny now but I gotta tell you one day you'll look back at all of this and you will laugh like I am right now! You have twins Honey, so have 2 drinks!
  • Swissy98
    Swissy98 Posts: 25
    Oh honey I totally understand!! Mine was JUST like that - but you need to include smearing poo on the wall as soon as she woke up from a nap!

    Good news is, she's now a smart well adjusted young woman graduating from college - heading for her master's.... There IS hope ;)

    I drink now to deal with the PTSD!!
  • raurigema
    raurigema Posts: 1
    My 8 year old son is an angel (and the reason we though this was easy and went for more) and my, now 6 year old, twin boys are his polar opposite. I love them ....usually....but they can wear on the nerves a bit. I wish I could tell you it gets better. It gets different. Just enjoy the little victories. I'm just happy they now agree to wear clothes for the entire day, that they stopped making up words that sound like bad words (I'm sure the teachers at school found it really cute to have a 5 year old call them a mothertrucker) and they stopped the public farting contests. Hey, victory.

    Wine used to make me feel better. I've graduated to scotch which is also lower in carbs and glycemic index than wine or beer. Again, victory.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    I know I'm going to catch hell for this, but have you considered any sort of behavioral analysis and/or help from a child psychologist to see if there's some way to get these two under control? Different kids have different needs, and maybe you just need a little help figuring out what it is?

    On the upside, keeping up with those two probably means that the drinks could be considered "exercise calories".
    This is what I was thinking. I work with kids with Austism and focus my approach in ABA (applied behavior analysis). I hate to say that this is not normal behavior for young least not on a constant basis. Every kid gets into trouble from time to time, but if this is a regular thing I would be concerned. My 5 year old step daughter would catch hell for making messes like that...but also even since she was younger, would never dream of that stuff. (her worst offense was when her and her cousin played "beauty salon" and cut each others hair. Lucky for me natural consequence of having a god awful hair cut did the trick and did not need and other consequence!) Things need to be done here...besides drinking and laughing away the pain.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    From a fellow twin, I apologize in advance for the shenanigans! I promise that it pays off when they are old enough to run errands and carry groceries in :D.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I know I'm going to catch hell for this, but have you considered any sort of behavioral analysis and/or help from a child psychologist to see if there's some way to get these two under control? Different kids have different needs, and maybe you just need a little help figuring out what it is?

    On the upside, keeping up with those two probably means that the drinks could be considered "exercise calories".

    I'm wondering the same. Maybe you just haven't quite gotten them figured out yet in a behavioral aspect, and a professional might be able to help, since the stories you've shared are quite something.


    I need to show this thread to my boyfriend every time he tries to convince me that children are a good idea in our far future.

    Unless you are mother of twins, you would never know. It is a whole different ballgame.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Time to spank the hell out of them.

    LMFAO word homie. if i did this to MY moms??? ooo boy it would have been a wrap!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wouldnt have been able to sit for days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I have 3 and a half year old identical boy twins.....I can relate LOL
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    When my now 19yr old son was in 4th grade he ditched going to the after school daycare (at the school) and rode the bus home (no idea how he knew which bus to ride since he never rode the bus). He scaled our back deck (there are no stairs and it's about 5 feet up, jimmied the lock on the slider door and got in the house.

    He the. Went to the garage and got out the lawn mower, then when he couldn't start it he convinced a neighbor lady (she only had a very young child at the no idea how these little heathens lie at this age) he was supposed to mow the lawn but couldn't start the mower. She started it for him.

    Instead of mowing the entire lawn, though, he proceeded to mow his name in the backyard - Eric Complete with a dot on top of the I. I took a picture and it as in the collage I made for his high school graduation open house.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that the daycare NEVER called to tell me he wasn't there and the only way I found out was I called home to check the answering machine and he answered the phone. :noway:
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    What is it with kids and sunscreen or nappy rash cream?!!!!??

    Mine's long grown out of that destructive age (he's 7 now) but when he was almost 3, he too, found a jumbo tub of sudocrem (nappy rash cream):


    It was on his head, the carpet, the walls, the wardrobe, the blankets, side of the bed, curtains.....

    I never ever bought another tub after that.

    Another time, myself and my fiancee woke up to find the same then 3-year old in the bed between us, covered in chocolate. My fiancee got out of bed, and stood in a half-empty ice-cream container with a spoon in it. There was a trail of ice-cream drips from our room to the kitchen, where there were cornflakes all over the floor and the freezer was wide open. Had to throw out all the food in the freezer and lock the kitchen door every night and hang the key up high. When I tell him he did this stuff he refuses to believe me :)

    Kids - ain't they great? ;-)
  • Barbie1125
    Barbie1125 Posts: 115
    Way to go super mom! Hahahha thanks for sharing, to be honest I wish I had my little devil child back :( they grow up way to fast so if they survive you .. you will miss it one day to! Sometimes its not what they do its what they say!! Hubby had a friend that would come over all the time and he was soooo anoying and always drinking , not fun drinking but right out plastered and creepy drinking.. Hubby wasnt home and this guy came over and for once he was sober, but I still didnt want him there with out hubby home. so in the nicest way possible I tried to get him to leave by saying we were just walking out the door to go away for the weekend and to come back next time he was in town, and hopefully he would get the hint he couldnt stay at our place cause we werent going to be home ( complete lie ). My ( brilliant/devil would throw me under the bus any chance he got child (5 years old) at the time happend to come check out to see who was at the door (cause he was waiting for his friend for a sleep over ) and said " Mom I thought you said Dwayne wasnt allowed to come here anymore , can I unpause the movie cause your taking forever, and how many more minutes till Cameron (his best friend ) is coming has it been an hour yet? I just about died!
  • ninaquelinda
    ninaquelinda Posts: 136
    For some reason it is so much funnier when it is someone else! lol But yes, the alcohol helps :)