
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ah oh, trying to avert a bad day, 2.30pm already eaten most of my calories, come on jen you can do this, you have had 8 good days make this 9. I'm tired and have a lot to do. Thats the problem. Not enough sleep and stressing. One job at a time, one day at a time. Going to reduce this to each hour now. Make each hour a success.
    End of self pep talk.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning! (or evening, or day!)

    We had some nice, much needed rain here Sunday-Monday and now the sun is shining and it is a sparkly, beautiful morning:love:
    Perfect morning for a good run...or walk at least!

    Michelle: Rome? I must have missed a posting! How exciting!!! When do you leave? How long? I am jealous!!! Never been to Italy and I would love to go...room in your bag??? Also, I chuckled at the d*** husband on your reply. Some days they can be!?!...not so darling or dear:tongue:

    fitz: Hope you are feeling better after your drive. I agree...a day in a car is more tiring that a day moving around a lot!

    My scale is just wanting to be where it has been for a very long time. I am not worried about it, but am wondering if my body is telling me this is where it needs to be. I think it is easy to get hung up on a number you want to get to and it may not be a number my body is comfortable being at any more. I'll keep plugging away, but may have to adjust my "goal" number if this is where I stay. I have upped my exercise to as much as I think I can manage realistically, mixed it up and been eating real foods. I will try to monitor more closely any extras, but when burning a lot of calories, it is hard to cut too much out without causing some unwanted cravings. Time will tell!:ohwell:

    Take care, everyone! :heart: Kackie
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I'm sitting at my desk sipping spicy mulligatawny soup, it's probably not the best smell to have in the gallery, but I needed something with a bit of oomph to warm me up. I've even resorted to wearing my big, fluffy cardigan. Normally it's only me complaining about the cold, but the general consensus today isn that it is definitley not warm.

    Not sure why but I am feeling 'leaden' today as if I need to go for a good run or workout. Tomorrow is a non work day, although I have a hundred and one things to do after I've been for my weekly therapy appointment. I am determined to get a good gut-busting workout in as well, hopefully it will bust me out of the doldrums.

    I'm still missing my darling grand-twins so much. It's hardly surprising though. Since the argument I have gone from spending 36 hours a week with them on my own to getting to see them outside their house for an hour once a fortnight. It stinks! However, I do have the trip to Germany to see my DD#2 next month. I'm still trying to decide which outfit to take to wear to the opera. I'm thinking black with nude accessories - it is safe but can be glamorous too.

    It's time to do some more work, so I'll say toodlepip for now.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Morning...can I join?

    Would love to reach goal in May...or close to it!

    .....keep up with good eating habits
    .....exercise at LEAST 3 days a week
    .....increase cardio to 40,minutes

  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Hope it is ok to join late :smile:

    My goal for May is to walk/run the Toronto Womens Only the end of this month. It is a big step for me! I will turn 61 on May 14th. The race is the weekend of the 25th.

    Another goal is to get in all my water every day. I hate drinking water and tend to only do so when I am working out.

    And my 3rd goal is to get into a size 18 plus jeans. My 20 plus are getting loose!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tuesday good news day! There's always lots of good news from everyone here. Definitely better than reading the newspaper. :bigsmile:

    Barbie, wasn't that a terrific video! Brought tears to my eyes! I especially loved the very last frame with his before and after photos where he was standing on his head. I had a good chuckle at that, what an amazing feat. And when he'd tumble over while trying to get into a certain position, boy, could I relate to that! I remember being in a similar predicament when I first started this journey. Whew. It really is something when we look back see how far we've come. Thanks for posting, it's worth watching again. :smile:

    Nancy, only 60-some hours now to the robo boot, YAY! You "took" your foot out to the lawn to sit in the sun, hahaha :laugh: And congrats on not having that toasted cheese!! Nice victory there. Keep us posted as to your DH's garden project, how fun!

    Oh yes the lettuce bun...it's also a great idea for tacos if you use large romaine leaves and double them up so that they'll hold the filling. I tried going without tortillas for awhile there, but found there's just something wonderful about the smell and taste of a fresh corn tortilla, so now I allow myself to have one. Just one. I've completely given up flour tortillas, even the spinach and veggie ones which I found taste and feel just like cardboard. :tongue:

    Laura, I loved how you put it......."this week will be a good one for a loss, but you know just about the time you are hoping for that life gets in the way and you are pushed off the wagon and you are sitting on the side of the road in the weeds" :smile: That's funny, and all so true. I have a friend that always tells me to stop putting a deadline on reaching my mini-goals, since almost every time I do, I find myself sprawled out on the side of the road in the weeds. :laugh:

    MSH, only 12 days left, yippee! Receiving the extra pay, too, great! Where will you be traveling to in Alaska? I have relatives there near Kodiak, they live on a secluded little island. I'd sure like to travel up to see them sometime.

    Cath, congrats on having water last night instead of munching! :drinker: Good for you! I'm on the same plan this week, no stuffing my face after dinner, and no wine. Bought some cans of lime-flavored seltzer water and splashed in a bit of POM juice. Makes for a lovely fizzy drink. Oh, and Winston! How cute he is! :love:

    Jellyfishjen, it's so tough to be "good" when over-tired and stressed. Hope you made out ok! Hour by hour, that's a good plan, I have days when I should look at it like that, too. Thanks for the idea. :wink:

    Kackie, I'm experiencing the same thing. My body seems to be very satisfied with staying put. I don't think I'll wage war against it this week, just try to be gentle with it, and show it that I care. :blushing:

    Guess I'd better scoot. More planting to do this morning, and I think I'll take my terrier-boy for a long hike in the woods before going to work this afternoon. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    :flowerforyou: jb
  • freyaskitty
    freyaskitty Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all. I'm new to MFP & 'only' 49. Close enough? hehe

    My goal for May is to actually stick to my eating plan for the month.

    I travel for my job and it can be a challange; however, I'm determined to make the best of it. I figure since I don't have to cook (or order) for anyone else but little ole me, I can really be specific on my choices. I'll be on the coasts (south and west) for about the next month so lots of fresh seafood! WOOHOO!!!
  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Bump! So much happens in so short a time - best to all, I will catch up shortly but for now...trying my best to stare down the Girl Guide cookies sitting on the counter. If only carrots and celery came in chocolate and vanilla.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    MSH, only 12 days left, yippee! Receiving the extra pay, too, great! Where will you be traveling to in Alaska? I have relatives there near Kodiak, they live on a secluded little island. I'd sure like to travel up to see them sometime.

    Basically, while in Alaska, we are going to drive the circle from Tok through Anchorage and Fairbanks and back to Tok, with side ventures to Valdez and Seward.

    I hope everyone is doing well today. I am now going to attempt to start cramming all of the work that I have left to do for the school year into the remaining days, so hold on! It's a whirlwind a-coming!

    I think that I will join Amanda in saying "toodlepip" because I love the sound of it! Mary
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here we are on Tuesday,

    Mary- good for you with only 12.5 days left:tongue: Then your road trip, I'm sure I can fit into some kind of trunk and I can be ready to go as soon as you tell me to be there:laugh: right now a vacation sounds soooo wonderful.

    Barbie- before I came on our topic I had just watched the video...it was so inspiring:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie- those Civil War reenactments sounds like something hubby & I would love to do/see we are hugh history buffs:love:

    Yvonne- I understand that closet full of clothes that don't fit:grumble: . Last night before getting ready for bed I was pulling clothes out that I consider "goal clothes" and am giving some a "in #5 more off" or "in#10 more off" ever since last Friday when I put on a pair of pants that were too tight last Sept and now are so baggy that they look funny...trying on the clothes seems like a good thing to do so I don't miss when something fits.:wink:

    Cath- so glad your little lamb is okay:flowerforyou:

    alwaysnancy- so glad you had a plan B for your exercise...sometimes my plan B isn't a plan at all and I just say skip it:blushing:

    Kat- I'm sure that many of us at sometime or other have wondered what all the letters mean glad you were able to figure it out:flowerforyou:

    fitz1191- hope you recover from your trip soon, it's amazing how sitting for hours wears one out.:ohwell:

    jellyfishjen- GREAT pep talk:flowerforyou:

    jb & Kackie- I think the last few pounds are the hardest. What I found the last time I was doing this:grumble: was each .2 of a pound came off "kicking & screaming and begging to stay put (on my hips & thighs)" you have come so far I'm sure that the rest will come off in time:drinker:

    Amanda- dressing up for the Opera, just dressing up sounds like fun. Since my job is with a landscape company and our property is on 10 acres in the country (outside the city of Denver) I wear jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts and capri's & flip flops in the summer...so anytime I can dress up is fun for me:bigsmile:

    Caminogirl-great job of starring down those cookies....Saturday night I lost my battle and two of those cookies jumped into my mouth:blushing:

    Today is hubbys interview and as it happens he actually has two today, one this morning and one this afternoon...I am soooo hoping 14 months is a long time for no job :cry:

    Tonight our two grandsons will be over for a few hours as son #2 & DIL will be going to a meeting about kindergarten. The boys are so busy (4 & 20mo) and because it will be evening we won't be able to take them to the park behind our house so we will need to find some activities to keep them busy:huh:

    Last night I had my dinner all planned and then hubby noticed that the avacodos were very ripe so we changed dinner to include them...somehow I managed to keep my calories under control but I would have preferred eating my left over trout from Sat night...maybe tonight I'll get to eat it:wink:

    Everyone have a good day, log your food, drink your water:drinker: and let's keep moving...WE CAN DO IT:drinker:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all, from the Sunny South of BC :happy:

    Yes, sunshine down the valley and across the mountains. I am sure there is less snow up there today.

    Smiles all round, :happy: today DH takes me to the city and tomorrow I get my robo-boot! There’s the added pleasure of spending a day with my parents (think crossword puzzles, strong coffee and great conversation), shopping at the Italian deli (think pecorino cheese, fresh pasta and olives) and maybe, just maybe, a stop at LuluLemon for some sweet summer workout clothes (think not likely, considering the company I’m travelling in!).

    Yesterday I finished another 10cm of the Metis sash I have been making for J’boy since he started kindergarten. I figure he can wear it when he graduates.:laugh: It’s traditional “finger weaving” which is time consuming but rewarding. DH’s mother’s family is Metis, from Ontario. For those of you from outside Canada, the Metis are decedents of Aboriginal women who had children with French or English fur traders back in the early settler days. It’s a distinct and fascinating culture.

    Woops! :noway: Took a few minutes off to make breakfast for J’boy and in the awkwardness of hopping around the kitchen knocked two raw eggs to the floor. I think even the awesomely delicious scrambled eggs with cheese I finally produced did not compensate him for having to clean up the mess!

    Laura80111 Best wishes for your husband’s job interviews & have fun with those busy boys. :drinker:

    Mary, what a bonus to know you have only 12 days of work left. Personally I don’t think the student should be told until the day before! That might keep them from unraveling quite so quickly. :wink:

    I loved the video, Barbiecat, thanks for sharing it.

    Jeannie, your day on the Camino Real sounds fantastic. DH and I are busy planning our summer road trip (can’t afford overseas this year) and that sounds like a good destination to put on the route. I will be sure to wear my pedometer or HRM so I can justify the calories in the beans and torillas! :ohwell:

    YvonnePtm, a Triathlon! Wowie-Yowie you are good! :flowerforyou:

    Skycath, I do enjoy your stories of life with ducklings and lambs. Thanks for sharing.

    Hey, to the other Nancy, your place sounds like ours (except we live in town) surrounded by wild turkeys, deer, ospreys and a panoramic view. Are you sure you don’t live in the Creston Valley?

    Jen, I know you made it through your day. Well done :flowerforyou:

    Kackie, I spent the four weeks before my surgery at the same weight. :noway: Exercise was up, food and wine pretty much under control. It made me crazy. I don’t know what I’m at now because I can’t balance long enough to stand on the scale. I think you’re right about “keep plugging away” but that’s kind of what it feels like, plodding along. I can see some muscle definition in my arms, though, that I am sure was not there before. As Red-Green says, “Hang in there and keep your stick on the ice, we’re all in this together”.

    Amanda, I hope you got your “good gut-busting workout” on your day off. Those endorphins do help the relieve doldrums. I must admit, in my case (such a shallow woman) that planning what to wear to the opera would also be cheering me up! Black and nude sounds perfect. I don’t think looking glamorous will be a challenge for you. :flowerforyou:

    Hasta pronto,

    from Nancy in the Creston Valley

    Goals for May:

    24 hours of exercise including weight training (no squats or lunges, gotta keep off that foot until the end of the month!)
    4 sets of 25 right leg straight lifts, bent knee lifts, and kick backs every day (can’t have my right thigh turning into a noodle now, can I?)
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Nancy in the Creston Valley: I just got to thinking about where you might live and I am curious. On the way home from our trip, we are considering spending one night at Redstreak Campground at Kootenay National Park near Radium Hot Springs. Is that near you? Mary
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Marzaron - If you do make it to the Santa Fe area or New Mexico, please let me know. I'd love to drive up and catch up with you somewhere. We could go on a hike or something. This is the 150 year anniversary of some very historic events. There will be lots going on. Send me a message when you know if you will make here and when. I can keep an eye out for special events. Jeannie
  • meidson
    meidson Posts: 28 Member
    Hello All,
    Started my Tuesday at 4:30 am with the alarm clock, got dressed, and went to the gym for a brisk walk on the treadmill. After that, I showered, got dressed, and drove to the office. I bring my breakfast and lunch with me so that it is a more healthy choice of food. At 12:15 pm, I left my desk for a lunch-time yoga class. Upon returning to my desk, I ate my lunch while answering e-mail and decided to check out the message boards. Thank you all for your motivational posts and for allowing me to post my thoughts on this message board. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • Lynn0713
    Lynn0713 Posts: 27
    Hello All I have been so tired today yesterday I went swimming with a trainer I am not a good swimmer so I was exhausted after 35 minutes. Then I worked in my garden a little and ended the night with a spin class. So at 55 I think I should be tired today. I have been eatting clean for 8 days now no diet coke or alchol the diet coke is a miracle. I can't even remember not drinking coke for breakfast. I know I started in high school when I could drive to school. Back in the day I was super skinny and couldn't gain weight I would eat breakfast that my mom made( southern breakfast with bacon or sausage) then stop at the local conveince store for a honey bun and real coke sometimes I would also but a zero candy bar. AWE those were the days.

    I weigh at day 10 which is this Thursday I hope i have a good weight loss. Wish me luck!!!!:smile:
  • SkinnyPennyNow
    SkinnyPennyNow Posts: 10 Member
    Hello All! I am new to this post and look forward to your inspiration to stay on point! When I first joined MFP a couple of years ago I enjoyed great success, but then life took over and I set MFP aside. Needless to say this was a MISTAKE! Now I am back on point and look forward to regaining my body for a BETTER life! I want to get and stay fit so that I can enjoy playing with my grandson and the new one on the way. Many thanks to you all for your inspiration (those comments I read prior to joining) and for the ongoing support that I know will come.

    I am glad to say that I did lose 5 pounds in April, had a backslide this past weekend - unfortunately I 'took the weekend off'' and realize that was a mistake.

    My goals for May are to lose another 5 pounds.

    Exercise - three days a week - planks, squats, leg lifts, seated squat, walk

    Thanks for letting me in!!
  • cfeljohnson
    cfeljohnson Posts: 2 Member
    I really want to get back using myfitnesspal. I enjoyed it when I had Friends. But, they all seemed to have left. It hasn't been easy trying to do it myself. :frown:

    So, I thought I should use Community for motiviation and support. And, here I found someone who has lost 70 lbs. What great inspiration!

    I think I'll come here often. :smile:
  • toomanycurves
    toomanycurves Posts: 110 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Is it too late to join?

    Never to late. Pop on in and post and tell us about yourself. Its great here everyone sharing and caring.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    A quick good morning, have early morning doctors appointment and then straight on a train to the other side of the city ( take 1 1/2 - 2 hrs) to see my hyperhidrosis doctor and get some more botox injections. This will be my 2nd treatment. the first last November. how amazing after 51 years of excessive sweating and I mean excessive to finally have something that helps. Unfortunately its not just one jab in the arm for the whole body. Its a jab where ever needs treating. So even though its my whole body my head bothers me the most. summer or winter, i look like i have just stepped out of a shower and will have sweat dripping off me, ruining nicely styled hair within minutes. going out was a nightmare and I love the theatre. People would avoid thinking i had a desease. Don't blame them. i had to carry a hand towel with me at all times. of course as i got older people would just think i was having a hot flush. Anyway so much for being brief, I'm nervous and excited. it does hurt to have it done but so effective. Also very expensive, the Australian government do not yet recognise this a medical condition, its considered cosmetic. Urgg can't wait for someone in parliament to suffer from it. My daugher will come with me and I will stay with her tonight as her unit is then a short taxi ride from the doctors and i will be a bit out of it.
    I will have to work hard on staying within calories today which will be hard as other then breakfast and the banana for on the train. All else will have to be bought. Or made by my daughter. Will see what she has in the unit. Usually not much.

    I did get through yesterday and managed to bank some calories for Sunday which is Mothers Day. Having lunch and dinner out.

    ::flowerforyou: Good luck with weigh in Lynn

    :heart: good morning (wednesday here) and good evening to all

    Love from Jen in Sydney, Australia.
    Ps I need to find a list somewhere that tells me the abbreviations of all the USA states As most of the time I have no idea where you are. :laugh: