Celery Diet



  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    These people are actually being helpful..if they werent then they would tell you to go ahead with this 'diet'. If you go ahead eating so little...your metabolism may crash and never get back to its normal pace. Also starving yourself, will only mess up your thyroid, and you will therefore become hypothyroid and basically you will find it near to impossible to loose weight./have multiple health problems. Either way, youre going to destroy your body. You should be thanking these people, because they are trying stop you from doing something irresponsible and dangerous. Isnt it better to eat a sensible amount of calories, and loose weight at a slower pace, to be healthy and to reduce your chance of gaining it all back?
  • gonnabethinandfit
    gonnabethinandfit Posts: 38 Member
    it's one week. It will definitely help you cleanse.. and I doubt you will put all of the weight back on if you're still eating healthy and exercising. People get me worked up sometimes.. they think they know eveything about starvation mode- please explain to me how a 90lb anorexic got to be 90lbs. Of course it's not healthy but starving yourself doesn't freaking slow down your weight loss. I've tried it. But anyways, do it. People fast on just water for a week at a time to cleanse their bodies, at least you'll be getting the veggie nutrients while doing a similar thing.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Has anyone tried eating celery (all day long) with a small portion of chicken breast in the evening for maybe a week to lose weight quickly? Im seriously thinking of doing this! I love celery more than anything. Think it will work.. or too unhealthy? I would be taking vitamins as well.

    Look, the thing is... these kinds of crash diets are just not going to work. The odds are against you. You know how many people try these kinds of diets and end up gaining back the weight they lost and then some? I mean, I don't think you'll die or anything drastic doing this diet, and I don't have anything against short term fasting.. however.. I do think the best approach is to find something you can stick with FOR THE LONG TERM. The schedule needs to work, the exercise should be enjoyable, the foods need to be things you like, etc. etc. . Basically you need to find a way of eating that is both healthy, will help you lose weight (gradually) and that works best for you. Lifestyle change, not diet.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    so what happens after you get off the celery diet or do you honestly think you can eat nothing but celery and chicken breast for the most of the days of your life for the rest of your life?
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Dude no... she was talking about a week to jump start her routine...

    so what happens after you get off the celery diet or do you honestly think you can eat nothing but celery and chicken breast for the most of the days of your life for the rest of your life?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    it's one week. It will definitely help you cleanse.. and I doubt you will put all of the weight back on if you're still eating healthy and exercising. People get me worked up sometimes.. they think they know eveything about starvation mode- please explain to me how a 90lb anorexic got to be 90lbs. Of course it's not healthy but starving yourself doesn't freaking slow down your weight loss. I've tried it. But anyways, do it. People fast on just water for a week at a time to cleanse their bodies, at least you'll be getting the veggie nutrients while doing a similar thing.

    Okay about 90 pound anorexic. You get that way while your body devours your muscles and ORGANS. Forget starvation mode. At that point your body is going into survival at all costs mode. Ever notice how they they cant eat more than 1000 calories or gain weight? Yea that's slowed metabolism. *facepalm* ffs.

    And detoxing does nothing. You have organs for that.

    OP: I agree with everyone else. If you really want to jump start your weight loss try eating very clean and healthy. You will feel better and have much more energy :]
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Has anyone tried eating celery (all day long) with a small portion of chicken breast in the evening for maybe a week to lose weight quickly? Im seriously thinking of doing this! I love celery more than anything. Think it will work.. or too unhealthy? I would be taking vitamins as well.

    this is the most ridiculous thing ive heard in a long time hahahaha

    Set a healthy loss goal on MFP, eat ALL your cals including exercise and eat healthy, balanced foods.
    With 'quick loss' diets you usually regain all the weight once you return to normal eating.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    This is unacceptable Please never post anything like this again you are a bully!

    Just be sure your kids know how to dial 911 in case you pass out cause people fasting do pass out often.

    How is this being a bully? This is actually very true.
    I collapsed in front of my advisor because I forgot my breakfast/lunch in the refrigerator and didn't get a chance to eat.
  • nancy9492
    nancy9492 Posts: 3
    Why don't you try cleansing your body by eating like a vegan? There is this fast my church does, no you don't have to be Christian to do it, it's used to help our spirituality grow, anyways it's called the Daniel Fast, this way you get to enjoy other things and your body rids of those bad foods. Google it and I hope it helps!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Has anyone tried eating celery (all day long) with a small portion of chicken breast in the evening for maybe a week to lose weight quickly? Im seriously thinking of doing this! I love celery more than anything. Think it will work.. or too unhealthy? I would be taking vitamins as well.

    Very unhealthy, don't even think about it.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    If you want to do something like this, look into some variation of intermittent fasting. It would probably look similar but instead of chicken you would be eating a lot more. I am by no means an expert on the subject, but if you are set on some sort of fasting, at least be getting the calories you need.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    That isn't a diet; it's an eating disorder.

    Best quote ever!

    Actually, no its not. This women doesn't have an eating disorder, she is misinformed about proper nutrition!!

    Regarding the whole thread, I don't understand why SOME people are so rude. She is asking for advice, some people are uneducated about what their body needs to function, instead of making rude, condescending remarks, how about giving her some helpful information.

    OP, yes you will lose weight, but you will most likely put the weight straight back on after. You are better off just eating in moderation.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Dude the poster is not anorexic... It's outrageous to bring up frightening someones children because they are essentially going to die... She is talking about a week of eating clean... She also asked if she should add things ... I said yes add some stuff little carbs more protein and fats... but it's ok... I also said don't go to low with the cals but the people freaking out and belittling someone because they asking a legitimate question is insane scare tactics are unacceptable on the forum and threatening anorexia is Just simply uneducated ...

    Someone who is obese is not going to become anorexic in one week... Give advise don't use scare tactics. If you had a bad personal experience share it don't threaten someone with their kids that's just not OK

    This is unacceptable Please never post anything like this again you are a bully!

    Just be sure your kids know how to dial 911 in case you pass out cause people fasting do pass out often.

    How is this being a bully? This is actually very true.
    I collapsed in front of my advisor because I forgot my breakfast/lunch in the refrigerator and didn't get a chance to eat.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Dude the poster is not anorexic... It's outrageous to bring up frightening someones children because they are essentially going to die... She is talking about a week of eating clean... She also asked if she should add things ... I said yes add some stuff little carbs more protein and fats... but it's ok... I also said don't go to low with the cals but the people freaking out and belittling someone because they asking a legitimate question is insane scare tactics are unacceptable on the forum and threatening anorexia is Just simply uneducated ...

    Someone who is obese is not going to become anorexic in one week... Give advise don't use scare tactics. If you had a bad personal experience share it don't threaten someone with their kids that's just not OK

    This is unacceptable Please never post anything like this again you are a bully!

    Just be sure your kids know how to dial 911 in case you pass out cause people fasting do pass out often.

    How is this being a bully? This is actually very true.
    I collapsed in front of my advisor because I forgot my breakfast/lunch in the refrigerator and didn't get a chance to eat.

    When did I ever say she was anorexic? I am NOT even close to being anorexic. I eat 2000 calories a day and STILL collapsed in front of my advisor. Thank god I had a medical professional with me since i slammed my chin on a desk on the way down. Also I didn't even make the first post. SO don't blame me.

    This could be serious. She very well could pass out in front of her children with out enough calories. I'm not even talking about the "diet" and such. The passing out can be serious and not something I would like to risk.

    If you are eating clean but still not taking in enough calories it is just as bad.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Yes this!!!!! I am sick of people being so rude on these forums ! Especially when this is someone asking for advise ... Lowering cals for a week can actually be helpful if followed by a spike and if she adds in a few more nutrient areas... 1 week is not going to stall weight loss, it will not give you an eating disorder, It will not make you drop dead on the floor ... and make your kids have to call 911 ... Seriously be supportive and offer help or don't give your input... If you disagree and offer an alternative that's one thing but being confrontational and rude is something entirely different!

    That isn't a diet; it's an eating disorder.

    Best quote ever!

    Actually, no its not. This women doesn't have an eating disorder, she is misinformed about proper nutrition!!

    Regarding the whole thread, I don't understand why SOME people are so rude. She is asking for advice, some people are uneducated about what their body needs to function, instead of making rude, condescending remarks, how about giving her some helpful information.

    OP, yes you will lose weight, but you will most likely put the weight straight back on after. You are better off just eating in moderation.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    That isn't a diet; it's an eating disorder.

    Best quote ever!

    Actually, no its not. This women doesn't have an eating disorder, she is misinformed about proper nutrition!!

    Regarding the whole thread, I don't understand why SOME people are so rude. She is asking for advice, some people are uneducated about what their body needs to function, instead of making rude, condescending remarks, how about giving her some helpful information.

    OP, yes you will lose weight, but you will most likely put the weight straight back on after. You are better off just eating in moderation.

    i like what she says
    its not an eating disorder or anything like it.
    a week worth of just cleansing isnt a eating disorder.

    i have done cleansing myself, the most was 2 weeks. yeah you lose the weight, while on it cause of the lack of food. or just low in calories. and of course you will gain some of it back when you start to eat regularly.

    but it helps clean your body so your body can function correctly, when you actually do your diet or whatever that you wanted to do.
    anyways... :L people stop raging or making rude statement

    its just cleansing nothing more. and its only a week.
  • Steph2677
    Steph2677 Posts: 3 Member
    You would be mad to do this - your body will go into starvation mode and then hinder your weight loss!
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    You would be mad to do this - your body will go into starvation mode and then hinder your weight loss!

    hmmm, from what i remember starvation mode is just a myth (JUST SAYING)
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Not the same situation... If you had low blood sugar in a day that's something else
    This poster is trying to formulate a diet and she is asking for advise ...

    The response from the other poster is ranting about her kids needing to call 911 because she WILL collapse... That's not OK.. if you want to help the poster give suggestions tell her what works for you etc... Don't scold or threaten... no one on here needs to mommy anyone else... or treat anyone on here with such little disrespect. If you have a concern say hey poster this is my experience w/ eating too little ... wouldn't recommend...

    Dude the poster is not anorexic... It's outrageous to bring up frightening someones children because they are essentially going to die... She is talking about a week of eating clean... She also asked if she should add things ... I said yes add some stuff little carbs more protein and fats... but it's ok... I also said don't go to low with the cals but the people freaking out and belittling someone because they asking a legitimate question is insane scare tactics are unacceptable on the forum and threatening anorexia is Just simply uneducated ...

    Someone who is obese is not going to become anorexic in one week... Give advise don't use scare tactics. If you had a bad personal experience share it don't threaten someone with their kids that's just not OK

    This is unacceptable Please never post anything like this again you are a bully!

    Just be sure your kids know how to dial 911 in case you pass out cause people fasting do pass out often.

    How is this being a bully? This is actually very true.
    I collapsed in front of my advisor because I forgot my breakfast/lunch in the refrigerator and didn't get a chance to eat.

    When did I ever say she was anorexic? I am NOT even close to being anorexic. I eat 2000 calories a day and STILL collapsed in front of my advisor. Thank god I had a medical professional with me since i slammed my chin on a desk on the way down. Also I didn't even make the first post. SO don't blame me.

    This could be serious. She very well could pass out in front of her children with out enough calories. I'm not even talking about the "diet" and such. The passing out can be serious and not something I would like to risk.

    If you are eating clean but still not taking in enough calories it is just as bad.