Do you remember your first kiss?



  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    unfortunaltely yes i do and i remember who it was with, thank you for reminding me can somebody pass me the memory bleach please

    I know what you mean. Mine was at age 12 with a "boyfriend" who kissed like what I imagine it would feel like to have your faced licked by a chiuaua on speed. We ended up dating breifly 4 years later until our second first kiss and again, Chiuaua on speed. I was like, "Really? 4 years to improve on your technique and still this?"

    We didn't have another date after that. LOL!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Was at my Junior homecoming dance. My date had approached me several times prior ot the dance, and during the dance, acting like he was going to do it, but he didn't...

    Then the last song of the night, "I Will Remember You" by Sarah McLachlan (ironic??) was playing and we were dancing forehead to forehead and my lips brushed his mustache and I knewit was going to happen...

    And he proceeded to shove his entire tongue so far into my mouth that I nearly choked, pulled back, and went in again, this time I was ready and fended him off with mine and I stuck out the rest of the song before jetting to the bathroom to cough and check my gagging.

    On the way home, we got into an argument because he didn't believe it was my first kiss because I was "too good" and all I could think was, dude, I was trying to save my life!
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I remember mine. But it's not my favorite.

    My favorite was a couple months ago right after a tickle fight on the bed.
  • PandaHerber
    PandaHerber Posts: 43 Member
    I was 11, and it was behind a pizza parlor. He had been my "boyfriend" for almost 2 months so it seemed like the important thing to do. It was quick and chaste - but always remembered.

    The best first kiss is from my current BF though. The first date went really well, but he was so quiet and almost shy. I kind of wondered if there would be a second date or if maybe I was a little out there for someone like him. He walked me to my truck and then grabbed me and kissed me. He practically lifted me up in his arms and held me so tightly. 1st thought - OMG where did this come from. 2nd thought - Oh ya - I'm keeping him. Still makes me swoon every time he kisses me.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    unfortunaltely yes i do and i remember who it was with, thank you for reminding me can somebody pass me the memory bleach please

    I know what you mean. Mine was at age 12 with a "boyfriend" who kissed like what I imagine it would feel like to have your faced licked by a chiuaua on speed. We ended up dating breifly 4 years later until our second first kiss and again, Chiuaua on speed. I was like, "Really? 4 years to improve on your technique and still this?"

    We didn't have another date after that. LOL!

    OMG I totally know what you're talking about, I once had a guy ask me what I'd do if he told me I was the most beautiful person he'd ever known and he didn't think he'd ever meet someone more beautiful than I was... I kissed him (later found out it was his first) and he did this and I was like woah hey slow down tiger! I even tried to teach him to go slower but the moment I relaxed mymouth, it was lick lick licklick
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    Yes. It was the start of men doing things just to shut me up :P

    I wish it had been a little more special.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I do! It was horrible!!! I was shaking in my boots LOL BUT I sure did LOVE the guy ..... Haven't seen him in years... Weird!
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    I remember all of my first kisses. My very first one was sloppy and I was 13 (2 days before my 14th birthday) and I seriously never wanted to do it again! :/
  • JadedSouls
    JadedSouls Posts: 136 Member
    I do.. was with my best friend growing up and we were 12 .. such a sloppy kisser he was!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Yep, it was two of my best friends' brother and we were smitten. I was 15 and he was 17. Now he's married to a b|tch, and I laugh at the karma... he was a jerk to me after the kiss, so you get what's comin' to ya! My first kiss with my current boyfriend was super awkward 'cause his style of kissing is SO different from mine. I'm more aggressive and he's more subtle. Needless to say, things worked out for the better. I learned to adapt and we've been together almost 3 years.
  • mdundon09
    mdundon09 Posts: 66 Member
    Yep, I was 18 and it was my future husband at his parent's house for his 21st birthday party. I was so embarrassed after he kissed me that I ran away and hid in the bathroom for 15 minutes. We still laugh about it today! He was so shocked when I just took off. Poor guy. lol
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    2nd grade, roller skating with my baby-crush and fellow 2nd grader, he leaned over and gave me a quick peck (on the cheek, I think) and I fell on my butt. :happy:
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I've never actually had a real kiss. :embarassed:

    You're young. You want to give them time to improve, anyway. :wink:
  • HarleyQuinn_12
    HarleyQuinn_12 Posts: 363 Member
    Yes, I do. It was actually to date one of the best kisses I have ever had.
    Every time I think about it, I get a silly grin on my face.
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    High school football game, behind the concession stand.

    Sweet memory.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Oh man, yes but it was gross, I didn't even want to kiss the guy... total peer pressure as it was me and 2 friends and him and his 2 friends. *sigh* yeah.. meant nothing...
    But I do remember my first kiss with my boyfriend ( who will become my husband ), it was a sweet little peck on the lips, when he came over to watch a movie.. :) By the end of the movie we were making out on the couch like a couple of teenagers.. :-) We still do that every now and again.. LOL...
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    First kiss...I don't remember his name but hey I was 5 and it was on the playground at recces.

    Second a movie theater while watching "10 Things I Hate About You", I was 13.

    Don't remember first kiss with ex-husband, probably suppressed it along with most of the memories from that disaster.

    There are a few other memorable ones :blushing:
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    My first kiss ever was with my little boyfriend when I was about 4 (yep). My best girlfriend at the time was moving in with lips puckered, so I rushed over, knocked her out of the way, and kissed him myself. I've always had this little possessive streak..

    Unfortunately, my best first kiss to date was with the stupid ex with whom I wasted 3 years of my life. He's a gigantic @hole, but damn is he a good kisser. I don't recall anyone else ever causing me literal weakness in the knees. :grumble:
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    11 years old....behind the movie theatre...with a guy old enough to drive....his name was travis...he smelled great and was dressed like he belonged in a Guns n Roses

    i don't remember the movie

    it was either House Party 2 or Wes Craven's The People Under the Stairs???
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    My fist kiss went a little like this... Hehe ok so I've had many a kissing moments...

    But...My fist kiss I was playing Jurassic Park with my brother and his friend (you know those cool dinos with bite chunks out of them!) anyways I pulled that kid behind the chair and kissed him :)

    My first real kiss was in 8th grade at the jr high plays with the highschool band night ;) also
    My fist love :) haha!