Hubs thinks my weight goal is too much



  • jillthemom
    jillthemom Posts: 31 Member
    It really depends on how you carry your weight. I am 5ft 4in and I have hit my goal weight of 125, but I am still carrying a lot of weight around my middle. In fact, my waist measurement just recently dropped below the "danger zone " . I thought I would be happy at this weight, but I plan to continue on until the spare tire is gone.. :) Oh, and at this weight I wear a 6/8. Just goes to show the difference in bodies, as a previous poster weighed more, yet was wearing a 2!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 118-121 depending on the day. I think 110 on a 5'4" frame is just fine!

    * Edit for terrible spelling
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 5'7" and 130 pounds and I can promise you that I look far from anorexic. I am actually looking to lose another 5 pounds. I have muscle and am nowhere near skeletal. You could do it and still be healthy, just see how you feel along the way.
  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    I am 5"7.
    I am currently either 140 pounds, or 120 pounds. My scales are ****ed and flick backwards and forwards between the 2.
    My goal is to be 109 pounds.
    Now i know that is yes in the unhealthy weight section of the bmi scales,
    BUT a few years ago i was that weight, and the height i am now. And i didnt ever think about my weight, i was happy with myself. And then i started to gain weight, and my body became an issue for me.
    So i just want to reach a size where i forget about being fat / being skinny. Where i am just happy in my body.
    And who knows maybe i will actually get to 120 pounds and be happy..
    But either way thats my goal weight, and regardless of what anyone says, thats the weight i am going to one day be.
  • js25698
    js25698 Posts: 42 Member
    Weight goals are a PERSONAL choice. You have to be happy with how you look in the mirror. Whatever number that is is ultimately YOUR decision. See how you look as you lose weight and stop when you want to stop.
  • tinam76
    tinam76 Posts: 59 Member
    I can't speak because it depends on each person and their unique body type. Also, your muscle will change that greatly. 110 might be a perfect weight for you with little to no muscle, but obviously if you build some muscle then 120 or even 130 might be best. All I suggest is working to a point where you are happy with your appearance and fitness level. Wherever that is, stick with it. (Assuming it's within the realm of healthy)

    I'm in a similar but different position. I have a goal (that is healthy) and my girlfriend says it's too low because she says if I'm thin/athletic that she won't find me attractive. *shrugs* All you can do is work towards what makes you happy and be willing to re-evaluate your situation as you progress. Peoples opinions are just that, their opinions. Nothing says that they are right or wrong. I hope you reach your goal. Good luck!
    i sooooo second this i remember being 110 and if the wind blew strong i might be across town! for me it's when i look and i am happy. i don't have a real number in mind i just know when i get there i will know . yes i give myself a weekly even monthly goal right now because i'm just getting started. as long as you are healthy and happy to hell with what people think. you live in your body. good luck 2 you and to all of us
  • antypim89
    antypim89 Posts: 31 Member
    I weighed 131 pounds last year and was soooo unhappy. I undertook a vast training programme and dropped to 113 pounds and felt great. I am also small, at just 5ft 2. I have to say am not that weight now, but my goal weight is 113 pounds or lower because i feel happier at these lower weights as i am a small person. The problem for us smaller people is that weight tends to look bigger then a taller person were the weight is more stretched out.

    I would aim to loose weight to a medium goal above this target weight, see how you feel and maintain this weight for a period of time. Then if you feel as though you need to drop a few pounds again do it slowly. Slow weight loss is the best no matter the goal. Its worked for me I have never been a above 135 pounds since loosing weight this way (i used to be 185).

    Just remember healthy and happy is what your aiming for no matter what the goal weight.
  • vanderandkarl
    i would pick a number in the middle of the BMI chart that way if u are ill and u lose you wont be even more ill (if u are underweight and get ill it is worse) and if u gain a little u are still in a good place i hope that makes sense i am aiming to be in the middle of my healthy BMI i am current at the very bad end with a BMI of 41 it was 44 i want to have a BMI of 23 but if thats too small will go up to a BMI of 25 i hope this makes sense x

    good luck whatever you decide x
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    There are many factors that play into what you should set your goal to be.

    Bone structure:

    Some people are big boned, some medium boned, and some tiny boned. Which bone size are you? An easy way to tell is the wrap your pointer finger and thumb around the wrist of your dominant hand. Do the fingers overlap? Then you are small boned. Do they just meet? Then you are medium boned. Do they not meet? Then you are large boned. Now, this is not accurate for those people who have a lot of padding around their wrist, so you need to assess this as you lose weight.

    Additionally, black people and Native Americans have denser bones than other racial groups. They may want to shoot for a little bit higher weight range. Asians have bones that are less dense, so they may want to shoot for a lower weight range.

    Muscle mass:

    If you have a lot of muscle on your body, you want to shoot for the higher end of your weight range. Maybe even shoot for the lower end of the 'overweight' range. Muscle is more dense than fat, so it weighs more. There is such a thing as 'skinny fat'. This occurs when you lose down to your weight range, but still have fat on your body. Please consider increasing your muscle mass as this will increase your metabolism and allow you to eat more calories, which is healthier for you and easier to maintain.

    Differences among people:

    So you looked at pictures of people that are your height and you want to look like them. So you figure you will look like them if you weigh what they weigh. That simply is not true. You may not lose the fat in the areas in which you wish to lose it to look like them. Fat tends to leave the body in the opposite order that it was put on: For example: if you put on weight around your waist last, that is what is going to go first. So you may like the looks of someone at 110 and your height, but losing down to that weight may not produce the results that you want.

    Do I think 110 is wrong for you? I can't make that decision. I don't know what your bone structure is. I don't know how much muscle is on your body.

    I would encourage you, though, to not compare yourself to what other people look like and weigh. Women do this all the time. Why can't we just be ourselves and do what we want to do, be who we want to be, without compare ourselves to others and striving to look like other people.

    I concerns me that you are striving to look like others and not considering your particular body eccentricities. To maintain a 110 figure, you will have to live for the rest of your life on about 1200 calories. Is that doable for you? Would you rather weigh 125, have muscle on your body that will increase your metabolism, and be able to eat 1800 calories a day? Most women think me are attracted to those skinny little things, but they aren't. Men are really turned on by women who are physically fit. Those skinny little things are not physically fit.

    What you need to do is calculate your lean body mass. This is bones, organs, and muscle weight. Then you need to go from there to figure out how much you want to weigh.

    Here is a site about the benefits of lifting weights:

    Weight lifting prevents osteoporosis as well. Its teeny, tiny women who get osteoporosis, not women who are muscled.

    Another site of interest is this one, on which you can calculate your BMR, body fat, etc. Then you can really set the proper weight that you should strive for.

    In short, I think that you are just seeing the small picture. Many women think being teeny, tiny shows that they are healthy. To maintain that teeny, tiny figure, you may not be able to obtain all the nutrition that you need. It is better to put on muscle so that you can eat more and be healthy instead of eat little and be unhealthy.

    Hope this helps you make a decision.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I agree with the hubby. Besides, he may like your curves.

    Good luck.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    The lowest healthy weight is for people with very slight builds who have very little muscle mass. If you goal is to be healthy, I'd go for a body fat percentage goal and build some muscle along the way. Muscle burns calories so you can eat more in maintenance.

    An even hundred is a good goal and if that motivates you to get started, then that's great. Just accept the fact that you'll probably want to adjust that goal as you get into the healthy weight range. It's a goal, not a message written on a stone tablet.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree with the hubby. Besides, he may like your curves.

    Good luck.

    Curves =/= fat

    Thank you.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It doesn't matter where you set your goal because it won't happen overnight. If you get to 120 and you're the size you want to be, then you can stop. Goal weight is just a guess.
  • Amara15
    Amara15 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my weight goal is 110. My husband told me tonight he thinks that is just too much loss. Is it?

    I chose that number because it was the lowest healthy weight on a chart I saw, and also because I started at 212 and I wanted my loss to be an even 100 pounds.

    I've seen pictures on MyBodyGallery of pear-shaped, 110 pound 5'4" tall women and I thought it was a decent goal with a flattering figure. My husband thinks I'm going to look all gaunt and anorexic!

    How do you set a decent goal that keeps health at the forefront?

    I'm sure your tired of hearing it but I think hes right. I'm 5'3 and last year I got down to 109 and people would not stop asking me if I was sick! my sister also kept telling me my head looked way too big for my body. I'm pretty small framed, with some curve.. (busty and hippy) haha and I thought i started to look like a middle school boy also! my goal now is between 120-125. I dont know what your body type is, but I would say aim for something higher to start with and if your unhappy with the results then maybe consider continuing.
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    Honestly? I'm 5'4.5", and all of the various BF% calculators on the web say that I've got around 110lbs of lean body mass. Yours may well be different, but I doubt by all that much. So in my opinion, yes, 110 would be too low for your height. But that's without knowing your particular body structure. I'm at 143 now, and am starting to think 135 if I can get my weight to budge down again. I would never personally drop below 130. But to each their own. There are plenty of women who drop to the 120's range and have athletic BF%'s. It all depends on how you want to look and live your life after the weight loss.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'4 and last month I was in the hospital for 2 weeks.
    I went down to 110lbs.
    I didn't like it, I felt like a boy. My breasts were almost gone and I was stick thin.
    Right now I am at 115, and it really does make a big difference. I feel much more confident, my weight before the hospital was 120 and that was the best weight for me in my opinion.
    Your body might be different then mine but I am just sharing my experience.

    If you look at my profile at my photos, in the gray dress I am 120lbs, in the black dress i'm wearing i'm 114.
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    I was 110lbs a few years ago and I'm the same height as you. I was really skinny - like a size 6 (american size 2). Also do you have any idea how hard it is going to be losing 5lbs when you weigh 115 and are already skinny? People told me that I was too skinny, sick looking and that they were worried about me when I was 110lbs.
    Even if you aim for 120lbs you're still going to be a size 6-8UK size (2-4American) which is perfect if you want to be "skinny". Girls will envy you and guys will still see a waist and an *kitten* and fancy you! lol. This is just my experience anyway.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I think you'll really have to wait until you are closer to that weight. I'm 5'4" and for now I'm aiming for 90 lbs lost which will put me in the 130s. I can't imagine the 120s or lower.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I say one thing at a time..... who cares what your "goal" is right now....the goal should be to just lose weight and build muscle, when you get close you can then decide what your "goalweight " is.... weight does not matter anyway, clothing size and if you are happy with your appearance is what matters...

    You could be happy at 160 ,145, 120, 100......who won't know till you are there.... right now I would concentrate on eating properly and exercising and worry about stuff like that later....
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    Depends on your shape and bone structure. I looked my best at 113, and I'm 5'4. I also have an incredibly small frame and once had a very high metabolism that kept me at 113 regardless of how much I worked out or what I ate. I have other friends at my height who would have looked sick at that weight. Just so you know, though, 112 is very close to the bottom of healthy BMI for our height.

    It's just a matter of what looks/is healthy for you based on your body type and overall fitness level.