Heartbroke and defeated...



  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Luv,
    Don't give up. I know how discouraging it is to try so hard with the exercising and dieting and not feel you are getting anywhere. I too have broke down and cried in the drs office because I was so disgusted with myself and the amount of weight I had put on. All he did was say "are you depressed?" Depression was not the problem, being overweight was. I hoped for some tips and encouragement but all I got was him wanting to put me on depression pills. I said no and didn't take the pills and haven't been back to him. I continued to put on weight and yo-yo'd for a while and allowed stuff at work to overwhelm me so I kept eating. Snacks here, chips there. Gradually my portions got larger. (Funny - I did too can you imagine?) Finally it got to the point where one day I looked in the mirror and said "Lynn, how did you let yourself get this way, you are huge?" Looked at my diet and my exercise and buckled down to it.

    Anyway, you are never too large to lose weight so don't let the dr. put that thought in your head. You have loads of support here on MFP. I agree with what most of them are saying, don't overdo the exercising, do have a rest day. Open your diary so we can take a peek and perhaps see where some unwanted calories may be coming from, remember even little things like oil for cooking, sauces, soft drinks, all have calories. Remember to count them in accurately. Don't forget that muscle weighs heavier than fat so the scales won't always reflect the benefits and you are doing yourself some good. Do stick with it and feel free to post your thoughts and downs as we can help lift you up. We are all going through it together. Some lose faster than others. You will start to see a difference. Oh, and get yourself a new dr.
  • KellyAlyssa84
    You can do this! Forget what that quack of a doc said and go prove her wrong!

    Good luck!!
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    Honey, you need to find a new doctor. don't give up. In the meantime, you do your part with what you can to start your body on the journey to weight loss- eating healthier, and exercising, even if it's just walking around the block a couple of times. Don't give up!! You have the future of your body/ health in your hands. YOU CAN DO THIS!! You are not the first to go through this, many here have also or are going through your situation. It's not easy, but it's not impossible. You can add me as a friend for support, if you like. We can do this together, sweetie! :flowerforyou:
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    You can do this. I am down 95 pounds as of this morning and am not only out of the obese BMI category but am almost in the normal BMI category. If you would have told me 18 months ago I would be here I would have told you that you are crazy.

    I went to find out about the lap band, did all the pre-op testing and backed out at the very last minute and decided to give it one more try.

    I am so glad I did. I have spent every day focusing on myself, learning about nutrition and exercise and making this lifestyle change my priority.

    Add me as a friend, the more friends you have, the more motivation and accountability.

    Take it one day at a time, you can do this!!
  • sparkmanr
    sparkmanr Posts: 14
    Have you had any hormonal tests done at all? Thyroid? Sometimes there are other factors that go into the lack of weight loss when you put so much into it. Definately get a second opinion they are a must no matter what you are going in for. My husband had back surgery and he got three different opinions before he finally had surgery and that was a year and a half later. I know it isn't weight loss but it's similiar. Definately don't give up until you get a second opinion. I've known people who have had lap bad and gastric bypass both. My one friend with lap band looks awesome but she still struggles to keep the weight off and I've known people who have gained major weight back after gastric bypass because they continued to eat and their stomach stretched back out again. Unless there is a medical reason you can't lose weight without surgery I would keep trying. Surgery is drastic and it changes you for a life time in more than just the weightloss factor. Add me as a friend if you need to.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I still recommend having your food diary looked at
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    Time to find a new doctor. Your current one is an idiot.

    I agree! That is insensitive, unprofessional and plain old idiotic! I wish you the best. Don't give up!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Time to find a new doctor. Your current one is an idiot.

    I agree! That is insensitive, unprofessional and plain old idiotic! I wish you the best. Don't give up!

    No. It's time to look at your exercise and nutrition and create a plan for success.
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Time to find a new doctor. Your current one is an idiot.

    I agree! That is insensitive, unprofessional and plain old idiotic! I wish you the best. Don't give up!

    No. It's time to look at your exercise and nutrition and create a plan for success.

    I'm still trying to figure out why everyone is piling on the doctor for suggesting a valid medical procedure that helps many people... ah well. Even the OP said the doc didn't push when she said no to the lap band.
  • ladyjeanne57
    ladyjeanne57 Posts: 39 Member
    I am furious with your doctor!!!! I am 54 years old and weigh 232 pounds and am 5'2". Every pound that is dropped helps your body. I lost 40 pounds from my weight high point and am no longer having issues with sleep apnea. Every single pound helps! And you can lose your weight without surgery! So many people have proved it right here on this site! Get a new doctor!!! Make good choices. Your weight loss so far is a BIG thing. You should be congratulated and encouraged. As you can see by the oh, so many positive remarks here...WE'VE GOT YOUR SIX!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Time to find a new doctor. Your current one is an idiot.

    I agree! That is insensitive, unprofessional and plain old idiotic! I wish you the best. Don't give up!

    No. It's time to look at your exercise and nutrition and create a plan for success.

    I'm still trying to figure out why everyone is piling on the doctor for suggesting a valid medical procedure that helps many people... ah well. Even the OP said the doc didn't push when she said no to the lap band.

    Right. Everyone is telling the doctor to shove it. Great but that doesn't get her any closer to her goal. Forget the damn doctor people! Ask her to open her food diary!
  • temsabi
    temsabi Posts: 45 Member
    Apparently I am so big that I have no hope of dropping of the weight.

    Ok, your doctor is a bully. You are NOT too big to lose the weight--no matter what. I am furious for your doctor because it sounds like she's messing with your head. You're doing everything right and the weight will come off! Besides, you're exercising a lot it seems so even if the scale stays the same you're gaining muscle and losing fat so your body will be looking better slowly and surely as long as you don't give up!

    My mom worked with people who weighed 450 lbs and got themselves down to 190. Through exercise and dieting. Where there's a will there's a way--and a better, more supportive doctor!!
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    I agree that your dr is an idiot!
    It may take a while but you don't need a quick and easy fix! You need a permanent fix! I've lost 100lbs from my heaviest weight and I am proof that it is possible! Slow and steady wins the race! Just keep at it!
  • Rowberta
    Rowberta Posts: 29 Member
    umm, find a new doc... YOU CAN DO IT!!! i added you
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    There is a lot more to eating healthy and exercising than weight loss!

    How are your clothes fitting?
    Are you still winded when you walk stairs? hills?
    How is the intensity of your workout now compared to when you started?

    Look at the whole picture, not just the corner you don't like.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Your doctor is probably in cahoots with a lap band surgery clinic and probably gets commissions off referrals.I started at 215 and I am down to 198 in 6 motnths. Its Doable with the right foods and exercise along with commitment, dedication and drive.

    F@3k your doctor. You can do it. Just have faith and patience. Add me as a friend if you want to.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    NEW DOCTOR PLZ................ you can do anything you set your mind to it and you are doing it the healthy way - so give her/him the finger and tell her/him to *kitten* off...

    Don't give up... EVER :)
  • dash108
    dash108 Posts: 21 Member
    Time to find a new doctor. Your current one is an idiot.

  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Jesus stop with the doctor thing
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    No. Do not give up. Even if you loose .01 of a pound a week it's still coming off, right. We live how many years? You have time, this is a lifestyle change.

    And what the F does that mean, too big to lose weight? I worked in a hospital many years. The only people who couldn't lose weight were the ones with tumors or thyroid issues or another medical condition.

    Look down the board at all the people who believe in you. We believe in you and I hope you hold onto your belief in yourself. Cause you can do this. Personally, I admire you. I admire anyone who sticks to anything for so long, especially with such obvious obstacles! You inspire me to push myself.
