

  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    - chocolate pop tarts (not chocolate, just some ingredient in the chocolate poptarts gives me hives!)
    - not really "allergic" but i'm lactose intolerant (dairy hates me)
    - hornets
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Foods: Oat, wheat, soy, corn, milk, tomatoes, PEANUTS, cashews, citrus fruits
    Grasses/trees: Literally all 60 of them that I was tested for, except African savannah grass (lol, say what?)
    Drugs: bacitracin (a common antibiotic, used in meds like neosporin)
    Other: dust mites, cats, dogs, bed bugs

    Yeah, and I'm not even joking. lol, this is why I'm devoting my life to immunology research!!
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    Where to begin lol
    I'm allergic to dust mites
    and I'm super sensitive to onions.
    I also think I'm allergic to Ambian and something in the anthrax shot and the small pox shot
    Its no fun to have cow pox in the desert :(
  • _CiaoParis
    _CiaoParis Posts: 166
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Penicillin, mold, (imagine that) and I have issues with excessive perfume/cologne. I will have an attack if it's too much, and have to have an inhaler. It's never gotten so bad that I've had to go to the ER or anything, but I sure feel crappy after an attack.
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    - chocolate pop tarts (not chocolate, just some ingredient in the chocolate poptarts gives me hives!)
    - not really "allergic" but i'm lactose intolerant (dairy hates me)
    - hornets

    Just fyi, being lactose intolerant is not a food allergy at all. Lactose intolerance involves being unable to digest lactose; it has nothing to do with your immune system. Being allergic to milk means that your body has antibodies that actually will attack milk protein and cause an autoimmune reaction.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Any fur bearing animal, certain perfumes, tetracycline, pollen, dust, certain molds but lucky for me no food groups except onions.

    oops.... forgot wasps!!!!
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Seeing as how I've already commented, I guess I should add my allergies:

    - Dogs, cats, rabbits... they figure all furry animals :sad: BUT I have four dogs nonetheless :bigsmile:
    - Dust
    - Dairy
    - Eggs
    - Tobacco :laugh:
    - Bananas (suspected)
    - Latex (found this one out the HARD way :grumble: )

    and I'm asthmatic, so while I'm not allergic to some things, they do act as a trigger for my asthma :grumble: : ANYTHING scented, flowers, grass, etc. Fun times. I spend 90% of the year with sinus infections.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    - chocolate pop tarts (not chocolate, just some ingredient in the chocolate poptarts gives me hives!)
    - not really "allergic" but i'm lactose intolerant (dairy hates me)
    - hornets

    Just fyi, being lactose intolerant is not a food allergy at all. Lactose intolerance involves being unable to digest lactose; it has nothing to do with your immune system. Being allergic to milk means that your body has antibodies that actually will attack milk protein and cause an autoimmune reaction.

    um, yes i know this. which is why i said "not really 'allergic'" .. you may want to read something before commenting on it..
  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    When I was little I used to break out in an itchy rash every time I ate something with a certain artificial red dye in it. Since then I've avoided all artificial red dyes, so who knows if I'm still allergic. My mom is highly allergic to sulfites, so I wonder if I will develop it one day.

    Also, I'm not allergic, but I'm definitely intolerant to chocolate. It really sucks and I've been in denial, but after eliminating other foods, that is the issue. Major stomach issues, plus I get really sleepy and lethargic. Guess I will have to find a new favorite food...:frown:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm allergic to shellfish. I didn't take it seriously until I ate something with shrimp in it and my throat started closing up. Now I'm very careful about what and where I eat.

    I also am pretty sure I have a gluten intolerance but I haven't quite admitted that yet. :)
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    I am severely allergic to poison ivy, oak and sumac. I get it just from the wind blowing.
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    Big difference between allergies and intolerance, a lot of people who have an intolerance to something, think they have an allergy, and allergy is a life threatening condition.

    Sorry...too much seriousness...I am intolerant


    false.. dunno where you got that from...
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Pollen, nickel and egg fried rice. The only one that bothers me is the last one. I can buy hayfever tablets and wear more expensive earrings but I used to love egg fried rice. I'm not sure which ingredient I'm allergic to, not eggs anyway. I get a rash all over my body and have to get steroid cream from the doctor if I eat any.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I am allergic to chocolate. It brings me out in fat.
  • genuinelyfrans
    Pepto Bismol, the first time I took it I was 5 and I had to go to the hospital because I had a severe allergic reaction
  • Lunakatrina
    I have skin allergies to nickel and I must be allergic to some kind of chemical because every so often I'll put something on my skin and it'll burn like crazy and my skin will be red for hours after...
  • delco714
    delco714 Posts: 229
    I have skin allergies to nickel and I must be allergic to some kind of chemical because every so often I'll put something on my skin and it'll burn like crazy and my skin will be red for hours after...

    like what?,, clothes? lol but in all seriousness, be more specific!
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Damn near everything it seems like. Ragweed, pollen, grass, trees, cats, dogs, mites, almonds.....

    I get allergy shots 1-2 times per week and get 7 shots every time I go in. Been 2.5+ years and they have really helped. So much so that we were able tips finally get a cat.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Just remembered another annoying allergy. Bourgeouis eyeshadows. And that brand do the nicest colours. Not fair. They make my eyes all puffy and cracked it's just disgusting, can barely see.