What is the craziest thing you believed to be true as a kid?



  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    -i believed that rabbits back legs were made of rubber bands thats why they could jump so high.
    -shadows could attack you, so never stand near an uncovered window at night (still freaks me out to be near one)
    -the plug hole in the bath would suck you down with it so dont be in the bath when you let the water out
    - the plug in the center of the bottom of the pool would also suck you under.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    When I was a kid there was a field in the woods. We called it Farmer's Field. Farmer's Field was a place of great evil and nobody dared go there. The ground would turn into quicksand and swallow kids whole then an evil farmer that lived there would harvest kids up like vegetables. I have no idea how that got started, but all the neighborhood kids believed it.
  • SarahE1092
    SarahE1092 Posts: 83
    My brother always told me that if you press that soft spot behind your ear lobe, you would die. And for some reason my mother backed him up on it. So he would always try to press on it.....

    I also have a jacked up family, but I love em all!

    Added another. My mother called them "Lie bumps" and when you get a popped out taste bud on your tongue and it hurts really bad, my mom would say oh you must have told a lie. I believed that well into my teens : D
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    I believed that smoke detectors could predict the future, so when the alarm went off you had about an hour to pack your things and run away as fast as you could BEFORE the fire started. Haha :D
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My brother told me there was a troll living in my heating vent and would come out and eat my hamster while I slept. So I used to sleep with my hamster's cage next to my pillow. My mother would get mad because it would shred my pillowcase and the edge of my pillow.

    He also told me that raisins are dead cockroaches and I still can't eat them.

    I'm sure I saw that on tv once. Somebody was talking about different foods and stated that you could use roaches in place of raisins and couldn't tell the difference. I'm 58 years old and to this day I won't eat raisins because of that. I googled it awhile back and couldn't find anything about using roaches for raisins but I still won't eat raisins. :noway:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Monsters DID live under my bed. So, I would turn my light off and run as fast as I could and jump into bed. The I had to be under the covers because if any part was exposed they would get me!!

    Me too! I will also admit that I still jump into bed and will not let my feet hang off for any reason! I know, I need to grow up!

    :laugh: :laugh: Make that three of us. I turn a flashlight on and lay it on the floor to shine under the bed while I get in bed and can't let my feel hang over the edge of the bed.
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I could say some of the sad things I thought to be true as a kid, but this is a fun forum post so I'll say the funny

    I was obsessed with X-men and I just knew that I would be able to control the weather and/or move things with my mind, I tried and tried and was pretty upset when I couldn't do, my mom said I wouldn't be able to have my powers until puberty...so I prayed for puberty!

    I thought if my closet door was open I would get attacked but whatever monsters that were there wouldn't be able to get me if the door was closed (they just weren't smart enough to open it from the inside)

    when I was still pretty young my moms friend had a baby and I got to hold her, apparently I didn't hold the head very well so my mom told me if I didn't hold the head up it would roll off and they'd have to put it back on which was hard. When i got pregnant with my son, even though I knew it wasn't true, I was still terrified that his head would roll off and we wouldn't be able to put it back on.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    If you slept on your back or ate ice-cream too close to bedtime you had nightmares.

    My biological Dad moved to England when I was 4 (I'm Irish) and I knew that all my favourite cartoons were made in England. I gave him a few of my drawings and asked him to get them made into a cartoon for me. He promised he would and I religiously watched a certain channel every day at a certain time waiting for my cartoon.

    Where I live there are no basements. They seem to be an American thing. My little brother used to watch a LOT of American cartoons. One day when he was around 8 he asked our Mother "Mam, where's our basement?". Yeah, like we've been hiding it from you for 8 years.

    My 7 year old believes that the moon follows us when we're drivin at night. I don't want to burst his bubble :)
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I actually have one I just thought of

    When I was younger I watched Child's Play, I was terrified and even more scared that I had a strawberry shortcake doll that i swear looked like Chucky. I stripped it of it's clothes and tossed in the trash and went to school. When I came home it was on my bed in a pair of overalls.

    I cried for the rest of the night and my dad couldn't figure out what was wrong I just kept talking about the doll and I told him I threw it away, so he replied with "She just wants to play with you!" Which of course made it worse, it wasn't until my mom came home from work that she explained she found the doll in the trash cleaned her up and got her dressed. I didn't believe her for the longest time. I put the doll in my closet (because monsters couldn't get you if the door was closed)
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I actually have one I just thought of

    When I was younger I watched Child's Play, I was terrified and even more scared that I had a strawberry shortcake doll that i swear looked like Chucky. I stripped it of it's clothes and tossed in the trash and went to school. When I came home it was on my bed in a pair of overalls.

    I cried for the rest of the night and my dad couldn't figure out what was wrong I just kept talking about the doll and I told him I threw it away, so he replied with "She just wants to play with you!" Which of course made it worse, it wasn't until my mom came home from work that she explained she found the doll in the trash cleaned her up and got her dressed. I didn't believe her for the longest time. I put the doll in my closet (because monsters couldn't get you if the door was closed)

    I'd be scared if that happened to me NOW! I saw child's play when I was far too young in my babysitter's house. *shudder*
  • alortega730
    alortega730 Posts: 56 Member
    That if you whistled in the house it would call the snakes
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    yes I also thought something was under my bed or in my closet once the lights where off!
  • myfitnesspal1020
    myfitnesspal1020 Posts: 20 Member
    That the Scary shadows that appeared on my walls at night resembled images that would come to life.... So i never slept!:ohwell:
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I thought that my dolls were real because every time I came back into my room my favorite bear would be moved.

    I didn't know my sister's were doing it.

    And that there were tiny cameras in Christmas ornaments that recorded everything that you did and sent it straight to the North Pole for Santa to see in case he needed to make any last minute changes.
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Thought when people died in the movies that they actually died. Always thought to myself why would they volunteer for that! LOL

    Haha yeah, I thought the movie Selena was a documentary following her in her real life, and I was so upset that the camera men just stood by and let her die without trying to help.
  • SexyMidnight
    SexyMidnight Posts: 72 Member
    I believed that if you pressed the # and * on a telephone at the same time, your house would blow up. Why did I believe that? Because my brother told me.

    Oh, I also believe that a woman became pregnant when a man touched their knee. Yes, it was my brother that told me this lie too. I didn't let any boys touch my knees EVER!

    This is HILARIOUS!! like seriously rofl lmao funny!!! your brother must have been fun to grow up with!!
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    Monsters DID live under my bed. So, I would turn my light off and run as fast as I could and jump into bed. The I had to be under the covers because if any part was exposed they would get me!!

    Me too! I will also admit that I still jump into bed and will not let my feet hang off for any reason! I know, I need to grow up!

    :laugh: :laugh: Make that three of us. I turn a flashlight on and lay it on the floor to shine under the bed while I get in bed and can't let my feel hang over the edge of the bed.

    After watching Mars Attacks at age 12 (I don't know why it was that movie -- I'm pretty sure that it's actually some sort of comedy), I was ****ing terrified that there was something under my bed that would grab me if I put my feet on the floor when the light was off, so I did the same thing you did. Flipped the switch, and lept across the room into my bed, just putting my foot down once for a second in the middle of my room. I did that for many years, until one day I lept too soon and I smashed my head on the frame of the bed. I was so embarassed that I never did that again.
  • puppywalker
    puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
    I was very afraid of being abducted by aliens as a kid. I would look out my bedroom and wonder where in the yard they would land their spaceship when they came to get me.

    I was also convinced I might one day spontaneously combust while walking to school. I was really afraid of that one!
  • Geyser_Mountain_Dreamer
    Geyser_Mountain_Dreamer Posts: 304 Member
    I assumed the distant past was black and white.
  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    there were Babes in the Woods!!!