Staying Motivated day to day- Prt 1......

MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I thought that I would start a group. I have been having some trouble from time to time staying motivated for exercising and staying on track with my eating. I don't know if there are others here on MFP who have this trouble or not. Just thought I would put this out there and see. All are welcome :flowerforyou:


  • Motivation or lack of is a huge factor for me. I have the best intentions, plan out the day, then life steps )in. This is for both exercise and eating. For example last night, we had both(husband and I) had long days, we where where just beat. Could have ate in, maybe went for small walk..nope, we let exhaustion and the willpower robber come in, we stopped, ate out and then wallowed on the couch in over full misery for the rest of the evening. So today is a new day, new level of awareness and I am focusing on food tracking today, if I can track a good day, maybe it will build the first small step of motivation to track day two and add some exercise tomorrow.
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I've seen you pop in and out since I started on this site back in April, you are always sweet, caring and insightful. But more than anything else you get right back on this after you fall off and thats what matters. Motivation and all that aside I know you will get to where you want to be because you have the will to change and you have no reservations about admitting you've stumbled and jumping right back into it.

    I know that was kind of random but with all the people we see popping in and out of here you really struck me as someone that is determined to change, and I wish you the best of luck in this journey.
    I know you'll succeed!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Thank you both so much, well I managed to not do so well today, but right back to it for me. I will do this. Yes, Aaron, I will do this, I will make it to my goal, if it takes me the rest of my life.
  • can i join??
    i have done good last few months going to the gym and eating right. but in the last week i have kinda fell off the wagon. i find myself snackin and craving a lot of sweets. i still have about 4 pounds i would like to lose and need to stay motivated!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    can i join??
    i have done good last few months going to the gym and eating right. but in the last week i have kinda fell off the wagon. i find myself snackin and craving a lot of sweets. i still have about 4 pounds i would like to lose and need to stay motivated!

    yes!! the more the merrier.
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Yay! Please count me in.. can i still join? I'm having trouble with my cravings lately and my willpower isn't staying with me... it doesn't help that I attended a lot of parties this September.. oh man.. :grumble:

    Let's all do this together shall we?

    BTW MOMOFTWO29, you've lost a lot of weight and nearly halfway towards your goal.. great job! :drinker:
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Yay! Please count me in.. can i still join? I'm having trouble with my cravings lately and my willpower isn't staying with me... it doesn't help that I attended a lot of parties this September.. oh man.. :grumble:

    Let's all do this together shall we?

    BTW MOMOFTWO29, you've lost a lot of weight and nearly halfway towards your goal.. great job! :drinker:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Yay! Please count me in.. can i still join? I'm having trouble with my cravings lately and my willpower isn't staying with me... it doesn't help that I attended a lot of parties this September.. oh man.. :grumble:

    Let's all do this together shall we?

    BTW MOMOFTWO29, you've lost a lot of weight and nearly halfway towards your goal.. great job! :drinker:

    great, I am glad for others to join here.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I stayed on track with my calories today, today starts a new week and my plan is to go all week without going over on my calories and I will do it too. I am determined to get it off. I have drank all my water today also, but no exercise, I don't exercise on weekends. I will start that back tomorrow. How did everyone else do today?
  • Lyndo
    Lyndo Posts: 95
    Me 2 Me 2!!!!
    I need help with all my cravings!!! I crave huge portions of food at once...
    I really need to work on that, I exersice, but just because i see I'm aloud more calories from my exersice I feel I have to eat them, & some!!! I will purposly exersice just to get to eat more...
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Me 2 Me 2!!!!
    I need help with all my cravings!!! I crave huge portions of food at once...
    I really need to work on that, I exersice, but just because i see I'm aloud more calories from my exersice I feel I have to eat them, & some!!! I will purposly exersice just to get to eat more...

    welcome to the group!! We can do this!!:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, ate breakfast, took my little girl to school, went to Wal-Mart to get a few things, now I am going to ride my exercise bike right now. :flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Ooo I def need help staying motivated! Is it ok if I join too??? I've been having a bit of a problem in the motivation area lately. Not so much with eating, but with exercising.

    I've been up and down the scale since July and I can't seem to shred these pounds.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Ooo I def need help staying motivated! Is it ok if I join too??? I've been having a bit of a problem in the motivation area lately. Not so much with eating, but with exercising.

    I've been up and down the scale since July and I can't seem to shred these pounds.

    Welcome to the group :flowerforyou:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    def, need the extra push today!!! I feel like eating everything.:explode: This weekend was just so busy.. I did work out both sat and sun, but didn't run last night like I wanted. This morning I didn't work out either and now I am just dragging and eating... Lunch break soon, I AM GOING TO WALK!!! maybe if I scream it I will really do it.... Don't know why I fight myself so much in the AM I always feel better and have a better day when I work out:(

    I need to do this for myself:smile:
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Let me sign up too! I had a rough week this week, only ended up walking one or two days!!! (I did do my water aerobics both days though).

    I love the support and motivation I get from this great group of people, especially Momoftwo, who pointed me in this direction in the first place. :heart: ya, L.

    You are doing fantasic. I'm jealous lol. You just keep doing what you're doing. It's obviously working. You look great.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Let me sign up too! I had a rough week this week, only ended up walking one or two days!!! (I did do my water aerobics both days though).

    I love the support and motivation I get from this great group of people, especially Momoftwo, who pointed me in this direction in the first place. :heart: ya, L.

    You are doing fantasic. I'm jealous lol. You just keep doing what you're doing. It's obviously working. You look great.

    welcome aboard, we are just a freelance group not really organized or anything, so pretty much anything goes. :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    def, need the extra push today!!! I feel like eating everything.:explode: This weekend was just so busy.. I did work out both sat and sun, but didn't run last night like I wanted. This morning I didn't work out either and now I am just dragging and eating... Lunch break soon, I AM GOING TO WALK!!! maybe if I scream it I will really do it.... Don't know why I fight myself so much in the AM I always feel better and have a better day when I work out:(

    I need to do this for myself:smile:

    welcome :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    good morning everyone, I am up and have ate breakfast, getting ready to do my exercise and drink some of my water for the day. :flowerforyou: We can do this!!!!!!!!
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    I am tired today! This is the first day in a LOOOONG time that I've felt this tired. I walked yesterday evening 1.2 miles in 27.40 mins. Afterwards I did a bit of strength training, which I think I may have pushed a bit too hard on. Am paying for it today in my hip. Have lots of water and ibuprofen nearby.

    Now if I just had a pillow!:ohwell:
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