Spotting at 6 weeks?!..Ladies is this normal



  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    It's not to say you shouldn't still call your doctor. I lost my second pregnancy to miscarriage. It looked just like AF.
  • Myrtlemama4
    Myrtlemama4 Posts: 92 Member
    I was put on the progesterone with my last son..the cream is messy...but hey, whatever helps..As long as your numbers go up, the spotting could be inplantation spotting...just keep an eye on it and try to relax..keep yourself busy today and tomorrow will come and you will be just great :)
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Never been pregnant but I can only imagine how you feel. Keep your head up high God is in control. I know it must be hard but worrying will do nothing for you. If I were you I would just take it easy ( Nothing strenuous ) =)
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    if you have alradry had a MC i would get the doctor to check it out
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    Ladies i really would appreciate some input that would ease my mind....I'm approximately 5 to 6 weeks preg and for 2 weeks now i've been having some spotting off and dr says it's normal and my first HCG level was 208 and the second was 817...which is really good!! But it's been gradually getting less and less spotting but this morning it was more and right much sorry to be graphic but brown dischargey stuff in the toilet and then next time a few red drops!!! I got really upset and worried and call the dr's office but the only thing they could do is draw another thing of blood for my HCG level which the results won't be back til tomorrow but has anyone else experience this?

    I'm sorry you're experiencing this! I know personally how stressful it can be! I didn't have great results but I'm hoping you do! Unfortunately you'll just have to wait and see. Take it easy today! Try to relax (I know...easier said than done)
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    When I had was pregnant with my son I had my period the 1st three months!!!! I didn't even know I was pregnant until the 4th month and I had spotting the entire time. The result: a perfectly healthy full term baby boy.

    If your Dr. says your good, I'm sure you are. Just keep your Dr posted on any changes. :flowerforyou:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had brown discharge, like implantation bleeding/old blood, for a couple of weeks while I was pregnant with my son. Then, at 7 weeks, I had a threatened miscarriage. It was just some spotting of bright red blood and it didn't last very long. But, it was scary enough that I went to the ER. The bleeding had stopped by the time we got there and exams showed that my cervix was closed and everything was fine. They gave me an ultrasound to make sure there was a heartbeat.

    If your doctor doesn't take your concerns seriously and this continues, go to the ER/urgent care. They will give you an exam and probably an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok.
  • susybon
    susybon Posts: 36 Member
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    It's normal. I didn't even realize I was pregnant the 3rd time right away because I had what looked like a normal period during the first month of my pregnancy!

    I was the same way.... I had no idea I was pregnant because I had what I considered a regular cycle... my dr. said some of the initial spotting was from implantation, the subsequent spotting from the 2nd implantation (I was pregnant with twins so there was a good amount of spotting and bleeding especially since they both implanted rather low) and then just normal spotting... so it all added up to what seemed like me having my period that month when I was actually, very very pregg-o!

    I've known some women that have spotted a bit off and on through most of their pregnancy. Sounds like you're progressing well with your HCG numbers though. If it continues or gets more frequent, heavier... then just go back and bother them until they make 100% sure you're ok.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    I had it for most of my first trimester with my pregnancy. At times it was a brighter pink and required a pantyliner at most. They had me lay low for a bit and then pretty much said it's normal, implantation as well as "old" pockets around the uterine lining :noway: I was confused, stressed, nervous and everything else but you just get to a point where you accept your body is going to do what it needs to. My baby is now 6 :) Try to not stress as much as is possible. Hang in there.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    My Dr also put me on progesterone....have any other ladies been put on progesterone pills or cream? My Dr said she puts everone on it for the first trimester.

    I was just about to mention this.

    OK, I have 6 kids. I spotted with 3 of them. 1, 5, and 6.

    Brown blood is old blood.

    Child 1, I stopped bleeding after 1st trimester and could have sex normally.

    Child 5 I bled a lot. I cried and cried. My OB put me on progesterone pills for the first trimester. It stopped the bleeding. Now, with him...if we had active sex (I had no sex first trimester) I we had to go very easy.

    Child 6, I started spotting again, so OB put me on progesterone for 1st trimester. No more bleeding. And could have normal sex after 1st trimester with 6th child.

    All 6 kids (even the babies that I bled with) were perfectly healthy and BIG! So, it is sooo very scary, but the progesterone will help the spotting.

    Just take it easy and let your body and new baby adjust. Take your prenatals too!! Congrats on your new little bundle growing inside of you!!!

    You can PM me if you have anymore questions.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My Dr also put me on progesterone....have any other ladies been put on progesterone pills or cream? My Dr said she puts everone on it for the first trimester.

    That sounds weird. Did she say why she does it? I've had three babies and have never been given any hormones. It seems like adding hormones could cause some problems.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I never expereienced anything like that, but sending prayers your way for this to be a successful pregnancy! Do your best to relax and be healthy.
  • faiga
    faiga Posts: 47
    I was on Progestrone with my son, I spotted my OB told me that it was perfectly normal I had an MC a few months ago i was on Progestrone as well but there was no spotting than what so ever. try and relax worrying and stress can cause problems.
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    If its light spotting you should be fine, just keep an eye on it. If it becomes heavier call your doctor immediately, I started spotting with my 3rd pregnancy and it just keep getting heavier and was bright red my experience didn't end well, I know you don't want to hear this but there is really nothing they can do if it does start getting heavier just try to take it easy and keep your doctor up to speed on whats going on. With you saying it was brown I would say its just old blood and you should be fine. Good luck and congrats!
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    This is normal as I have known some of my friends to have had a period for the first couple months and spotting the entire pregnancy! For me my levels of HCG were not jumping like yours have so I took a week of vacation time to lay around and 'relax' this helped and I now have a 3.5 year old daughter!
    My girlfriend was on progesterone due to previous miscarriages and this last time they gave her the medication (helps to prevent the miscarriage from happening) she now has a 6 month old daughter!
    I know it is hard but relax! Good luck and will be thinking of you:flowerforyou:
  • iwillrideagain
    i spotted with both my boys right the way through brown means the "plug" is being formed the fact that your levels r going up r great i know its easier said than done but relax its not good for you or the baby i lost 3 babys 6wks 9wks 8wks one was on day of my mums funeral the stress caused it anyway doc normally say its better to get checked out than do nothing good luck and congrats :flowerforyou:
  • faiga
    faiga Posts: 47
    My Dr also put me on progesterone....have any other ladies been put on progesterone pills or cream? My Dr said she puts everone on it for the first trimester.

    That sounds weird. Did she say why she does it? I've had three babies and have never been given any hormones. It seems like adding hormones could cause some problems.
    If your pregnancy hormons are too low during the first 3 months you body cant support the pregnancy the progestrone gives your body the extra hormones in needs to keep the baby alive until the 2nd trimester
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    My Dr also put me on progesterone....have any other ladies been put on progesterone pills or cream? My Dr said she puts everone on it for the first trimester.

    That sounds weird. Did she say why she does it? I've had three babies and have never been given any hormones. It seems like adding hormones could cause some problems.
    If your pregnancy hormons are too low during the first 3 months you body cant support the pregnancy the progestrone gives your body the extra hormones in needs to keep the baby alive until the 2nd trimester

    I understand that there would be reasons to put a woman on progesterone. What I don't understand is why that would be an automatic practice for all women.
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    I had some spotting early on. This is my first so you bet is scared the crap out of me! Turned out everything was fine, but it is always best to keep your OB in the loop. I'm 14 weeks now and still going strong.

    Please check out the group for some support. The ladies are wonderful.