If I eat breakfast, I get hungry



  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    If you aren't hungry and don't feel like eating, then why eat? Isn't overeating the reason a lot of people are here?
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    I am the same way. always have been. Unless I eat fruit, then I don't feel that same hunger.
  • vkdunlap
    vkdunlap Posts: 2
    Please cite where it has been PROVEN that metabolism is sped up after going hungry. The source you are sighting is hocum as the scientific community has a consensus that not eating sends your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode leads to conservation, not burning of caloric fuel. You must keep your metabolism running to burn fat efficiently. If you get hungry for two hours during the day before lunch, drink water and/or a light snack to pacify yourself. It's ok to fill hungry for a little while, your body will adjust after a few days...it won't last forever.

    The notion that not eating has no effect on metabolism and therefore weight loss is simply laughable!
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Please cite where it has been PROVEN that metabolism is sped up after going hungry. The source you are sighting is hocum as the scientific community has a consensus that not eating sends your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode leads to conservation, not burning of caloric fuel. You must keep your metabolism running to burn fat efficiently. If you get hungry for two hours during the day before lunch, drink water and/or a light snack to pacify yourself. It's ok to fill hungry for a little while, your body will adjust after a few days...it won't last forever.

    The notion that not eating has no effect on metabolism and therefore weight loss is simply laughable!

    THIS ^
    100% AGREE!!!
  • gwyn48
    gwyn48 Posts: 23 Member
    This subject was just addressed by my dietician. Your body has gone all night without food. When you eat something it kickstarts your metabolism. When you eat breakfast, your metabolism is in gear and using the calories you put in your body. Hunger is a good sign the metabolism is working at burning calories.

    However, that being said, the types of food will really impact your hunger. These recommendations have helped me in my 46 lb weight loss so far.
    1.) Eat a protein (~3oz) within 30 minutes of waking up.
    2.) Eat at least another 3oz of protein within the next 2 hours.
    3.) Continue eating about 3oz of protein within 3 hours of the last meal.

    Personally, I was a carb junkie for breakfast, Bagels, donuts, crackers. But if I only eat carbs my stomach is growling within 1 hr. I have switched to only protein for the first 2 meals and have seen immediate success. My breakfast can be a cheese stick eaten while in the shower, 10 slices of pepperoni, a hot dog, or a protein shake. It was very hard at first, but now I have these quick foods constantly in my fridge so I don't have to think about it.

    I still love my carbs, but I eat them at lunch with protein so keep hunger at bay. I highly recommend it!
  • nil8r
    nil8r Posts: 45 Member
    Eskimope - if having breakfast triggers the "always hungry" response then it seems you've got a couple of options. You could choose not to eat until you are hungry. Assuming that you generally get your healthy calories and nutrients eventually, then listening to what your body wants is probably a good thing. Alternatively, you could try adjusting the fat/carb/protein ratios of your breakfast.

    For myself, I do suffer from insulin/adrenal issues and find it works best for me to have a light amount of protein in the morning and a larger, but healthy lunch. I try to follow the primal/paleo lifestyle, because it's been restoring my hunger triggers back to normal and my doctor advised it as an alternative to medication.

    Good luck in finding the balance and what works best for you!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    if it makes you more hungry and you don't want to be than don't eat it just make sure you meet your intake goals. =]
  • SmallTownSweetie03
    I agree with all of the people who say if you feel better thru out the day eating breakfast, then eat it and if you don't feel better thru out the day after eating breakfast, then don't eat it! There is not one set of rules for everyone, what works for me may not work for you! You could always try just a protein shake for breakfast and then a small snack before lunch and if that's not good, then no harm done, just a lesson learned! I regularly see a licensed nutritionist and she has told me that eating small frequent meals does not in anyway effect your metabolism, and neither does eating large infrequent meals, it is all about getting the healthy calories that your body needs to function and it doesn't matter when your body gets them! So I personally eat breakfast if I'm hungry and I don't eat breakfast if I'm not hungry, but I do make sure to eat by about 10 am everyday, just personal choice because if I don't I feel nauseous by lunch time and I hate feeling like that! I would just try a few different things and see what works for you! Good luck!
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    I am so glad you posted this. When I eat breakfast first thing (when I am not hungry) I am starving the rest of the day!
  • brasslady1
    brasslady1 Posts: 113
    I had a Doctor tell me if you aren't hungry don't eat...
    LSHANDREW Posts: 39
    me too! I try and just eat strawberries or a carbsmart yogurt to keep my hands from shaking. If I eat breakfast i feel like I can eat the fridge plus all it's contents through most of the day..to be honest, I think limiting my breakfast intake is what has helped me lose 30 pounds so far.
    LSHANDREW Posts: 39
    me too! I try and just eat strawberries or a carbsmart yogurt to keep my hands from shaking. If I eat breakfast i feel like I can eat the fridge plus all it's contents through most of the day..to be honest, I think limiting my breakfast intake is what has helped me lose 30 pounds so far.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    Insulin is the problem - perhaps you need to analyse the food you're eating?

    I eat all day, I have 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and tea with a pudding later :)

    Also I graze in between ;)
    Berries, melon, carrots, whatever you can get, that isn't processed and is low kcals ;)

    You need to keep your kcals up to keep your BMR running at full speed :)

    Processed food is bad for kcals, bread, oats, cereals etc....!
    But, I still start my day with porridge @ 7am and bacon sarnie by 9am (685kcals)

    Generic - Grilled Bacon - Grilled, 2 rashers
    Milk - Semi Skimmed Milk, 150 ml
    Braces - Medium Home Brown, 2 slice
    Waitrose Organic - Jumbo Oats (Rolled), 100 g
    Hp - Brown Sauce, 15 g 18 4 0 0

    This is bad bad bad, but as I manage my kcals well enough, it works for me!

    Rather then explaining why it's all bad bad bad, I'd suggest you read this!
    He talks a lot of sense :)


    Hope it works out for you :)
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    Honestly, I just prefer to not eat a morning meal. Sometimes I will, but if I do, I keep it very light, and end up eating more protein later on to keep from shoving bread or chocolate into my mouth. I agree that the metabolism thing about eating breakfast is a myth...calories are calories, and your metabolism is all about digesting food, not your hunger levels. If I don't eat breakfast, I usually end up eating the rest of my calories at supper, dinner or lunch anyway, so it's not a big deal. I say, if you prefer the feelings where you aren't ravenously craving everything in sight, stick to tea or coffee in the morning, drink lots of water, and screw what other people say. If it feels good for you, keep it up!
  • corinalovesalex

    Well I have found that if I have a BIG breakfast & drink lots of water & have fruit or veggies ready to snack, that will do the trick :)
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Hmmm. I see a lot of replies about your metabolism raising when you eat more frequently being a myth. I hadn't seen that anywhere, but whatever works for the individual person. Eating more frequently works for me, but the opposite might work for you.
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    Glad to hear others have the same experience! I thought I was crazy after reading article after article saying breakfast makes you eat less all day. Thanks for the tips everyone.

    Everyone is different, obviously. Since tracking, I have found that on days where I eat more calories during the day (I usually always eat breakfast because I work out first thing in the morning), sometimes I am not very hungry at dinner, and I just eat a protein bar or something that is under 200 calories - and overall eat less total calories for the day. If I go through the day feeling unsatisfied because I am worried I won't have enough calories for dinner, I end up eating even more in the evenings. I've learned that I really just need to go on how hungry I am and when.
  • vrutwind
    vrutwind Posts: 25
    I personally always eat breakfast, but I don't think that eating breakfast is for everyone. I like to workout in the morning and if I don't eat something (ex. a banana, half a Lara bar, some dried apple rings or drink something with calories (ex. coconut water), I get lightheaded and/or queasy during my workouts. I eat the second half of my breakfast when I get home, which may be chia seed pudding, egg whites with spinach, a protein shake or the other half of the Lara bar I started.

    Also, I don't like eating big meals because I personally feel too full. As a result I like to space my calories out during the day so my stomach doesn't feel like there's a rock sitting in it. But again, I think everyone is different and if you can get your calories in during the rest of the day and have enough energy in the mornings, I don't think you absolutely need to eat breakfast.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Please cite where it has been PROVEN that metabolism is sped up after going hungry. The source you are sighting is hocum as the scientific community has a consensus that not eating sends your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode leads to conservation, not burning of caloric fuel. You must keep your metabolism running to burn fat efficiently. If you get hungry for two hours during the day before lunch, drink water and/or a light snack to pacify yourself. It's ok to fill hungry for a little while, your body will adjust after a few days...it won't last forever.

    The notion that not eating has no effect on metabolism and therefore weight loss is simply laughable!

    Really? Hocum? Funny...he, and every single solitary person who uses his method of dietary intake...melt bodyfat like butter lol.

    Also, you need to work on reading comprehension...I didn't 'cite' his website as a source. I 'cited' his website as a place to go for MANY links to peer reviewed studies proving various points about breakfast in specific, and meal timing in general's impact on metabolism...which is NONE.

    Here, since you asked...I'll give you some things to look up for light reading.
    In one study, researchers found that the when they made people fast for 3 days, their metabolic rate did not change. This is 72 hours without food. So much for needing to eat every three hours!
    Webber J, Macdonald IA, The cardiovascular, metabolic and hormonal changes accompanying acute starvation in men and women. British journal of nutrition 1994; 71:437-447.

    In another study by a different group of researchers, people who fasted every other day for a period of 22 days also had no decrease in their resting metabolic rate.
    Heilbronn LK, et al. Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: effects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005; 81:69-73

    In still more studies, there was no change in the metabolic rate of people who skipped breakfast, or people who ate 2 meals a day compared to 7 meals per day
    Verboeket-Van De Venne WPHG, et al. Effect of the pattern of food intake on human energy metabolism. British Journal of Nutrition 1993; 70:103-115

    Bellisle F, et al. Meal Frequency and energy balance. British Journal of Nutrition 1997;, 77: (Suppl. 1) s57-s70

    And the conclusion you must draw from such overwhelming evidence?
    The bottom line is food has virtually nothing to do with your metabolism. In fact, your metabolism is much more closely tied to your bodyweight. If your weight goes up or down, so does your metabolism. The only other thing that can affect your metabolism (in both the short term and longer term) is exercise and weight loss. Even in the complete absence of food for three days, your metabolism remains unchanged.

    Now, I will have to admit that I can't find my resources stating that there is an actual INCREASE in your active metabolic rate with not eating for 24hrs (I haven't looked it up in almost a year...and my files are a mess)...but I think that I've given substantial proof that it certainly doesn't slow, period.

    And so...since food has virtually NO impact on your metabolic rate...how exactly is it that eating breakfast 'jump starts your metabolism'?

    If you want to jump start your metabolism of a morning, do 20 or so jumping jacks.

    Edited to fix quotes
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Please cite where it has been PROVEN that metabolism is sped up after going hungry. The source you are sighting is hocum as the scientific community has a consensus that not eating sends your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode leads to conservation, not burning of caloric fuel. You must keep your metabolism running to burn fat efficiently. If you get hungry for two hours during the day before lunch, drink water and/or a light snack to pacify yourself. It's ok to fill hungry for a little while, your body will adjust after a few days...it won't last forever.

    The notion that not eating has no effect on metabolism and therefore weight loss is simply laughable!

    I'd also like to add, that if you can prove your absolutely false above statements above...Miss BondBomb will pay for your oldest childs college career. Considering she's part of the scientific community you referenced, I'd be hedging my bets if I were you.