Is it okay to have 'bad food' everyday?



  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    I do it usually during time of the month so I don't freak out, go crazy and binge, usually I'm a pretty clean eater though. But I have like a cookie or two, not ten like pms is screaming at me to do. Not a huge deal. I still have 25lbs to go but I have a year to lose it and I'm at a steady loss of 1-1.5 lbs /week so I don't care. Yeah junk food isn't the best but I know my body and if I don't have a little something here and there I'll end up with a huge binge day.
  • britaut2
    britaut2 Posts: 19
    I try not to look at food as bad as long as I limit my amount. For example, I love cheetos so, I eat the snack size cheetos. If I want M&Ms, I eat a snack size. I know that I may have to do a little more exercise on a particular day to eat the goodies that I like.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I try to eat ice cream and candy only 4 days a week but sometimes I have it more. I buy the skinney cow ice cream and love them. If you want to get healthy your better off not eating bad food every day such as fried chicken and french fries, but if your only goals is to lose weight you most likely can as long as you stay within your calories. I myself made this a change of eating habits and I try to have fruit every day. If I wasn't eating the healthy fruit I could have a cookie instead but my goal was to lose weight and try to eat better. So you have to decide for yourself what you really want to do.

    THe answer yes you can lose weight eating bad food if you stay under you calories
  • ryliejaiden
    ryliejaiden Posts: 68
    I would limit your "bad" foods to once a week or so. It also depends on what you consider to be "bad". If you're eating fast food everyday, but staying under your calories, you're going to be very unhealthy, and most likely gain weight.
    Losing weight and being healthy is about more than just calories, it's also about WHAT you eat and how you move your body. If you want to have a Hershey's Kiss everyday, that's a little different as it is a 22 calorie piece of chocolate that isn't full of 30g of fat and an insane amount of sodium (like fried or fast food).
    If you continue to eat fried food and fast food everyday you will never be a healthy person, and you will not reach your goals. Wouldn't you rather be healthy and be under your calories, than be super unhealthy and be under your calories?
    If you want a treat give yourself a small serving of sugar free pudding, some frozen juice, a piece of good quality chocolate, one of those single serving skinny cow ice creams, or even a muffin or slice of cake ONCE a week.
    Good luck with the rest of your journey! I hope you can find a way to eat a little healthier and still be satisfied :)
  • Haleynb818
    Haleynb818 Posts: 25
    Yup, I've never cut anything "bad" from my diet either. Just watch it though. Sometimes you allow yourself alittle, then alittle turns into a lot! Then before you know it, you'll be at a weight "standstill"!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Love, love, love this.

    Yes, it is a great post!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I have something "bad" most days. Although I don't consider anything that fits into my calories as bad.

    ^^^ This!

    This and that. :smile:

    Plus, I exercise like crazy, so my daily calorie goal is around or over 2000 most days. Even a 200 calorie candy bar is only 10% of my daily calories. But to be honest, I now prefer to have a 200 calorie chocolaty protein bar. Tastes great, more filling. :wink:

    I'm big on pastas and breads, too, but I don't consider those "bad." I don't think of pizza as a bad food, either.

    So that's the trick, work out like crazy to eat more crap. I like this :D
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?

    come on man....take a break
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?

    come on man....take a break

    If he's going to tell people to do their research and then make nonsensical claims, he should be called on it
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What makes white rice or bread worse then it's brown counterparts?

    Less nutrients and higher blood sugar spikes.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What makes white rice or bread worse then it's brown counterparts?

    Less nutrients and higher blood sugar spikes.

    The absorbable nutrients is quite close between the two

    And various fruits spike blood sugar higher then a snickers or ice cream so that means they are worse?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?

    come on man....take a break

    Why take a break? He's right.

    It may not be best for your overall health, but what you eat...barring health issues and/or any form of allergic reaction....has ZERO direct impact on weight loss...assuming you stay within your calorie goals. Junk food can however easily help you smash that goal into oblivion due to the high calorie content even in small volumes, and the resultant loss of feeling 'full'...but that isn't the point being made.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?

    come on man....take a break

    Why take a break? He's right.

    It may not be best for your overall health, but what you eat...barring health issues and/or any form of allergic reaction....has ZERO direct impact on weight loss...assuming you stay within your calorie goals. Junk food can however easily help you smash that goal into oblivion due to the high calorie content even in small volumes, and the resultant loss of feeling 'full'...but that isn't the point being made.

    ya....I get that...the point has been made umpteen times...but what value is added by being condescending?
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?

    come on man....take a break

    Why take a break? He's right.

    It may not be best for your overall health, but what you eat...barring health issues and/or any form of allergic reaction....has ZERO direct impact on weight loss...assuming you stay within your calorie goals. Junk food can however easily help you smash that goal into oblivion due to the high calorie content even in small volumes, and the resultant loss of feeling 'full'...but that isn't the point being made.

    ya....I get that...the point has been made umpteen times...but what value is added by being condescending?

    He's not condescending...he's direct, honest, and doesn't spend a lot of time couching his words in phrases that make people comfortable. My comment for example...said pretty much what his did, only I spent some time adding in things to make it more palatable for people who would otherwise disagree.

    I do it unconsciously.

    He doesn't.

    That's not all. It kind of amazes me how many people feel like it is.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I agree with some of the posters here. If you think you deserve or can eat junk food on daily basis, not only do you slow down your progress, you are essentially not letting your body change rate of metabolism and what it takes in. If you do not have discipline to take out junk food out of daily basis, don't tell others that it is okay. Eat in moderation, spoil yourself from time to time, but don't make it a daily habit.

    Those who lost 4 pounds out of 100+ to go should think about giving suggestions on here because you clearly don't know that junk food on daily basis, even in moderation or under calorie goal is still bad. Do your research people and have a great day.

    Lol, assuming the exact same macronutrient and cal intake, 1 diet has "bad" foods everyday (we'll say 10-15% of daily kcal) and 1 diet has all "good" foods in it, what effects would it have on weight loss, metabolism etc?

    come on man....take a break

    Why take a break? He's right.

    It may not be best for your overall health, but what you eat...barring health issues and/or any form of allergic reaction....has ZERO direct impact on weight loss...assuming you stay within your calorie goals. Junk food can however easily help you smash that goal into oblivion due to the high calorie content even in small volumes, and the resultant loss of feeling 'full'...but that isn't the point being made.

    ya....I get that...the point has been made umpteen times...but what value is added by being condescending?

    Lol condescending for challenging a bunch of BS? Those types of posts are pure ignorance and it serves no one to go unchallenged lest someone actually believe such nonsense. As is typical with such posts, no mention of any context or dosage of bad foods and no reply either.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Would love to see the affects of this twinkie diet after a year rather than 10 weeks...
    I'm sure if professor twinkieface did it for a year he'd clog up his arteries from all the hydrogenization.

    I think Supersize me proved the point of "bad foods" pretty well...
    Edited by LindaCWy on Thu 05/17/12 12:12 AM

    No Supersize 'proved' that if you eat excess calories you gain weight and screw your body up. He would have been eating at least 3000 calories a day. And he wasn't exercising.
    its funny how some people seem to brag that they eat junk as if they are a bad *kitten* or something. get over yourselves. But, if you are gonna eat crap, why must you try to convince the newcomer to eat crap also? selfish much?

    Except people aren't doing that. The OP asked a question which people have answered.
    Exactly. Has anyone else noticed that people giving the sound advice on here have lost weight or already met their goal weight?

    I've lost 77lbs does my opinion matter?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    What's great about my profession is that I have worked with people from all walks of life.

    Execs, professionals, SAHM's, blue collar, students, etc. Each and everyone of them has their "bad" food/drink that they feel affects them. When I restricted it from them, it always seemed to be their demise somewhere down the road. When I taught them how to have it with limitation (portion size mostly), it became a regular lifestyle change.
    Did I have some clients that did it the "clean way" only? Yep. But the number of clients that did it this way and keep their maintenance was about 1 out of 10. My clients that are taught how to still have "bad" food as part of their weight loss lifestyle have a much better maintenance rate (18 out of 20 from last check).

    It's not always going to work for everyone else, and having me checking up on them and reviewing with them weekly probably helps alot, but since I've converted to this philosophy a few years back, the results have been way better and success for them is much more gratifying to me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    As long as its within your calories. But why would you want to have something bad every day? Isnt that what got you here in the first place? I think every other day is fine and in moderation.