what do you think about while exercising?



  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I think that Jillians voice is bothering me.
  • menudavaca
    menudavaca Posts: 4 Member
    In the treadmill I think I have to run because hundreds of very hungry zombies chase me. This scares the hell out of me and makes me run and laugh. Sometimes I have been chase by giant rats or vampires, depends on the mood.

    In the gym I used to think I was in a dungeon and actually was very good fun
  • mhathy77
    mhathy77 Posts: 7
    The fact that my 7 month old daughter will not recognize the guy in the photos.

  • DrJackson6
    DrJackson6 Posts: 156 Member
    I love to sing while working out. I know people say, well if you can sing you aren't working hard enough, but that is not the case for me. I work out at the top of my fat burn heart rate zone and sing during the process. Yes, I go to a public gym and tend to sing very low and to myself, but every once in a while I will get into a song and blurt out a few words. LOL
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Depends on the situation.

    Zumba: Damn i wish I could shake my booty like that.
    Oh man i have to pee again.
    I think i am wearing too many bras cause I am getting a pain in my shoulder

    P90x: My arms do not bend like that
    I Think my legs are going to fall off.
    Gosh, why am I always so hungry.
    And lastly I am gonna look awesome after this is all over.

    Oh and "I wish i didn't have to stare at my laundry closet as I am trying to work out"
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I love to sing while working out. I know people say, well if you can sing you aren't working hard enough, but that is not the case for me. I work out at the top of my fat burn heart rate zone and sing during the process. Yes, I go to a public gym and tend to sing very low and to myself, but every once in a while I will get into a song and blurt out a few words. LOL

    Why do I get the feeling I am going to see someone describing you in an "things people do at the gym that annoy you" thread soon? LOL
    I can relate to alot of the thoughts in here
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I used to worry constantly about how I looked while working out. That was pretty much where my mind was all the time. Feeling like I looked stupid or fat.
    Now I don't care in the least. I focus on if I'm doing something correctly or if I'm hydrated enough, or Im pushing myself to get that last rep out. I do sometimes Go through this....

    Crap that dude is going to come up and talk to me
    Why didn't I wear headphones, oh that's right they distract me from my count
    Yep here he is talking to me
    Smile and nod and look away so he knows youre focused and not here for conversation
    Why is he not getting the hint
    I think this s the same guy that talked to me last week... Wow I can really tune people out.
    ****... Now my heart rates dropping.
    There's an 80 year old woman on the leg press machine, you go girl!
    I haven't heard a word you've said dude, please go away
    Thank God, he's going away.... Where the hell was I?

    I've noticed I'm kind of a ***** when working out now lol... Must be the testosterone ;)

    When I'm doing cardio on the elliptical my mind usually wonders to clothes, fashion, and my future athletic bikini body lol
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    I am addicted to the gym now...I love saying that...I used to think that I was out of place..now I dont:smile:

    Whether I am lifting weights or doing cardio I cannot help thinking:

    I love this song.
    UNH! you can lift that.

    That boy is bite worthy.

    keep going! you got this.

    I would bite him too and maybe her.
    UNHHHH this muscle is going to be sexy.
    do it again.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    How much I can't wait until I'm done.
  • Stardiva37
    Stardiva37 Posts: 169 Member
    about finshing
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    AKA odd ramblings from a crazy lady.

    Ok folks so outside of tuning in and tuning out while exercising and listening to your favorite music...what does your mind drift to?
    What helps you get through the workout?
    what crazy stuff do you ponder?...or is it just me?

    things I think about...

    as I am running on the treadmill, I think of a lioness stalking her prey and then sprinting for the kill...anything to get me through the 1 minute I amp it up to raise my heart rate.

    then my mind wanders to ...why is it the lioness doing all the hunting and then eats last....kind of like me making dinner here and then finally sitting down when everyone else is served to my own cold meal and whatever is left for me after the pride and the vultures hit first.

    then my mind wanders to chocolate and then why my boobs are so droopy and if I can just get a reshaping or do I have to get implants to put these suckers back to where they need to be.

    then my mind wanders to which rock star I still lust after from the 80's hair bands that is still sex worthy or too used up to even give a second glance at.

    then my mind wanders to ...Hey...i'm done working out...and I am covered in sweat....why the hell do I seem to sweat so much.

    Ok peeps, your turn....

    and YES, I know I am nuts! thanks in advance but I already know that!

    You made my night, thank you!!!!!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I focus on the exercise I am doing. If I catch my mind wandering I pull it back to focus. Studies have shown, and I personally find, that you burn more calories and can lift heavier if you keep your focus!
  • My thoughts are totally dependent on the type of exercise. If it's Insanity, I'm basically just getting through the workout and telling Shaun T that I hate him, but I don't mean it because he seems too nice to really hate, or I'm cursing at Tanya, a woman in the dvds whom I love to hate. (Seriously, how many matching workout outfits does this woman have and how do her boobs stay in place?)

    If I'm doing the elliptical, (this is really weird, I know) I do math problems. I figure out how many calories I'm burning per minute, how many minutes it will take to get to a specific number if I keep up the pace, how many revolutions I will get to at the end of the workout. I also try to calculate the number of minutes going forward and backwards. (I alternate whenever the next song starts playing). All along the way, I wonder, "Will I finish this before my son wakes up?" I decide on what to wear for the day, what jewelry to put on, what I have to bring to work that day, what time I have to enter. Basically, all over the place.

    Ha Ha! I do math too! I've been told I am nuts!

    You guys are not alone I do math as well!! :happy: always liked math.
  • Changing__Christina
    Changing__Christina Posts: 245 Member
    There is a basketball court at the gym. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday there is a group of 8 really buff and young guys that come in and play for an hour during their lunch hour. I make sure that I am ALWAYS there to watch so that I don't have to think about anything at all except that hot and sweaty basketball game! Its always the best hour of the day. :)

    When basketball isn't available, I think about weird number stuff like how many minutes does it take to burn X amount, how many times I have been to the gym, how many machines are there (try to count), number of pedals, number of men v women. I'm weird!!!
  • Bubu20
    Bubu20 Posts: 24
    most of the time I think of my goal and that i can't give up...i picture myself at the end and it makes me try harder. But sometimes I do think about random stuff lol...past memories, something that i wanna buy (p.s. i love shopping ahahhaah), school, work...so many things ahahaha
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    FINISHING!!!!!!!!!!! I have to have music that I would dance to playing to keep me motivated to take "every little step" *in my Bobby Brown voice* LOL Seeing my total calories burned keeps me motivated too since I have a challenge goal to burn 20000 calories in May and 5500 calories this week. WHEW!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    lifting : i think about the muscles i am engaging and concentrate on keeping good form

    bike and spin : i pretend i'm in a race and trying to come in first

    sprint HIIT : i pretend there's a dangerous animal or pack of zombies chasing after me

    general running : i pretend i'm in a foot race and trying to beat my personal best

    versaclimber and stairmill : i think about reaching the top of the building i'm climbing

    now that the olypics are going to be starting soon, i'm sure a lot of those events will give me mental fuel for my cardio workouts
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When I do cardio, the dialogue in my head goes something like this, "Oh dear god. I've only been on this elliptical for 2:00!?! ugh." 5 minutes later, "Only 7:00?! This is NEVER going to end." 20 minutes later, "Whoo... finally done. I hope I don't stink too bad."

    When I lift, the diagogue in my head goes something like this:

    Set 1: "Yeah, you sexy badass beast!"

    Set 2: "GRRR"

    Set 3: "grr... yeah, this is hard"

    Set 4: "Holy bajeebus! PULL (or push) you stupid lazy muscle PULLLLLLL!" + lots of grunting.

    After sets: "Oh yeah, I'm awesome."
  • maureen173
    maureen173 Posts: 27 Member
    This was the funniest post I have read yet...thanks for the laughs! I do find exercising to be my time to really think and I also think of lots of.....interesting thoughts. I used to listen to music, but now I enjoy the quiet, because it allows me to clear my head and work out problems. But I so enjoyed your post, very funny!
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    I pray. I thank the Good Lord for allowing me to wake up, take a nice fresh breath of air, and thank HIM for allowing me to have what it takes to do my exercising!!!

    Love this. I do too. I pray before my workout, during and after.:smile: