What do you do for a living?



  • sandieg41
    sandieg41 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a CNA in a hospital and I work (and walk) 12 hour shifts, but the quick grab and go from the cafeteria is not good. I used to eat healthy until I got in the "health" field.
    Looking for a way to fit workouts in after working 12 hour night (overnight) shifts............. any ideas :-)
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    I am a CNA in a hospital and I work (and walk) 12 hour shifts, but the quick grab and go from the cafeteria is not good. I used to eat healthy until I got in the "health" field.
    Looking for a way to fit workouts in after working 12 hour night (overnight) shifts............. any ideas :-)

    Is swimming a possibilty? It burns a huge amount of calories even if it's just 30 minutes of breast stroke. I find it quite relaxing and great way to wind down and then helps me sleep lol :smile:
  • twistedpair
    twistedpair Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a commercial electrician. Up and down ladders, handling materials, pulling cables...things like that. :smokin:
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I work two part-time jobs. One is in a store selling baby clothing, the other is working behind a bar and waitressing. I'm about to do a beast of a nine hour shift in the second job, on my feet all day. Ouch!

    I exercise as much as I can, as I really love it and don't ever want to give it up. I love running.
  • I currently work in a solicitors full time but after that I cover Zumba classes which brings in a bit of extra money at the end of the day, If i'm not at work, Im usually at Zumba but i've put on a stone from not going for 2 months..

    Add me as a friend,.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm a Construction Manager so I do a fair bit of walking around on building sites all day and shouting at men BUT I was also getting served "man size" portions of everything in the site canteens, which is how I put on 3 stone over 4 years! Now that I'm more aware of what I'm eating, I've lost almost half of that in the last 4 months but don't feel like I'm going without - I'll have just one of everything rather than 2 or 3 like the big boys! Some of the guys call it the "lady portion" now and I've even heard a few of them order it themselves when they want to lose a couple pounds but not give up the food they love :) After work I do circuit training in the living room or get out for a long brisk walk or cycle ride.
  • AntOfBacon
    AntOfBacon Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a coroners officer by day and an actor by night! I like to keep it varied.

    Neither are very active jobs, right now I'm sat at my desk and other than the occasional walk into court or to a printer, I won't move much during the day. Got in to a good routine now of getting into the gym before work most mornings and after work at least twice a week (currently aching from a kettle bell workout!). Lost 1 stone 3lbs since Jan 1st and now have a healthy BMI! Very happy.

    If anyone wants to say hello, add me on here or follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/antbacon
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    I'm an adjudicator, work from home and my commute is approximately 4ft from bed to desk.

    Tend to work over breakfast, do gym anytime from 11 to 4pm depending on how work is going, then slack off in the evenings. It will be interesting to see if I can keep it up later in the year when the workload demands 14 hour days, 6-7 days a week.
  • SusanaLdn
    SusanaLdn Posts: 121 Member
    I'm a makeup artist! Not much physical activity. Mostly sitting... so I bust my butt in the gym!!

    Really?! It's the first time I ever hear this from a makeup artist! I've been a make up artist for 12 years now, and I NEVER sit! I do my make up standing (I put their chairs higher, so I have more mobility - tried doing it sitting down once and it was the awkwardest thing; also, it makes you look lazy). I most times do their hair too, then I go on set and just stand next to the monitor all day, running in for checks when needed, chatting to producers or editors, making sure all is in place. I work for some main magazines and tv channels and there really aren't many dull moments in a day, and they're usually veeeery long!

    I have been a full time student for the past two years also, so I am rather active. My downfall I am a bad food planner, so I end up spending too much money eating too much silly food. I'm actually doing better now, sitting at home studying for exams (eeeek) than I do throughout the year.
  • DonnaThw
    DonnaThw Posts: 9 Member
    I am a librarian in a primary school. So alot of sitting behind the desk but also alot of running around after students and teachers. Different days bring different challenges. When at home I'm running around after 3 kids and keeping house. My husband works away on the mines, so when he is away I've been known to eat marshmallows by the packet full. Started on MFP approx 3 months ago and loving how it has helped me be accountable for what I eat. Lost almost 6 kg now and still very motivated.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I am a "Retail *kitten*"!, LMAO
  • ghendjr
    ghendjr Posts: 2 Member
    Truck driver looking for some support from others, I need to lose about 20 lbs.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Truck driver. I haul military vehicles, fire trucks, and machinery so I do get some exercise chaining/strapping loads and sometimes tarping (tarps are over 100 lbs each), but most of my work time is sitting behind the wheel.
  • kevdylaly2011
    kevdylaly2011 Posts: 5 Member
    My current job is a stay at home mom. I miss working so much! I am a CNA, have my Real Estate License, have done some management, just a little bit of everything. Now I'm a slave to cleaning, laundry, errands, kids, husband..lol. I love my family and I am looking to go back to work since my daughter will be starting school next year.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I am a law accountant which is a desk job 9-4pm Mon to Fri. I have a 6 year old son so I am always on the go with him after school and at the weekend. I also workout a lot: Running 2-3 times per week (training for a 10km at the moment), currently doing 30DS 4-5 times per week, a Kettlebell class once a week and also just do general gym workouts and swimming - I like variety!!
  • michelleranee
    michelleranee Posts: 28 Member
    I am an administrative assistant at a community college in charge of student electronic files. It is an office job but I am on my feet walking alot. I still only manage about 8000 steps a day without exercise.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I was a retail manager for 37 years and walked/run miles in the store, my weight got up to 264 pounds
    I retired, got bored and went back to work, I am a lunch room lady
    I've dropped 100+ pounds and I walk at least 10 miles per week.
    I went from working 60+ hours and now I work 15 hours a week>
    It is not how much you walk around at work it is how much stress
    you have.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Full time Advanced Medical Billing Specialist with certification
    Part time Chef doing my own thing on the side (left the Culinary industry after my daughter left the nest)....
    Im also a musician for two adult community groups playing Bassoon

    Matter of fact, when I get home, its prepare dinner for my husband and I, and then I have two cake orders to do for a bridal shower.

    I make sure my gym time is well before work. I get up at 4am, and Im at the gym by 4:45am Monday through Friday!
  • phillieschic
    phillieschic Posts: 615
    Graphic designer for the Department of Defense.
  • Mindywv2003
    Mindywv2003 Posts: 62 Member
    I work for the leading Cardiovascular Research Institute in Canada
    in the Foundation office