Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Don't tell me about how you too are trying to lose weight (especially if you are MUCH thinner than me) and then go on to tell me about how you ate pasta in brown butter sauce, a huge appetizer and ice cream last night for dinner.

    No, you are not "trying", and also.. its no fair that you can eat like that and still be so thin! And now I want pasta! Grr! :)

    (my tall, thin SIL)
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    "You're counting calories? Oh, that will never work!"

    Um....did I mention I've lost 47 pounds so far?
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    I have a coworker who's been really strange about my weight loss. I was 180.4 when they hired me about a year and a half ago, and I am 150 now (I am 5'8") and my office manager keeps telling me I am "wasting away".

    How about this one: I managed to bruise my finger pretty badly the other day somehow - I am always hurting myself without realizing it haha - and when I showed my her the black and blue, her response was "it's because you are getting too skinny!" Now how does that make ANY sense??
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    "We're ordering out for lunch BUT I BET YOU PACKED!!" -as if it's a bad thing?? I'm saving money AND eating healthier!

    ^^I get this one ALL THE TIME!
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    "It's good to see you finally eating something"

    "Yes, you look as if you're wasting away!"

    That was my mum (queen of yoyo dieting) and her diabetic friend who eats whatever she wants in portions literally (and I mean literally not figuratively) big enough for a family of four and just takes extra insulin.

    I don't "not eat", I just don't live with you so you don't see me eating! And I'm only a few pounds inside the normal bmi range, plenty more I can lose.
  • mhathy77
    mhathy77 Posts: 7
    People asked what I did to lose weight and how much I exercise. I think the funniest thing is the look of disappointment when I tell them I worked out really hard and ate really clean, and run between 20 and 30 miles a week. I see them thinking to themselves "That sucks, I figured he just took a magic pill."
  • mellymassacre
    mellymassacre Posts: 15 Member
    I put on a stone in just a few weeks due to medication. I'm 8st. 5lbs., i want to loose 17lbs.
    Today when I told people I had started weight loss they laughed at me.
    I just said, if i gave you a bag with 17lbs of weight in and made you carry it around all day, I bet you be glad when I took it away again.
    I simply want to loose the extra weight that I've put on.

    "think of all those starving children in ethiopia, you should pile on the pounds !" best comment ever. the person who said that to me is underweight and wont go near fatty or unhealthy foods.
  • ehanson09
    ehanson09 Posts: 4
    Im 39+lbs (weigh in tomorrow!) down and my brother has always had his own way of trying to motivate people by being a complete *kitten* to them. Even though he knows for the past 3 months i have consistantly lost weight, never once gaining, he still makes little comments to me. Like the other day i was taking the weekend "off" and letting myself indulge a little. I was eating Chipotle, it was a healthy order....for Chipotle, and i ate less than half of it. But he still felt the need to say to me "Oh i see you are off your diet....i knew you would give up" Needless to say, i saw red, and have been proving him wrong ever since!
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I keep getting the "you look fine, you don't need to lose weight, I think you look great..." thing. Every. Time. I am 50 pounds overweight. If these people saw me nude, they would know why I am trying to lose weight. Stop telling me I'm not fat, I'm not delusional!

    Likewise, I'm a little tired of people trying to get me to try some fad diet. I don't want to go on a fad diet. I want to eat healthy, and continue to enjoy the things I know I enjoy, but on a more moderate scale. I don't want to eat nothing but celery, thank you very much. I don't even LIKE celery!