Need to lose weight in one day!!



  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Maybe cut off a leg. I heard that works. Or shave your head. That is what the wrestlers used to do in high school

    Woah woah woah. Come on now. I directly fit into the category.... lol

    You cut off a leg?????
  • Presley0381
    Presley0381 Posts: 88
    Poop with all of your might!

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Buy a new dress. Stressing your body (even for one day) isn't going to make the dress magically fit, and you probably won't feel your best for partying anyway.

    Now you can focus on getting your goals met in a conscious way before the next big event.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Spanx and Diurex Water Pills.

    That is actually a good idea. I never thought of water pills!
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    I would buy a new dress for tonight and use the other dress for further motivation. Good luck!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Donate blood too... I'd recommend doing so immediately after shaving your head.
  • JCDF
    JCDF Posts: 25
    are you looking to faint or feel ill and drifty at whatever your event is tomorrow? Don't do it. Do the spanx thing, or just go as you are and enjoy yourself. to be honest, nobody gives a hang how anyone else looks really. Just go have fun and don't worry.
  • minuet42
    minuet42 Posts: 33
    So, does the dress fit but you don't like the way it looks? If that's the case, triple Spanx and call it a day - Lemon out.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    "lose weight in a day" ???

    There are things that can make a difference in a day. They don't address body fat, but they address bloating and other things that can be, um... taken care of.

    I lost 1 " on my waist and 1/2" on my hips in one day (yesterday, in fact). Was it fat? No. It was retained water and, uh, you know "stuff" in my digestive tract. Best way to deal with those things is to drink plenty of water (you are doing this), don't eat things that will make you retain water (like sodium, diet sodas, any processed crap), and DO eat fiber. Have a salad- dark leafy greens. And i always think exercise is good to keep things flowing along smoothly in the digestive tract. coffee doesn't hurt in the "make things flow" department- so indulge in a cup. Then drink water. Eat a salad. Go for a nice jog.

    note: before people go all whack out on me for suggesting that a laxative might be good, I want to clarify that *for me* this is only a beneficial last ditch effort if I'm feeling "backed up"...I'm def not advocating the laxative "poop out your food" style of bulemia. I'm just saying if you are backed up and bloated because you have been eating crap (as I was earlier this week), eating fiber and drinking a cup of coffee and getting some exercise and water will help move those things along!
  • scargnar
    scargnar Posts: 4
    the ladies above are right - if you can get yourself to a mall or department store (maybe go for a run?!), spanx are awesome. i know they've gone way down in cost since they first started selling, too.

    avoid sodium, you'll retain more water if you eat a lot of it.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Shave your body head to toe, clip your nails, run a marathon wearing clingwrap and take all the laxatives you can'll do great!

    Best of luck

    PS - these things work for me all the time!
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    these answers are making me laugh out loud at my desk-thanks everyone!!
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Definately get a pair of Spanx.
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    eat lots of cheese....wait thats for something else. :embarassed: Sorry I'm out of ideas.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    double mastectomy.

    While your at it, a lobotomy.

    From the sound of the question I'd say the lobotomy failed (or maybe it worked, confused myself now lol) :laugh: :laugh:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i'll add one to the "take a huge dump" crew.

    edited to add:
    lol @ "labotomy while you're at it"
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Buy a new dress. Stressing your body (even for one day) isn't going to make the dress magically fit, and you probably won't feel your best for partying anyway.

    Now you can focus on getting your goals met in a conscious way before the next big event.


    Any difference you might make in 24 hours won't be enough to make a dress that isn't comfortable, comfortable. And unless you plan on fasting throughout the entire event, the second you eat or drink anything, you'll gain back any water weight you might lose. So you can either leave the house with the dress fitting, and have it uncomfortably tight after one drink, or feel weak, tired and miserable all night.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    It's on the has to work
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I think you should pay someone skinnier than you to attend the event as a surrogate
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    lol, so much hate in this thread. Believe it or not people actually cut weight all the time for things like body building competitions and any event with a weigh in. It's not great for your immediate state of well being but there are no lasting side effects. Animals don't eat 3 squares a day, and humans were just like them not long ago.

    Is wearing a dress a stupid reason to intentionally dehydrate yourself? In my opinion yes, but who is to say? Not I.