30 Day Shred Challenge



  • Can I join?? I bought the dvd and started on Sept 30. Starting weight 149pds. Skipped yesterday and doing level 1 tonight....

    Sure you can Join, welcome to the group. let us know if you have any questions.
  • I started the 30 day shred on Monday and it has been difficult but I am keeping at it. My goal is to loose the pregnancy weight from my girls and be at my ideal weight before or by Thanksgiving at the lastest. I am excited to see others do this as well. One of my friends, just started the dvd today! (:

    Good luck and God bless to all of you!

    We can all reach our weight goals! :smile:

    welcome, to the group, yeah the first couple of days are difficult, but you'll see the more you stick with it the easier it will get and the better you will feel. if you have any questions, just let us know. but most importantly have fun doing it.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. Saturday was great, had a nice run and worked with in my cal's for the day... Sunday however is a different stroy, only did light walking, I was just tired... So I rested and def ate too much:sad: :sad:

    did Jillian this morning, plan on running tonight, getting ready for a 5 K November 1st.....
    Plan on drinking lots of water and staying in my cal count... Wish me luck...

    Have a Sun Shiney Day....:glasses: :glasses:
  • 1210pm - Shredded 30 mins
    Level 1
  • I wish I would've seen this post when yall started it!! I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow!! I hope I can do it!! I can't wait to hear all of ur results at the end of the 30 day shred....

    quick question for those who know.. do you do 30 days at level 1 before going to level 2? I wasn't sure how long you're suposed to stay at each level
  • I wish I would've seen this post when yall started it!! I'm starting 30 day shred tomorrow!! I hope I can do it!! I can't wait to hear all of ur results at the end of the 30 day shred....

    quick question for those who know.. do you do 30 days at level 1 before going to level 2? I wasn't sure how long you're suposed to stay at each level

    Yes start with level 1, do it a few days but no more than 10, if you think and feel ready to move on to level 2. Good luck with it, and welcome
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Another great day... Yesterday stayed in my cal's, didn't run, but hubby wanted to walk so I took a 2 mile walk with him instead.. Did Jillian this morning, def running tonight, I need to get ready for my first 5 K in 25 days!!!!!!!!

    Feeling good and looking forward to weighting in tomorrow......

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I haven't posted because I haven't gotten the 30 Day Shred DVD until yesterday! I finally did level 1 today, and damn Jillian really kicks your butt! I am going to be doing her DVD on my off days from C25K training. :smile: I may mix in another DVD or two that I have also to keep my body guessing. Also, I may go to the gym at night to do some extra strength training.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm back to the Shred! I think today is the third time I've done it (twice last week). It's not getting any easier, but I still like it. I love the fact that it's an intense workout, but for a short time. I can do ANYTHING for 20 minutes! :laugh:
  • Sry shredders, i forgot to post yesterday.
    1210pm Lvl 1 - 30 mins.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Good Morning Shredders!!!!!!!

    Week 2 down and I am now down 5 pounds.... Yeah me!!!!!!!!!
    I was so sad when I gained last week, feels good to be down....

    wk1 228
    wk2 229
    wk3 224 WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    did pilates this morning, needed to wake up slowly, will shred tonight or do Bob!!!
    Good Luck everyone
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hey all....
    Sorry I've been M.I.A. since last Thursday...here's where I've been:

    Friday...I was sick again so I did not do a workout.

    Saturday...I did 30 Shred Level 1...didn't eat the best but by the end of the day weighed less than I did in the morning...;)

    Sunday...had a baby shower for my sister in law and ate WONDERFUL food. Still managed to stay within my calories though :) Then did 30 Shred Level 1 when I got home.

    Monday...I had a tough time getting back into my "diet" after having such great food on Sunday. But...I managed to stay under my allotted calories and completed 30 Shred Level 1.

    Tuesday...Back on track...Did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (BFBM) workout instead of shred. I'm planning on doing 3 days of Shred and every 4th day doing BFBM. I love the change...and I LOVE coming back to the shred after only one day of BFBM...it's TOUGH! It reminds me of my p90x plyo workout! YUCK!

    Wednesday...30 Shred Level 1 (after work)...this is day 6 of level 1

    Looking forward to Level 2...LOL...or not!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Feeling good, I shredded this morning 30 min level 1, running tonight.....

    I think I may move up to level 2 tomorrow!! Wish me luck

    Here's to a GREAT day for EVERYONE!!!!!:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I just start the shred too and I'm on day 4.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Let me know how Level 2 goes. I can't decide when i want to jump up. I've been working out everyday for the last 9 days but today is only day 7 of completing 30 day shred level 1. I've been incorporating Banish Fat Boost Metabolism every 4th day to change things up...I want to start Level 2 but I don't want to do it TOO soon!

    How many days did you stay at Level 1?
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Did Shred for the 4th time today, Level 1. Jumping jacks and butt kicks kicked mine! :laugh: I kept cramping up... ouch. :frown: But I kept going.

    My 6 year old asked me tonight, "When are you going to do Level 2?" If only it was just a matter of choosing to do it! I'll probably shoot for Level 1 ten times, then move up to Level 2. We'll see.
  • myztic
    myztic Posts: 37 Member
    hi girls can i join you? i just finished day 10 of level one... today is day 1 of level two and i am soo scared to try it! Everywhere i read online is about how hard level 2 is... so much harder than one and I didnt find day 10 of level 1 to be easy... it was still tough... I hope i can do it! :)

    weight loss is at 0... i need to lose 20 pounds from my pregnancy then im good... but this happens to be the most stubborn 20 pounds EVER... could be cuz im breastfeeding though
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Oh, 3 day weekends!!! I fell off the wagon. Painted all day Saturday and over ate:sad:
    Hurt my knee painting so no running now for 5 days. I did walk a 10k on Sunday though so I guess that counts, if I would only track my cal's better over the weekend. did nothing on monday, but did do Jillian this morning and will light run tonight as long as I'm not in pain during the jog....

    SO SICK OF THIS YOYO,,,,, Why can't I just stick with this everyday, weekends included... Guess it will happen sooner or later... i have to try NOT to beat myself up too much:sad: :sad:
  • Hello Shredders, Sorry for the absence, i've been running around all weekend. I've been keep up with the shredding. I slipped up over the weekend. didn't get a chance to get it in. but i will be back on track tonight.
  • Oh, 3 day weekends!!! I fell off the wagon. Painted all day Saturday and over ate:sad:
    Hurt my knee painting so no running now for 5 days. I did walk a 10k on Sunday though so I guess that counts, if I would only track my cal's better over the weekend. did nothing on monday, but did do Jillian this morning and will light run tonight as long as I'm not in pain during the jog....

    SO SICK OF THIS YOYO,,,,, Why can't I just stick with this everyday, weekends included... Guess it will happen sooner or later... i have to try NOT to beat myself up too much:sad: :sad:

    Murphy's Law says that if it can happen, it will happen, and more than likely you'll be by yourself when it does. So don't beat your self on the head about it. Don't stress youself about it, high stress levels will increase your weight, so Just relax, you'll get there
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