Does anyone else NOT do a "cheat" day?



  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    No 'cheat days' but I exercise more if I know we're going out to dinner or getting dessert or whatever. Otherwise I just eat small portions of whatever I want. I generally don't eat a lot of junky stuff anyway, don't keep it in the house.
  • contrari
    contrari Posts: 3 Member
    I have a "goal day." Typically this is pretty far out, like 6 weeks. And that's the day I have the things I've been wanting to try. Otherwise I'm prone to just eat impulsively and excessively more often than I should... and this is why I'm on mfp. Also, not every holiday is a cheat day. There are too many holidays once birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, going away parties, and the hallmark holidays get factored in.

    I'm working on having my cheat day not be "binge day" and more of a sampling situation.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I never have a "cheat day" but if I go over (even by a lot) I don't get all bent out of shape over it either as long as it is an unusual circumstance. An example would be day before yesterday. My wife's band went to a theme park.. By the end of they day I was double my calories for the day... This is by no means the norm for me... It is not a change of direction or anything.. It was a one time thing. I did not sweat it. I just returned to my usual routine the next day (I usually try for about 500 under goal calories with exercise)...

    A cheat day per se tells me that we have not changed our relationship with food... It is our maladaptive relationship with food that has gotten us where we are right now... That has to change before a lasting change can take place in our bodies. On the other hand I think if we get all bent out of shape over one bad day (especially if it is due to an unusual reason... special dinner, birthday, vacation, etc.) then our efforts can be unsustainable since for the rest of our lives we will have to navigate through those type of obstacles in life.
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    I do not have a cheat day. If I am craving something I work it into my calories and/or exercise my butt of that day. I am just curious, does anyone else not do a cheat day?

    I do not have cheat days if I am craving it I figure out why I am craving it and it is usually a vitamin or other nutrient I am lacking in so I work it into my calories. The one thing I crave regularly is red meat because I don't eat it but during that dreaded TOM I get a little low on iron. I make salmon marinated with steak seasonings it taste just like steak and it gives me what I needed. No more cravings. YOu are right on track!! Keep going! :)
  • Embolee
    Embolee Posts: 2
    I don't have a cheat day. I work it in or place what I eat. I become discouraged when I don't. It's like taboo, don't eat this, don't eat that, UGH. So I just measure a serving and add it in. I may go over my calories for that day but it's out of my system.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    that's what I do too. I never go crazy for a planned day. Occasionally I will have a day that I eat way over, but its not a planned cheat day or something I feel bad about. It happens, I enjoy the food, and I do my MFP thing the next day as normal.
  • wolfi622
    wolfi622 Posts: 206
    So far no cheat days. I always fit it in my calories - and I generally never eat back more that 1/2 of my exercise calories. If I know a big meal is coming - like a wedding we are going to next week, I'll just adjust the rest of they day and/or the day before to make sure I have the calories "available".