Any hunters here?



  • biggsexy7
    biggsexy7 Posts: 78 Member
    And as far as pictures go, it's been mentions already. They are ways to share and remember. Hunting is about a lot more than filling your freezer -- at least for many. It is a way to get back to nature, a way to be a part of it. It is a centering experience. And it also isn't as easy as many seem to think. Not for those that don't use feeders and blinds and whatnot, anyway. (Thankfully, using feeders and salt and the like is illegal in Montana.) So filling your tag is also something that takes much effort. So why wouldn't you want to remember that experience?

    I agree. I have hunted with friends and family all my life. Some are not here anymore but I will always have those hunting trips to remember them by. People don't understand that getting a deer head mounted isn't just saying hey look at what I did. I mean you can pay and kill one on a big reserve. It's the memories of what all went into that moment when you took that animal.It's something you can touch and feel. It will always bring back the memory of that moment.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Im going to get my firearms license on May 31st! My boyfriend started hunting about 2 years ago, but has only killed a few rabbits and pheasents so far. I really like the idea of hunting your own food and getting away from dependency on grocery stores. I would like to be completely self suficient when Im older :) Im not sure how often I will go out and hunt because we dont need that much meat between the two of us (Ill let him enjoy his hobby), but still, I would like to have the option to, thus getting my firearms license soon.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Be vewy vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    I grew up learning to hunt. Our family didn't have alot of money so we hunted just about everything (legal of course). I still enjoy it but don't get to do it as much as I used to. We still do quite a bit of target shooting though.
  • scooterhaz
    scooterhaz Posts: 31 Member
    Dove hunt. Best hunting because alot more shooting than waiting.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member

    crockpot turkey... yummmm!!! haha
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    My hubby and I hunt. Bow and firearms. We hunt turkey and whitetail mainly. We live in a VERY rural area, so we hunt for many reasons. We are very selective in what we take, only taking what is needed and only taking quick kill shots. For us, wild game is the healthiest meats available.

    There have been several discussions about mounts and photos.
    Here's my "2 cents" worth:
    People take photos of themselves on vacation, winning a competition, etc. ... soooo as long as a hunter is respectful in taking a photo, I don't see how it is any different. We have "trophys" in our home (ie, taxidermy mounts). We have wonderful memories and experiances tied to each one. They are a reminder of a life, a gift to us by our Creator, and are in no way dishonored. I would say more likely charished.

    With that said... I do try to be respectful of non-hunting friends and try not to post pics on "social" sites...

    Good luck to everyone this season!
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I don't hunt but a lot of my family does.
    Absolutely love Elk, my dad got his first one this year.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Wanting to kill an animal...for 'fun'?

    Sounds absolutely desperate.

    I hunt for fun and for the meat that currently fills my freezer. It's not desperation, it is about being close to your food source and enjoying the outdoors.

    Hunters have done more for the conservation of wildlife than PETA ever will.
  • sedwards9999
    sedwards9999 Posts: 160 Member
    I like deer and waterfowl hunting but I haven't gotten out the past couple of years. I'm also a fisherman.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I've hunted and fished my whole life. Deer, bear, turkey, rabbit, etc. etc. No ducks or geese though - just never have. Only kill what I eat with the exception of coyotes - they are decimating our deer & turkey populations here.

    or WoW huntards.

    oh WoW - never encountered one of these before. Opinionated know it all anti-hunting b!tch...
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I hunt deer and try to avoid bears. I have a ton of the latter around my house, but they don't taste good to me, so I don't shoot them. If anyone actually likes to hunt bear and lives in GA, send me a PM and I'll point you in the right direction.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    I don't understand the concept of taking pictures of an animal you've just killed. Eating hunted meat is better than eating factory farmed meat, but why are you so proud of killing? Could someone explain it to me, please?

    If your child play a football and was awarded MVP, wouldn't you want to take a picture of him with his trophy?
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I hunt deer, turkey, quail, squirrel (Fox and Grey), hogs and rabbits.

    Use shotgun, muzzleloader and my .308 or .270.
  • AKDonF
    AKDonF Posts: 235 Member
    Alaska here.... Love to bowhunt!
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    I was born and raised in a family of hunters. We hunt deer, elk, bear, and birds. There is no better exercise than hunting elk and I will push myself to extremes while doing it:) Elk live in rugged terrain and it's awesome..........even when you don't take one it's awesome! Calling in a 1200 lb raging bull elk to within 10-20 yards is heart pounding to say the least !!
  • My husband has been hunting for 10 years. I just took up archery and bowhunting in July. Been out in the blind with him but haven't got my first buck/doe yet. But I plan to come firearm season.
  • I mostly hunt deer in OH. but I am from PA. Harvested this 10-pt. last Thursday. Please feel free to friend me my fellow hunters!

  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    Hunt and to wear camo too....
  • Jerry1001
    Jerry1001 Posts: 43 Member
    Duck hunter.