MFP has made such a LIAR out of me !!



  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 137 Member
    What is a HRM and how do you get it?

    HRM is a Heart Rate Monitor.

    I know... sounds so clinical, doesn't it? That's what I thought too.

    For sure, the HRM sounded like the least interesting thing to me. But the FitBit will monitor your daily activity, literally all day and night (while you sleep). And it syncs with MFP automatically -- very cool. Only problem I have with it is that it isn't so great at calculating your exercise burn on some activities like zumba. There's just a lot of body parts moving at one time and the FitBit just doesn't capture it all. So for that, and some other activities, the HRM is a better tool for calculating the calories burned.
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • great post
  • goldyd
    goldyd Posts: 14 Member
    :heart: :heart: Great post...
  • dirtchick97
    dirtchick97 Posts: 58
    Love this post! This is so true! I interact with more people on MFP than I do on FB! :)
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    Great post!!!
  • skinnybabe123
    skinnybabe123 Posts: 11 Member
    great post. its so true
  • teriann1979
    teriann1979 Posts: 75 Member
    What is a HRM and how do you get it?

    HRM is a Heart Rate Monitor.

    I know... sounds so clinical, doesn't it? That's what I thought too.

    For sure, the HRM sounded like the least interesting thing to me. But the FitBit will monitor your daily activity, literally all day and night (while you sleep). And it syncs with MFP automatically -- very cool. Only problem I have with it is that it isn't so great at calculating your exercise burn on some activities like zumba. There's just a lot of body parts moving at one time and the FitBit just doesn't capture it all. So for that, and some other activities, the HRM is a better tool for calculating the calories burned.

    Good one is the Polar brand - you can order it on Amazon ...wait here I am advising someone on how to get a HRM after really getting into MFP :laugh:
    OP it's a great post & you're so right! Never thought I'd get all into the forums either but the entire site is so helpful and all of you people are so awesome. I :heart: MFP
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    LOL! Great post!!
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 650 Member
    I had to double check that *I* didn't write this! LOL
    Yeah....I heart MFP
    I Love my fitbit that kicks my butt to get to that next badge!
    and I'm still trying to figure out which HRM to get...

    Yeah...wasn't going to do any of that either!
    LOVING this new lifestyle!
  • Nillia2
    Nillia2 Posts: 36 Member
    U are soo right!...i am on this much more than facebook now..just refreshing the page sometimes to see whats new! lol
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    LOVE this post!! :love:
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Love it!!
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    Love, love, love this!
  • annarouni
    annarouni Posts: 127 Member
    The OP took the words right out of my mouth. :wink:
    MFP has been a big help in my struggle to get healthier.
    There is no way I could do this on my own, otherwise I
    would have already done it, right?

    Face-what??? never heard of it. :laugh:
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I said...I'm just going to log my calories on here and not going to worry about increasing my exercise.... WRONG ! I've more than doubled my exercise, thanks to my MFP pals who were doing circles around me every day.

    Said I wasn't going to get any of those silly gadgets that everybody raves about.

    I have to agree with you there!! i can't remember the last time i stuck to any amount of exercise for more than a couple of weeks... i've got to be close to 8 months now without regret! i've also got my boyfriend speaking this language - he's almost as addicted to exercise as me, but he still resists using this site... i'll get him on here soon enough! mwa hahaha :happy: afterall, our anniversary present to each other was his and her's HRMs. :bigsmile:
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    Great post! And I, too, spend more time here than on FB. Love the like-mindedness of everyone here! :-D
  • Suzieqt81
    Suzieqt81 Posts: 96 Member
    Very cute!
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Hehe this post made me smile. So true!
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member