Am i the only one it pisses off



  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    pretty much on the same page
  • dowens73
    dowens73 Posts: 4 Member
  • janelleross
    janelleross Posts: 61 Member
    You never know if that person has issues (like I have rhematoid arthritis, so I can't work out as hard as some other people), or maybe they are recovering from surgery or an injury. Unless you know their specific circumstances, you shouldn't let it get you so upset.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm with ya on this one.. Nothing irks me more when a person is on a weight machine I want to use and they are just sitting there texting or yammering away with friends... I get you take a rest, but 30 to a minute should suffice... not enough to have a whole texting conversation!

    Cardio machines are not as bad( I can usually snag one) but when I can't, is when I'm like forget this jazz.. I'll just go walk outside today!
  • llahairdna
    llahairdna Posts: 521 Member
    Meh. I am a mom and I have a high tolerance on annoying behaviors

  • MelHoneyRocks
    MelHoneyRocks Posts: 223
    They could be recovering from an injury....I had to do that after knee surgery.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I know exactly what your saying! some lady asked me politely how much longer i had on the equipment, and i told her about 30 seconds, so i finish up and wipe it down, then she gets on it and goes soooo slowly, chatting with the man next to her, i dont know about anyone else, but while i am jogging, or whatever, i have a hard time breathing, let alone having a conversation

    Wow, I'm so sorry this happened, how rude!

    If it were me I would have told her politely never to interupt my workout again.

    Maybe you should have stuck around to repay the favour?
  • mandermoo4
    mandermoo4 Posts: 4
    I dont usually respond to these but the ignorance about how people work out PISSED me of. My grandfather who is 81 years old, with two replaced knees, half a metal pole for a back, heart problems and can barley walk let alone work out, FAITHFULLY goes to the gym every day to do some form of work out. He cant go fast at all, in fact he moves very slow but it benefits his joints and his body. So should he not work out bc some ignorant b$t&h thinks that you should sweat and move fast while working out? I dont think so and if you have an issue with how ppl work out at THEIR capable pace, whether they look healthy to work out hard or not buy your own fitness equipment and stay the F home and complain about something worth complaining about.....

    Rant over.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Good job i'm not a member of any gym, I'd be the one p'ing folk off.

    Can you tell if they have an illness/disability?

    You can't see that I have knackered lungs and I do my very best to hide breathlessness at minor exertion...its embarrassing, folk judge and just think you're unfit or putting it on but it seems hiding my breathlessness wouldn't be doing me any favours either.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Nah, its rants like this that piss me off. Why sound off on a forum when you can do it to the person's face.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Ditto to the comment about using the free weights. I mostly use free weights, squat bar, ect. verse the weight machines. Less stress waiting to get on a machine and easier to do supersets too.
  • blairh10
    blairh10 Posts: 37
    I'm sure my workouts look half assed to people who know what they are doing at the gym but I'm doing the best I can. I push myself, just may not seem like it....
    This is why I am too afraid to get off the treadmill and try the equiptment, because I'm already not super comfortable being in the gym, I feel like an outcast because I'm not buff or 22, and now I know people are staring at me thinking I'm wasting their precious time. :ohwell:
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    Not really, there may be a reason that they aren't able to use to machine on high impact, they could have asthma, joint problems anything, they're paying for their gym membership just as you are, so I suggest maybe being a bit more patient and utilizing another machine, no need to get all hot and bothered over something so inconsequential.
  • MystiqueASAP
    MystiqueASAP Posts: 747
    I totally understand. There is this guy at my gym that I want to shove his iPad up his @$$. He sits at different machines (shoulder press, for example) for long periods of time with his leg crossed (right ankle on left knee) with his iPad in his lap lifting 20lbs half-@$$ed while playing with his iPad. I understand reading while on some cardio machines (I don't do this, but understand), but while appearing to lift weights..., wtf!
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    ok my opinion here.

    but do you know their circumstances? maybe they just had surgery and cant work out as hard or there's some other circumstances.
    and surely there is other equipment at your gym that is not in use. That would allow you to change up your routine to lessen the chances of a plateau. So just because someone does not have the same agenda as you does not mean they're not there to benefit from the gym. Everyone is different.

    Although, on another note, if they're not doing anything but talking then maybe it is better they not be at the gym... But there is nothing wrong with a conversation to distract you from the pain your muscles are in (which low levels can cause too)

    yes i do know.. since the day before she was chatting the same way .. and every day before that.. she was acting like it was a punishment to be there and like if she didnt work out she would end up in jail... if it was someone who was physically not able to i would be the first one there cheering them on.. but when a 20 year old young thin fit girl is litterly going while talking on her phone and people who are wanting to use the machine.. i find it rude.... if you want to chat on your phone.. remove yourself from the machine.. finish your conversation and then work out.. or call them back... i just think it is rude ... and if she was putting some effort in.. then diffrent.. but i dont need to work out on other machines while listening to her talk about how she cant even stand being at the gym.. but she is doing it cause she figures she should.... and going on about everyone else there being gross and sweaty...

    maybe i didnt paint the picture well in the being..

    i am not saying people putting in the effort are not ok to use it.. i am saying the young girl who is chatitng on the phone and acting like she is shopping while *****ing it up about being there.... i dunno.... just made me feel frustrated
  • dayhadley
    dayhadley Posts: 46
    I agree with what a lot of people are saying here: some work-out is better than no work-out - especially if you do have a medical issue. We do not know if these people are on restriction or if they are just wasting time (and aggravating people). With that being said, I recently joined the YMCA w/my husband and have seen this WAY TOO MANY TIMES: kids getting on the ellipticals and treadmills WITH FLIP FLOPS, right next to their family members or friends, chatting away and barely moving on the machine. Most of them have obviously just come from the pool. What is annoying is that you are supposed to wear proper shoes - you aren't even allowed to wear flip flops on these machines and no one kicks them off. Now, THAT is aggravating. Ok, now my rant is over ;o) Good luck to everyone.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I'm sure my workouts look half assed to people who know what they are doing at the gym but I'm doing the best I can. I push myself, just may not seem like it....
    This is why I am too afraid to get off the treadmill and try the equiptment, because I'm already not super comfortable being in the gym, I feel like an outcast because I'm not buff or 22, and now I know people are staring at me thinking I'm wasting their precious time. :ohwell:

  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    They pay their membership fee just the same as you. If they wanna walk slowly..or use the lightest weight is it your business? Move to the next machine until they finish...and if they get on AFTER YOU.....what difference does it make. Why does it bother YOU?

    And why is it always women posting this crap? Get your hump over to the heavy weights....there's usually no line waiting over there. Kwitcherbichen......lift heavy...and go home.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    Nah, its rants like this that piss me off. Why sound off on a forum when you can do it to the person's face.

    because that is what a forum is for.. you dont like it dont read it..
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I totally understand. There is this guy at my gym that I want to shove his iPad up his @$$. He sits at different machines (shoulder press, for example) for long periods of time with his leg crossed (right ankle on left knee) with his iPad in his lap lifting 20lbs half-@$$ed while playing with his iPad. I understand reading while on some cardio machines (I don't do this, but understand), but while appearing to lift weights..., wtf!

    I use my smart phone to track sets and reps...between sets. I'm sure it appears that I'm playing on my phone.

    But even post surgery to have my right biceps reconnected to my'd NEVER catch me doing anything with 20lbs lol, unless it was in my way =p.