What are you drinking when everything is bad for you?



  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I cut up one lemon and one lime and put it in a pitcher of water overnight, then drink it.

    Yummmmmmy. Adds a bit of flavour. :)
  • Cschwarze45
    Cschwarze45 Posts: 9 Member
    stevia!!! 0 cals, very sweet, easy to grow, dry and turn into powder or cheap to buy already made, plus there are some studies that it has some health benefits :)
    Say WHAAAT? You are my hero! PLEase do share how to grow and the whole process because my need for stevia is great but my pockets could use a little help!!!
    I was thinking the same thing!!! Please share....
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Dihydrogen monoxide on the rocks.

    I also have iced tea, the summertime especially, and drink that all day long. Though I don't add sugar, so it's just unsweetened, but it's not boring.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Never been in the habit of drinking anything other than water. Every once in a while, ginger tea (especially when I'm sick). Now, I drink protein shakes, made with fruit, protein powder, and either regular milk or almond milk (based on how many calories I have). If I had to drink other stuff, I'd drink fresh fruit juice, and not much else. I do not like carbonated beverages; hate the burpies.
  • smbakke77
    smbakke77 Posts: 273 Member
    I hear that crystal light is bad, diet snapple half and half is bad, anything diet, zero calories, lite. If they are all bad and could possible stall weight loss what do you drink when you want some flavor and something other than water?

    I like crystal light and diet snapple half and half (its made from the best stuff on earth):wink:

    What else is out there with flavor and wont kill me?

    I use Propel packets or Mio to flavor my water. Those are both no calories.
  • Brademert
    Brademert Posts: 17
    I add MIO to my water and also to my shakes. It is zero everything and gives a punch of flavor, although I really dislike the sweet tea flavor. I have added the berry to my Peanunt Butter (PB2) shakes and it is awesome. For sugur I use Sugar in the Raw on a limited basis. I also use a Mango Aloe to flavor my water as well
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Herbal tea when I want a brew or I'm being good.

    Non-alcoholic beer, full fat coke, coconut and pineapple juice etc when I just want something quenching and couldn't give a rat's a*se about the 'don't drink your calories' clap trap. I'll either incorporate them into my calorie allowance or just think 'meh' to going over that day.
  • krisdev67
    krisdev67 Posts: 11 Member
    I really don't drink soda and sweet drinks anyway. Water is my go to drink about 99% of the time. I know they say don't drink alcohol if you're trying to loose weight but I do and I add it into my daily calorie intake. If I want a glass of wine or a beer then I'm going to have it. The key is moderation. Also, I don't want to loose weight quick, I want it done gradually so that my head doesn't look like a bobble head. lol Oh and unsweet tea with lemon! I just add a sweetner packet...
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I drink coffee in the AM. I usually just have 1 cup, but that's just because that's all I really want at that time.

    I drink plain water all day, and sometimes I'll have a glass of ice tea with splenda or half and half sweet/unsweet ice tea in the evening.. don't do that often, but I never feel "guilty" if I do.

    I drink milk with breakfast sometimes. Even a little chocolate milk on occasion. I've really lost my taste for diet soda, but I will have a little every now and again if I want something fizzy.

    Oh yeah, and I drink wine. I like wine. :)

    But yes, mostly its just plain ole water, and I don't really miss the other stuff on a daily basis. After a couple weeks of cutting it out.. the cravings just went away.

    I'm on a similar path. Every day starts with a 20oz bottle of carbonated water, then my 16oz coffee (sometimes with milk). Water the rest of the day, sometimes with lemon or lime.

    Wine with dinner on the weekend. Occasionally iced tea with a sugar, even less often an soda made with actual sugar. Once in a while milk or chocolate milk as a treat.

    You get used to it, just like you got used to Snapple and Diet Coke.
  • missmac7623
    WATER! you can get these little bottles of flavor if you don't like plain water.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    the key is everything in Moderation, including moderation... As long as you don't over do anything you'll be alright... but try and drink as much water as you can..

    This. I drink coffee in the AM, and water through most of the day, but if I want a Coke Zero (with or without rum or vodka in it) or some red wine or Gatorade or a beer, I drink it and log it. But mostly I drink water.

    That said, right now I'm drinking a protein shake that tastes like a Starbucks Frappuccino:
    1 cup milk
    1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (I use the Archer Farms brand from Target, it tastes delish)
    6 oz black coffee
    2 pumps Torani French Vanilla syrup (sugar-free)

    Shake in blender bottle, pour over ice, NOM NOM NOM
  • twinsmom03
    twinsmom03 Posts: 90 Member
    I hear that crystal light is bad, diet snapple half and half is bad, anything diet, zero calories, lite. If they are all bad and could possible stall weight loss what do you drink when you want some flavor and something other than water?

    I like crystal light and diet snapple half and half (its made from the best stuff on earth):wink:

    What else is out there with flavor and wont kill me?

    I drink MIO there are many flavors to choose from...I really enjoy Orange Tangerine...It has vitamins b3 b6 b12 no calories no fat. You can use as little or as much as you like!
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Coffee and water, mostly. Coffee is black, water is clear. Zero calories both. For the weekend, I drink scotch or similar, because it's only 67 cal an ounce and 4 ounces gets me nice and toasty, so for the caloric intake of a soda I am good to go.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    If you live somewhere like London where the tap water tastes rank (and there are rumours that a glass of it has already passed through several people's bodies), then I can understand not wanting to drink water.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is a fixed amount of water on the planet and all if it has already passed through the bodies of innumerable people, plants, and animals. It's been filtered, either via evaporation/condensation (leaving the contaminants behind), a fine plastic mesh (nanofiltration), charcoal, or some combination thereof, making it drinkable.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I too was in search for this quest. I started out with soda. Then it made me fat so I switched to diet soda. Then I was told it would give me cancer so I switched to iced tea. When they told me the tea I was drinking was making my iron levels low, that's when I decided to say **** it. :drinker:
  • Stacy7218
    Stacy7218 Posts: 10 Member
    I too was in search for this quest. I started out with soda. Then it made me fat so I switched to diet soda. Then I was told it would give me cancer so I switched to iced tea. When they told me the tea I was drinking was making my iron levels low, that's when I decided to say **** it. :drinker:

    LOVE IT :)
  • blittle2
    blittle2 Posts: 94 Member
    I usually drink water and Iced tea with lemon. When I'm bad I'll drink soda or rum and cokes, if I'm feeling guilty I drink rum and coke zero :)
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Water, coffee, whiskey, beer. In that order.

    Enough water will make up for a host of other "sins".
  • jenniprr
    jenniprr Posts: 119
    I have been brainstorming better for you beverages lately myself since my doctor was telling me how even the "fake" sugars are not good for you (which i knew but, hey, one thing at a time.) She said if you have to use something, Stevia is the best option. So I do have my coffee every morning with ff creamer and stevia. Otherwise it's water, water with lemon or water LOL I also have the cold brew ice tea bags and the black ice tea k cups. I try not to add stevia but sometimes I do. And lemon.
  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    Water, water, water!! Sometimes I will put some rosemary in my water to spice it up. Or a squeeze of lime/lemon.

    I also have a cup of coffee every morning with coffee creamer (that's been sweetened with Splenda).