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Worst advice given to you by a "professional"



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    This is very true - it's a precaution. I had my gall bladder out when my oldest was like a month old...and yes, I had a pg test. I had CT scan when #2 was about a week old - and yes, I had a pg test (which, of course, was positive...)

    I was positive I wasn't pregnant because I was on my period. Also, now that I am off of birth control I have infertility issues. So there was no chance.

    You can be bleeding and have full period symptoms and still be pregnant. So, that is really not a good enough reason not to administer the test.

    Yep. And unless you've had a hysterectomy, they're going to do it because from a medical standpoint, there is always a chance that you're pregnant.
  • TahanyE
    TahanyE Posts: 83
    Skim milk, low fat, fat free for everything. From a nutritionist. Nothing about proteins, carbs, good fats vs bad fats. Nothing about things I know are right. Only advising me to do things I know are wrong. Even my husband walked out of the meeting going "WTF?" and he's not even into nutrition.
  • Fani2003
    Fani2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I also once had a trainer tell me to do the master cleanse. I only lasted 3 days

    Ha! I did the master cleanse once....for 27 days!!!! I LOVED it. Scary.
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59
    So at the end Did you have the c-section?
  • I was told that the reason I wasn't losing the weight I should was because I was drinking too much water. How the heck do you drink TOO MUCH water?????
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Not weight loss related, but when I had raging bad TMJD and couldn't open my mouth more than 9mm without intense pain and my jaw making all kinds of horrible cracking noises, a tmj specialist oral surgeon told me, "That's just the way god made you."

    Dude... I'm an atheist. In my mind, god didn't make me. And I wasn't "made" this way two years ago, so fix my damn jaw already!

    My regular dentist got me all straightened out. And now I can open my mouth like a frickin' Pez dispenser. :happy:

    I'd be walking out of that office and not paying the bill. I don't go to the doctor for a sermon. Dang.

    How dare someone speak a common, innocuous phrase mentioning God in the presence of an ATHIEST. Grow up. You SHOULD be pissed that he was gonna let you stay that way, not offended at his choice of phrase.

    I'd think it was a lot more about 'not only is the guy incompetent, he appealed to religion because he was incompetent'.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I went to the ER the day before my bachelorette party in intense pain. I was practically writhing. I knew I had a family history of kidney stones, and due to the intense localized pain, I figured that's what it was. Upon arrival the nurse informed me that I couldn't have any pain medication until I took a pregnancy test. I was NOT pregnant, I was on birth control. Yet they demanded I take a test. I couldn't pee, so instead of letting me drink water because I was VERY thirsty, the gave me an IV. I was finally able to pee and obviously the test came back negative. So finally after nearly 4 hours of excrutiating pain, They gave me morphine. At some point before the morphine my "Doctor" came in and said that I wasn't writhing and flailing enough for it to be a kidney stone and it was probably an infection. One CT scan later, it happened to be TWO kidney stones and I am just very tough. :) Still owe nearly $7,000 for that.

    I also had a 400 pound doctor (who couldn't be bothered to rise off of her wheeled stool to examine me, literally wheeled all over the room!) tell me that I needed to lose weight when I was 16! The hypocrisy!

    ER's always do pregnancy tests. Even if a woman is on birth control she can still be pregnant. It's better to be safe than sorry, since many medications can cause serious complications for pregnancies, birth defects, etc.

    Not only that, but a hell of a lot of people take birth control pills incorrectly or something else.

    Let's put it this way -- if the hospital gives someone a treatment that causes a birth defect in a child, whether or not the mother swore up or down she couldn't possibly be pregnant, the hospital is gonna get sued. And they'll probably lose. Pregnancy tests are usually pretty quick and a reasonable safeguard.
  • EAlexandraB
    EAlexandraB Posts: 98 Member
    I have EDS, which was causing my hip to dislocate regularly. The physiotherapist I saw told me that it would be fine, but that I needed to mount my horse without throwing my leg over the top.

    ...I suppose she had an elaborate pulley system in mind? HOW am I supposed to get on the horse without throwing my leg over the top?

    I also had a gastroenterologist tell me that I'd lose all the weight I wanted if I stopped eating muffins. I eat maybe 2 muffins a year, so sound advice. :tongue:
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    not diet related but....i was 28 weeks pregnant, and every single time i had anything to eat my body rejected it, it didnt matter what type of food it was nothing would stay inside me, two different doctors told me it was fine just to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, my midwife told me it was because i was pregnant (had 3 kids before and never felt like that), i just plodded on forcing myself to eat small amounts only to be getting rid of it an hour later, at 35 weeks pregnant i begged a different doctor to check me over as honestly i thought i was dying, he did all sorts of blood tests and found out i was vitamin b12 deficient but i was that far gone with it that i had become in danger of my organs shutting down!!!!! turns out my body wasn't just not absorbing vitamin b12 but it was attacking it to get it out my body fast, and as a result i was starving, he prescribed daily high dose injections for 3 weeks, after the first few days i was able to eat without it coming straight back out, after 2 weeks i felt fine (was still funny with meat though it tasted "off" all the time) i had my baby in october, but didnt fully recover my appetite until she was 5 months old, for the rest of my life i have to have injections every 3 months, it makes me sick thinking about what could have happened if i had listened to the first 3 professionals
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    My mom had gained about 30 pounds in a week and a half. Her doctor told her to stop snacking so much.

    A few months later she went to the ER with respiratory problems. They said her fat was crushing her windpipe and gave her a tracheotomy.

    One month later she died of a heart attack.

    Thats awful! :frown:

    This makes me so angry. I'm sorry for your loss, I really am.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Not really ADVICE but...
    When I was about 4 years old my Grandmother took me to the doctor because I was sick (I don't remember what I had, doesn't really matter lol) anyway, he prescribed me some medication and sent me on my way. My Grandma got busy doing something with my sister and forgot to give me the medication. My Mom is a nurse and when she came home from work and took a look at the pills she realized that he had prescribed me the ADULT dose and the HIGHEST adult dose at that. At 4 years old and pretty small for my age, if I had taken it I probably would have had a cardiac arrest. Thanks doc!! lol
  • gainingalife
    gainingalife Posts: 35 Member
    i confided in a psychologist I was seeing at the time that I had an eating disorder and would either not eat or spit out food and had done so for almost a year and she told me that "most people your age go to certain measures to lose weight" but that I looked good and would "grow out of it." A little incredulous.......
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Female GP told me not to worry about gaining weight at my age (I was 50) because it was hormone related and there was nothing I could do about it....stupid, stupid woman!!!
  • lulu9663
    lulu9663 Posts: 57 Member
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    By far the "Just take this/these pills as prescibed"

    With the HRT, he got ANGRY when I asked him why, what would happen if I didn't, if it was different for each woman. He got MAD......I tore it up and 12 years later I m healthy.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I guess it counts that when I was born, I was early and itty bitty. Mom had no pre-natal care, smoked and drank all during pregnancy ( it was the 60's, most women did) Anyway I was having seziures.

    The dr told mom it would go away, there was nothing wrong with me. Mom knew this was because of the fact she had no insurance. They told her the last test was a spinal tap, and it was very expensive, how would she pay.

    She started screaming and yelling down the ward, and refused to leave with me. They did the test.

    I had a raging infection throughout my body and probably would have been dead within the week.

    Thanks Mom!!:flowerforyou:
  • vickip13
    vickip13 Posts: 5 Member
    They do not teach nutrition in medical school. probably should just consult nutritionist is that is what you are looking for. Doctors just do their best to help....eat less, exercise more is the mantra we follow
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    had a doctor say, and i quote "its not so bad being over weight, look at me" as he rubs his belly....

    yea i changed doctors after that!
  • mncodergal
    mncodergal Posts: 58 Member
    When I was 17 my doctor told me I was FAT (with a capital F!). I was 5'7", weighed 125. (The Dr. was probably 6', weighed 300+ and smoked while examing me... Ya, I'm dating myself..lol)

    Talk about being in diet H*%L ever since.. Now I dream about being that weight or even close to it.
  • paulywoo
    paulywoo Posts: 169 Member
    I went to the doctor because I was really tired, depressed and gaining weight. He told me my depression was caused by being overweight and sent me to speak to a counsellor. The following week I went back to see a different doctor who ran blood tests. It turned out I was tired, depressed and gaining weight because I had hypothyroidism.