What annoys you at the gym?



  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    My gym is pretty small, so we don't have locker rooms, just cubbies on the workout floor. I hate it when guys stand right in front of the cubbies and talk - especially when it's like 15 or 20 minutes! I can't get to my water bottle or notebook to write down my workout because 3 guys will be standing in front of my stuff.

    The other thing that annoys me is people just sit on the machines and don't use them. Guys will sit down at a weight machine for like 5 minutes, do 2 reps , then sit there another 5. I can understand if they need a rest in between, but get up, let me do my reps, then you can have the machine back.

    Ohhh!! That's another thing!!! Guys who will load the machine up with WAAAAAY more weight than they should be and they grunt through two reps before LOUDLY dropping the weights back into place then they get up and walk/shake it off. Really? Has no one ever told them how to do reps???
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    People who suck at squatting who feel the need to critique your squats.
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    1. too much make up
    2. sitting on the machines texting
    3. short shorts --- I dont need to see your cheeks... or your lady bits.
    4. uggs on the treadmill
    5. when people don't wipe the machines
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    I had a membership at a 24hr gym once and went in before work, turned the lights on near the crosstrainers and some woman looked at me like I was an idiot said 'we don't have the lights on in the morning' and turned them off!
  • aprus5542
    aprus5542 Posts: 81
    1. People don't rack their weights.
    2. People try and talk to me while I'm training.
    3. A bro in his low to mid 20's comes in and tries to squat the Chrysler Building and falls on his *kitten* almost crushing himself. Then, looks around to see if anyone saw him.

    LMAO i can totally picture that
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Oh my god, where do I start? Maybe one can say I'm judgmental, or just easily irritable, but there are a lot of things that annoy me at the gym. One girl came in with 5 guys, hair done up like she was going to prom, sunglasses on her head, a guess shirt and jeans, and was on the bike machine just texting. Every bike was taken, a woman asked her if she could use it, and she said "Can't you see I'm using this machine?"
    A woman would to one rep of a leg press, grab a drink of water, stretch in front of the men lifting, drink water, one more leg press, repeat.. That annoyed me too. Another girl wore sandals and a dress and sat on the bench the entire time.
    There was one girl, though, that I'll never forget. She would moan and groan every time she lifted something. My earphones would be in and I would CRANK the volume but I could steal hear her screaming. I don't understand. It sounded like a mating call, I wasn't too sure if she was doing it as intimidation or trying to pick up men.
    Anyways, I guess I'm irritable.
  • LiftHuff
    LiftHuff Posts: 131
    Ohhh!! That's another thing!!! Guys who will load the machine up with WAAAAAY more weight than they should be and they grunt through two reps before LOUDLY dropping the weights back into place then they get up and walk/shake it off. Really? Has no one ever told them how to do reps???

    There are more than a couple programs that call for sets of triples, doubles, or even singles. It's actually more common than you might think.
  • scottywor
    scottywor Posts: 140 Member
    MEATHEADS...you know who you are...

    Same ones that dont rack their weights, same ones that slam the weights down, same ones that go to the gym to hold the equipment up so it doesnt dont fall over, oh and the ones that are screaming with every rep (really is that 15lb DB that heavy...), And all the rest of the folks that suffer from F*#karounditis....
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    We have such ladies in gym as well and guys! They also love to give bad advices and label who is fat where and I once heard one of such lady saying about fitness instructor girl some thing like Ok she has a nice body but ugly face So mean!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    People. That's why I don't go.
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack
    ^^^^^^^this and people who take to long in rack or on bench .do your sets and get off , don't do one set go for a chat with your pal or a walk around gym for 2-3 minutes .unless you are doing serious weight 60-90 break is enough .rant over
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    On another note..I get really annoyed when people sit on the benches and machines and talk on their phones, while everyone else is waiting to use them!!! Gym manners people haha!


    Second that. Absolutely hate it.

    Other than that I don't really care whats going on in the gym around me, I'm just doing my thing, music on, world off. :laugh:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    The numbnut at the gym this morning who was putting his power-jog on the treadmill who felt the need to fart so loud, his ranking stunk up the area and had about 6 people leave - me included... Dude, if you have to go take a dump, GO TO THE BATHROOM PLEASE - YOU SMELLED THAT BAD
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    Sorry ladies, you who wear the leather fingerless gloves lifting your 10 lb weights.

    I have to wear those even with small weights. My palms sweat so bad I can't grip anything when I exercise
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Wow, you all have some weird-*kitten* people at your gyms. We have the intense people who work out in the weight room with their rippling musculature, then the average Joe's who just walk the treadmills slowly, but I've yet to see any of the crazies people mention here.. Maybe I'm just not there often enough to see them. Or they only come out during a full moon.

    Same at my gym. It is a small gym and from what I can see most people there are serious about what they are doing.

    Have to admit from time to time I look at the speed of the people on either side of me when on the treadmill. The only reason is because I walk so slow and am in awe of the people around me that can walk quickly or run on the treadmill. I wont do it anymore though in case it upsets someone.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 309 Member
    I get annoyed when the weight lifting guys sit on all the benches and gabfest while people are waiting to use those gyms. And from my observation, more time is spent sitting on the benches laughing and joking around, then actually lifting!! UGH! Let's see, I also get annoyed when people have bad hygiene. I can understand being smelly when you're at the gym sweating and working out, but when you just walk in the door and get on the elliptical next to me and you smell like old cheese (and she was overweight, but I give this girl MAJOR KUDOS for being in the gym and working to get healthy!!!), but the smell was quite pungent and I won't lie in saying that I gagged in my mouth a little bit :-(. I guess I was annoyed at first and then I took a step back from it later in the evening and felt bad for her and then again proud of her for kicking butt in the gym!
  • eodtech89d
    eodtech89d Posts: 32
    Three things annoys the hell out of me at the gym, 1) Not re-racking the weights 2) No wiping down the benches / equipment you use, damn dirty birds 3) Signing out loud when you have head phones in.
  • ahsats
    ahsats Posts: 75 Member
    Not re-racking weights is the only thing that really, really annoys me. I used to be annoyed by parking lot circlers but then my car window got busted/**** stolen in the lower lot so I have become an avid top lot circler.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    What annoys me is when I am doing my thing on the Elliptical and some person wants to ask me where the tv remote is, or if they can change the channel. I AM IN THE ZONE!!! Bugger off with that crap. (by the way, everyt ime I have my Ipod..so clearly I don't care about the TV)