Shedding for the Wedding?

hark15 Posts: 148 Member
Anyone else on here trying to drop some weight before their wedding? (or more accurately - the honeymoon?!) I have been struggling with my weight for a little while and as soon as my fiance proposed and we set the date I knew it was time to get serious! I've been needing to do this but this was finally the motivation I needed. I have already lost 10 pounds but have at least 8 more to go (once I get to my GW I'll reevaluate) - goal date: September 15, 2012!

I'd love support from others going through the same thing!


  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I'm getting married on 8/4/12, and am looking to maintain after losing what I wanted. I'll be here for support if you'd like!
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal! How long did it take? I feel like I might have trouble with this last 8 pounds... I'll add you for support :) Thanks!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Oops! Sorry for the late response. ;x

    I joined MFP about a year and a half ago, but I started making a conscious effort in exercise and eating right two months before that. I went from 167 to 130 (and the last ten pounds took a WHILE, as in a couple of months), and am trying to maintain now, but life craziness might make that difficult. I'm just trying to find balance with everything. My first fitting went REALLY well, so I'm hoping that I don't fluctuate too much.
  • lottieloves85
    lottieloves85 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello fellow brides! I get married 3 weeks tomorrow! Eeek! Lost 16 lbs so far, hoping to lose another 3-6lbs by the big day...I put on weight after we moved in together so wanting to lose that and more after wedding day, and then maintain it! Never want to go back to feeling how I did at my heaviest. Hope I can support you guys in your shedding! x
  • hark15
    hark15 Posts: 148 Member
    You guys are very inspirational! My total goal is 18 pounds. I have lost 10 so far and think I really need to get focused to lose the last 8.

    Balance is one of the most difficult things for me too. With work I find that I need to work late a lot and it really throws off my workout routine and eating schedule. I have been trying really hard to put eating well and working out first and just trying to get my work done the best I can - shouldn't live to work, right?!

    I think its great that everyone is doing it for a lifestyle change - I think it will be great to start the next phase of our lives in better shape! One of my friends asked me last night "oh so you just need to drop it fast you can do this diet I did (where she basically didn't eat). And I said "no, actually, I want to lose it for good."

    Let's do this :)
  • pregmeg119
    pregmeg119 Posts: 151 Member
    I've got about 10 more pounds to go to GW then need to re-evaluate.
    Our wedding date is 9/8/12 and my dress is a mermaid style and I'd love to look fit and tone in it.
    I love making new friends, add me :)
  • abbym919
    abbym919 Posts: 23
    I'm getting married in April 2013, just under a year! Just tried on dresses last weekend - frustrating but I'm hopeful I'll be down a few sizes when the time comes! I'm 5'1", started at 142, currently at 137 after four weeks, hoping to hit 115 but will see what things look like at 120-125! Feel free to add me - would love some support from everyone who is/has been there!
  • I'm getting married in 13 weeks! Set the date 15 weeks ago, best motivation ever because thanks to the fear of being a frumpy fat bride I've lost 42lb so far. Hopeful to lose another 20lb before the big day and start my new married healthy happy life! Good luck to all the other brides out there!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm thrilled to join this group :heart:
    Getting married next year for the first time at the ripe old age of 42. It took that long to find the love of my life after about 20 years of hits and misses. I could not be happier that I waited!

    I am trying to lose 30lbs before May 2013. I think it will take me that long -- I've been a lifelong dieter and exerciser (and struggled with bulimia and binging for years). I think the years of abusing my body took a toll on my metabolism and for the past four years I have not been able to lose weight despite rigorous calorie counting, eating exercise calories, and lots of working out.

    Three weeks ago I decided to switch my focus solely to the nutrition aspect rather than exercise (although I still work out). I'd always thought that I could eat sweets and treats in moderation, as long as they fit into my calories for the day, but now I'm wondering if they are just not an option for me if I want to lose.

    I started cutting out all sugar, processed foods, white flour and artificial sweeteners and I'm finally seeing the scale budge. Please feel free to add me -- this will be a long journey for me but I'm happy to walk the road towards wedded bliss with you other brides!!!!

  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    My wedding is Feb 22nd :-) Were actually already married lol we eloped october 2010 because we were dying to have a baby, now were having the whole big wedding I can't wait! The day my daughter was born (sept 2011) i weighed 219, since then I've lost 70lbs. I'm 149 now and i want to be 120-125. So I have about 25-30 pounds to go. I CAN NOT wait to go dress shopping!!!
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    I'd love to join the group! My wedding is one of the major motivations, but I have so many reasons to want a slimmer, healthier body! I started off with 90 lbs to lose by 10/12/2012. As of today, I'm 40 lbs down and going very slow so as to minimize excess skin. I have over a year before my wedding, and I'd love to join a group with other people shooting for the same goal!! :OD
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    Wow! This is exciting: ) My wedding is July 20. Been trying to lose, but something just wasn't clicking. For the past few weeks, though, things seem like they might have gotten back on track (fingers crossed!!)...Feel free to add me for extra motivation, if you like!! In any case, congratulations to all of you!! dlj
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    What's everyone doing today?

    I suddenly started to think about my arms...I need to bump up my weight training so that they get more toned! I did a bicep and tricep strength training routine today and I hope I'll be feeling it tomorrow. My goal is to add in more weight lifting 2x per week along with my interval cardio and bodyrock workouts.

    I'm going to be trying on wedding dresses for the first time this week and I'm SO excited!!!!
  • lottieloves85
    lottieloves85 Posts: 73 Member
    Lovely to meet you all :)

    Wedding is now less than 3 weeks away so I am clean eating and exercising like there's no tomorrow! I have my first dress fitting a week today and I'm so excited to be in it again :) Just hoping that I feel and look great in it and that my hard work has paid off! As it is full length and strapless my main focus has been my arms and shoulders too, I lift weights twice a day, I just found some routines on YouTube and copied them until I felt the burn! People keep commenting on how toned they look so I must be doing something right :)

    Hope you all have a happy and healthy Tuesday! x
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Lovely to meet you all :)

    Wedding is now less than 3 weeks away so I am clean eating and exercising like there's no tomorrow! I have my first dress fitting a week today and I'm so excited to be in it again :) Just hoping that I feel and look great in it and that my hard work has paid off! As it is full length and strapless my main focus has been my arms and shoulders too, I lift weights twice a day, I just found some routines on YouTube and copied them until I felt the burn! People keep commenting on how toned they look so I must be doing something right :)

    Hope you all have a happy and healthy Tuesday! x

    Wow, lifting weights twice a day!! That's awesome!
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm not getting married until next April, but it's never too early to start, right? I'm down six pounds with ten to go, the last five probably more vanity pounds than anything else. A wedding is a great motivator!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Who's got a great arm workout I can steal? I'm not afraid to lift heavy! Just want to start a program that kicks butt!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I tried on wedding dresses today!! It was my first time ever and it was soooo fun. I couldn't believe it when I first saw myself in the big puffy dress. I definitely have some work to do before the date but it was great incentive. I went to Kleinfelds and fell in love with a Monique Lhullier...omg...if only it were in my budget!
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am getting married in May 2014. I have been on the diet frenzy since January 3 since we got engaged on Christmas eve. Since January Ive probably lost about 5 pounds, not too sure exactly where I started. I joined MFP in April at 173 but didnt really get into it since about 2 weeks ago at 172 pounds. Ive lost 3.4 pounds in the last 3 weeks and Im looking to get down to 135 by January so I can look for dresses!!
  • cmayfield3
    cmayfield3 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm shedding for my October wedding! I already have my dress and it's a size 2 (bought off-the-rack) so I really need to do this. I do have a backup dress that fits now but I don't like it as much. What can I say, there was a great sale going on. :)