The most annoying 'compliment'?



  • nothing1994
    nothing1994 Posts: 1,936 Member
    "Your not fat! You dont need to loose weight! Im fat and NEED to loose weight! " Says the person who has no fat on them...
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    "Wow you've lost alot of weight, can really notice in on your face"

    I dont care about my face!! How bout noticing it on my *kitten* or my thighs!!!!

    "Yeah you can tell you've lost weight, you dont have as much back fat anymore".......hmmmmm I had backfat??? grrrrrrrr
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Side track to not being a compliment again...

    Dad has a habit of telling me when I mention losing weight "Don't worry, you'll find it again"
  • BrokenBarbiexoxo
    BrokenBarbiexoxo Posts: 91 Member
    You've lost so much weight, you didn't need to!

    You're tiny, are you starving yourself?!

    (I've lost 2 pounds this week) ~ Oh dear, do you want me to lend to you some? (Someone will get out wallet and give me money)

    Soooooo annoying!!!
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    An old boss came in was asking after everyone and my new boss mentioned me and he said 'Oh, the fat one?' and she said 'Not any more!' and was really pleased with herself and came over to tell me what she said. Sort of a compliment, sort of makes you feel like crap!

    LOL If I were your new boss I would have cleaned up the story a bit before I passed it on to you :)
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    my friend keeps calling me a "skinny b***h" accompanied with "your obsessed with exercise" and "i'm not starving myself for nobody", 1 im still 25lbs above the highest healthy weight for my height, 2 i eat far more when i'm on a diet than i do any other time, and 3 yes so far this month i have walked 127 miles but 75 miles of that is just my normal school run (don't have a car) my one year old loves going out for walks, and especially this week its been beautiful weather after what seems to have been a long cold winter, i dont no why but when she came out with these i felt like she'd slapped me.

    i also get the "god you've lost some weight" comments and these get on my nerves too, but the "how have YOU managed it" emphasis on you lol, as if i cant do it without some magic cure, this is how the usual conversation goes
    "god you've lost some weight haven't you"
    "yes thanks"
    "how you managed that then"
    "diet and exercise"
    "no not having that it can't be just diet and exercise, what else you been taking"
    "nothing honestly"
    "sorry dont believe it"
    "ok i confess i've been smoking crack and having lots of sex"

    childish i no but its worth it for the look on there faces
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Human communication is an unreliable mechanism. If someone is truly trying to compliment me, no matter how awkward the attempt, I appreciate their noticing and attempting. If I get the idea that they are trying to be snide or sarcastic...I just tie them to my truck and drag them around a bit, but I still don't get annoyed.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    I don't get offended easily, so I fell about very nearly pmsl when a friend of a friend was told I'd lost quite a bit of weight, and she asked me how much. I said "About five and a half stone" and she looked me up and down, shocked, and asked "How big did you USED to be!??!!?" ahahahahahahahahahaa That was the first time we'd met, and she turned out to be the funniest, warmest, most genuine person! lol
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I generally find 'You look well' to be the most annoying. I take it to mean 'you look awful, so that's the best I can come up with'.

    Maybe I'm just over sensitive tho :laugh:
  • lifes_revenge
    lifes_revenge Posts: 49 Member
    Whilst giving me a concerned and suspicious look..."I can't get over how SKINNY you are getting, I was watching you when you were asleep..." erm I'm still a uk 14, have a little tummy, pearshaped with chunky wobbly thighs and a huge *kitten*...this was my mother btw.

    My naturally, svelte, petite friend who regularly has phases of not eating much but can generally eat what she wants: " You need to eat!! You're wasting away!!"...Erm I only said I hadn't eaten today cos of my stomach ulcer and the fact its agony to so much as chew gum, I'll be ok in a day or two.

    What has actually changed is I discovered Jillian Michaels and got my *kitten* off the couch so I'm actually shaping up for the first time since I was in my teens. :)
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    'your looking a bit gaunt' really? cus you were calling me a fat t##t 6 months ago.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    That along with, you're so skinny! You don't need to lose any more weight.

    I've been getting this one since I was a size 12. I don't know why it grates on my nerves so bad, but it does. My hairdresser still says this to me, and it annoys me sooo much when she says it because she is smaller than me! It's probably wrong of me, but when she says it, it sounds more like "You are so skinny! You don't need to lose any more weight or you will be my size and I just can't have that, honey!"
  • yoyoannieo
    yoyoannieo Posts: 42
    mine was "you dont look too bad considering youve had a child..."

    See that would get a smack in the face, right there. LOL

    lol i was going to reply 'i can lose weight, but you cant change your face'..... but that would be mean :tongue:
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    You look good....for your age! :grumble:
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Well you may be fat but your face ain't too lined, but then wrinkles don't show on a balloon do they?? I was speechless!!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Not so much compliments, but creepy stares... :sick:
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Just thought of another one - from a svelte 6'1" green eyed blonde stunner. "Everyone has to have a fat friend, I'm really lucky you're so short as well" Thats an ex friend btw!!
  • denestia
    denestia Posts: 7
    Oh, youre face looks so pretyt now. I didnt realize you thought I was ugly before. And, You realy do need to lose weight, with your joints and all. Really? wow, I couldnt have figured that out myself. Thanks for telling me. I think to myself "You're lucky Im not as rude as you are because like the old Fleetwood Mac song goes "Don't ask me what I think of you, you might not get the answer that you wanted to." lol
    It did cheer me up to read the blog where she said she is looking forward to getting rude comments because so far she hasnt had the honor!
  • Rob82f
    Rob82f Posts: 1 Member
    "yeah ive noticed you've lost weight, id stop there you'll look sick if you lose any more" what?!??!

    i mean come on, im 181cm and 81kg ( started at 90.5) and my BMI says 25, im still classed as "overweight" by that rating! and they have the nerve to say that !? i think some people have fogotten what the human form is supposed to look like.

    i dont think there is anything wrong with losing the excess fat around your waist, and educating yourself on what you put in your mouth.

    i also hold back and dont tell anyone bar a few key people that i am counting calories and logging my food, because i get strange reactions. this website/app is fantastic because it teaches us about the foods we eat, and more importantly for me was i was eating the right things, my portions were far too big.

    without myfitnesspal i wouldnt have known i was over-feeding myself!!
  • lynnetted43
    lynnetted43 Posts: 252
    Oh MY GOD.... what do you do to look like that? UH.... Thankks? dumbass!!:noway: