Couch-to-5K - Who's In?



  • kreisad
    kreisad Posts: 12 Member
    I'm running on a treadmill right now and will eventually run on the road. Living in northern Minnesota means that I can't always rely on the weather to get my run in. :) Anyways, I read somewhere a long time ago that if you set your treadmill to a 2% incline, it provides just enough resistance to make your legs work as hard as they would if you were running outside. For all my runs, I set it to 2% incline but I don't know how true that is. I think I read it in a magazine and I don't want to go quoting things or promising that they are 100% true. It's just something I remember reading somewhere... :)
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I start Week 6, Day 1 tomorrow! Yay me!
  • strawberrygashes
    strawberrygashes Posts: 210 Member
    I start Week 6, Day 1 tomorrow! Yay me!

    How did you find day 3-week 5? My next run will be day 2-week 5 and I'm a little apprehensive of day 3!
  • amyram
    amyram Posts: 108 Member
    I did w1d3 today and jogged most of the jogging parts until the last two when my athsma started to act up. Hard to run holding your breath. But the good news is I knocked 2min off by best time for this loop, 36 min walk/running. I think I will repeat w1d3 until I can run all the running parts. Anyone else with athsma doing this and how do you prepare, I hit my emergency puffer about 30 min before I start.
  • bunnybeth14
    bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 done tonight!! I surprise myself every time i complete a day!!! :)
  • solearybrown
    solearybrown Posts: 14 Member
    Week 5 complete. The 30 min jog today was work!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I just went out this morning and ran 1 straight complete mile !! .:happy: :happy: :happy:

    This is a first for me, been trying to do that for 5 months now, I do 3-5miles on a reg basis but never without stopping.... could not run 1 full mile before today.

    I am only on wk 4 now... going to keep going but man, it's hard not to do more

    Been reading the "chi running" concept, making running so much easier..and pain free, which is why I kept stopping before...
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I'm starting Week 1 Day 1 on Monday. If anyone else is, feel free to send me friend request with a message saying you are too.
  • yallcallmedeb
    yallcallmedeb Posts: 294
    Week 5 complete. The 30 min jog today was work!

    Great job! I think that if you get through Week 5, it is a breeze from there on in.

    Amazing weight loss as well! You must be thrilled!
  • Snotori
    Snotori Posts: 156
    Oh just finished my first 5K yesterday and didn't follow this program but I'd totally suggest it to anyone for I went literally from doing nothing to making it through a 5K and I couldn't be prouder of myself :D
  • yallcallmedeb
    yallcallmedeb Posts: 294
    Been reading the "chi running" concept, making running so much easier..and pain free, which is why I kept stopping before...

    Do you have a good link for us to learn more about chi running? Sounds very interesting!
  • deedee0152
    deedee0152 Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in I just finished week 3. So far so good got fitted for good running shoes and that really helped.
  • I'm getting ready to start Week 3 in the morning and I am TERRIFIED!
    The first week went ok, the 2nd week day one was fine.. Then I had trouble with the last 2 days. :|
    I am 244 pounds and 5'2" tall. I've lost 73 pounds from my highest weight and decided it was time to kick it up a bit. I may not make it in the 8-9 weeks it's "scheduled" for, but if I find I have trouble, I'm going to go back and repeat weeks until I'm comfortable. I've always wanted to be a runner and this is a great way for me to achieve my goal!
    I'm so in!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I'm in too... I've already hit the 5k mark but i'm aiming for better speed and to reach 10k... and I think i need some structure to get my butt back in gear
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Did w2d1 last night no worries. Made the mistake of looking ahead, I'm like :noway:
  • pmalcolm
    pmalcolm Posts: 23 Member
    yep count me in starting tomorrow!!!
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm getting ready to start Week 3 in the morning and I am TERRIFIED!
    The first week went ok, the 2nd week day one was fine.. Then I had trouble with the last 2 days. :|
    I am 244 pounds and 5'2" tall. I've lost 73 pounds from my highest weight and decided it was time to kick it up a bit. I may not make it in the 8-9 weeks it's "scheduled" for, but if I find I have trouble, I'm going to go back and repeat weeks until I'm comfortable. I've always wanted to be a runner and this is a great way for me to achieve my goal!
    I'm so in!

    Congrats on your weight loss so far! Definitely take it slow. I find that with the extra weight I am carrying, I just need to jog a little slower. You're still doing your body good by doing this program and being active, even if you take it easier than you think you should. You're on the right track, take all the time you need!
  • ldg323
    ldg323 Posts: 101 Member
    OK, I'm in!. Never really wanted to be a runner but can't play tennis anymore due to a neck issue. So here I come...........
  • Sunpoet
    Sunpoet Posts: 65 Member
    I'm in! I tried the the C5K once before and fell off the wagon about week three. I really do like to run, use to be on the track team way back in high school but now I get discouraged at times so maybe with everyone's help this time I can do it! Please feel free to friend me and help me reach my goal of actually being able to run a 5 K by fall.
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I tried this last summer, but completely failed on day one as I couldn't run after the second minute of jogging. Made me feel ridiculously unfit and disheartened but I've said I was going to try again this year after doing Insanity and see how I go. Just waiting for the weather to cool down!