TEAM FIT in October Week 10th-16

New message board for this week! Post away!!


  • tabby25
    tabby25 Posts: 30
    Well today I am finally feeling better. i am going to start the Leslie Sansone dvd's again. That is really the only thing I camn do with my knee pain. Hope everyone will have a nice long weekend.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    Good morning everyone! I did pretty good yesterday staying close to my calorie intake, but still now exercise. I did drink all of my water :drinker: I'm just hoping to not go over my calories this weekend, and get started back in exercising on Monday (the weekends are my days off).
    Keep up the good work everyone.:smile:
  • jadelynn
    Good Morning all! I'm currently eating my healthy breakfast (100% whole wheat toast, 1 tb natural peanut butter, 1 cup skim milk...YUM!!!) and getting ready to go to the football game! woo! So I'm really hoping not to get tempted by TOO many tailgating foods! yikes!

    I'll get to work on that spread sheet as SOON as I get back. Again, anymore takers? C'mon now! lol ;)
  • tabby25
    tabby25 Posts: 30
    Where is everyone at? Just thought I would bump the thread.
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Saturday - 8 cups of water - 45 minutes of exercise.

    Tomorrow I'm leaving for a conference for a few days. This is REALLY, REALLY going to test me. There is always SO much food around...and deserts and drinks. I'm so used to my routine and my home-cooked food - this is going to be tough - probably impossible to stay within my calories eating out so much. My workout clothes are packed though. My plan is to hit the gym hard core, drink LOTS of water, make smart food choices, and pray I don't do too much damage!! I think I'm ready! Definitely don't want this trip to throw me off. Wish me luck!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    My friday water total was 16 cups

    Saturday - 45 min bike and 12 cups water - had a great day with the family. was good with calories and "clean eating" . I am fixing to try a dessert will left everyone know if it is worth making. It is a crustless lemon pie (yogurt and jello).

    Have a wonderful Sat night.
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Good luck lmr9! It's always tough to keep up a food/exercise routine when travel's involved. :flowerforyou:

    Saturday totals: 40 minutes exercise, 4 glasses of water.
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Hey All :smile:

    Sorry I have been MIA, the last few! Life's been crazy busy !!!! :tongue:

    I'll be back logging in my w/o's & water oz for Monday.

    Keep plugg-N along "TEAM FIT"..... :drinker:
  • jadelynn
    Hello all! Hope your weekend has been going great, both with life AND dieting. ;)

    I am starting a thing called HerbaLife tomorrow! Has anyone heard of it? My mom got me started on it actually! She has been on it for 2 weeks and has lost 7 pounds! I am so proud of her. She is feeling fantastic! So I took a trip home this weekend and she got me convinced to try it out! So that is what I will be doing as far as the dieting goes through October to see if I like it! If I do, I'll continue on with it until Christmas with her.

    Did everyone manage to stay within their calories this weekend? I think I did a pretty good job today so far! Yesterday, not so much. Tailgating food always gets me!
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Sunday total: 40 mins cardio, 4 glasses of water.

    Found out just before I went to the gym today that a former co-worker died in a car accident. :cry: It's very hard to wrap my head around.
  • jadelynn
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Things like that are always tough to take in. Give yourself some time.

    Where is everyone?? It's day three of the week already and hardly anyone has posted! I hope no one is leaving already!! ;) lol Drinking my first HerbaLife shake as we speak! Not sure what I think of it yet! I don't know if I blended it long enough.......
    Officially have lost 2.6 pounds since the start of Team Fit! WOO!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning team!! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!! :flowerforyou: :love:

    I exercised for 25 mins Saturday and Sunday and I got in all 8 glasses of water both days.

    Jadelynn, I'd like to have the spreadsheet. my email is its a stupid email address, i've had it since i was like 12 though so i still have it. lol.

    I lost 2 more pounds this week! That makes me so happy since I've only been losing 1 pound a week for the last like 5 weeks!!! WOOHOOO!!

    Today: 60 mins of exercise and 8 glasses of water!
    :bigsmile: :wink: :tongue:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    amm114 - sorry to hear about your lose

    jadelynn - never heard of it but if it is healthy and makes you feel better do for it.

    I am doing a week of South Beach Phase I to try and get off this plateau. After accessing that bad weekend two weeks ago I decided my body needed to get off the bad things. Even though I eat good most days I am thinking those 2 days could be sabotaging my weight loss.

    Sunday - finished off the day with 12 glasses of water - no workout
    Monday - did my 32 min workout this morning will report later for water intake
  • DownSizin
    DownSizin Posts: 150
    amm114 - So sorry to hear about your loss. It's so hard to take something like that jadelynn said, just give yourself some time.

    jadelynn - I have heard of Herbalife, but haven't tried it myself. Let us it all natural? Think I'll google it and see what it's all about.

    I WON the Jillian 30 day shred DVD on Ebay! woo -hoo! I can't wait to get it!

    I did great on Saturday with the calories but blew it on Sunday! Weekends are my off days for workouts.

    Saturday: Calories - good; 8 water, no exercise
    Sunday: Blew the calories 217 over! 4 water, no exercise
  • 15togonar
    I haven't logged anything since Thursday..
    8/glasses of water for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Went to San Antonio for a wedding. No exercise for 3 days really stinks.....
  • tabby25
    tabby25 Posts: 30
    amm114- sorry for your loss.

    jadelynn- what is the herbalife all about?

    i have had 9 glasses of water on Saturday,Sunday, and Monday.
    Exercise: 30 minutes a day doing leslie Sansone's dvd's.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    Sorry I was out of town at my moms all week got back sat. and she has no internet and it sucks:grumble: lol

    sat 30 min 2 glasses of water
    sun no exersize(dayoff) 4 glasses of water
    today (monday)30 min and i dont know water yet the day isnt over

    So I do alright on my exersize but need to work on my water:drinker:, and no more mt dew it is my weekness. I am going out to by fresca when I get paid tommorrow that way I can have fiz once in a while without losing 170 calories of my 1200 lol. Exedrin will be my friend for a few days lol. If you used to drink soda I am sure you no what I mean :blushing:

    I didnt weigh myself this week because I was out of town since monday. I would rather miss a weigh in then get myself down with a gain:smile:.
  • jadelynn
    DownSizin - I will definately let you know how it goes! Did my shake for breakfast and lunch so far today. Had my two snacks (light mozarella string cheese & a cup plain popcorn..yum!!) And now I'm ready for a normal dinner. I'm hoping to see the success my mom and aunt have seen with it so far! (7 pounds in two weeks). The mistake most people make when doing HerbaLife is not drinking enough water, and not exercising. Putting all that protein in your body, you MUST drink all your water! As far as exercise goes, your body wants to put that protein to use so it is an optimal time to exercise! Just make sure you DO eat your snacks and that your meal of the day is plenty big (of good things of course!). Are you thinking of doing it? I would go to and see what it is all about! I'm only doing the shakes and the tea, none of the supplements. And you aren't required to do them either which is great!
  • amm114
    amm114 Posts: 108 Member
    Sunday total: 45 minutes of exercise, 3 glasses of water. I've noticed I'm really bad about water intake on the weekends.
  • aabelein
    aabelein Posts: 379 Member
    good morning team!!! hope you all had a fantastic night last night!

    i got 8 glasses of water in and 60 mins of exercise yesterday. Started level 2 of the 30 day shred! OMG!!!!! Its hardcore, but I love it! haha! only 9 more days on level 2 then on to level 3!!!!:ohwell: :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday and be good!!! :smile: :laugh: :tongue: :flowerforyou: :drinker: