The most annoying 'compliment'?



  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I hate all of those so called compliments... The worst one is "You're Wasting Away."
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    LOL. I just commented on someones blog post that I can really see the weight loss in the slimming of her face. Not 1 min later read that it might be on this blog as annoying. Oops. I really meant it though. Her face looked really different and IMO prettier.

    I think it is perfectly fine when you know someone is trying to lose weight. I'm sure she loved hearing that the results of her efforts are showing. I do this all the time with people I know who are actively trying to lose weight. Nobody is ever offended...they light up.
  • peytonturk
    peytonturk Posts: 49
    you have such a pretty face!

    This. Really? I'm so fat that all you can come up with is you think my face is pretty? Which you probably only said it because you felt you needed to say something and that was the first thing you could come up with. Or "You tan well!" ............... fml

    I'm 31 years old, and I have received this "compliment" all of my life. I remember in high school this guy was telling the girl right next to me how hot she was... Then he looks at me and says, "well you have a pretty face". I hate this so-called 'compliment'. That has stuck with me all these years. My best friend and I would always joke about being "butta-bodies" instead of a "butta-face" (everything's nice, but her face... see what we did there? lol)

    But I am sick of it. 80 more lbs and they can all kiss it.

    I also HATE when people tell me, "oh look how skinny you've gotten"... I still have 80lbs to lose... I am by far skinny.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I hate all of those so called compliments... The worst one is "You're Wasting Away."

    Yeah, I don't know how that choice of words could really be interpreted as a compliment.
  • TheOriginalGinging
    Well you may be fat but your face ain't too lined, but then wrinkles don't show on a balloon do they?? I was speechless!!

    I think we have a winner! That is the rudest thing I've ever heard!
  • caritiger
    caritiger Posts: 82 Member
    One of my co-workers told me I was getting too skinny, and that I reminded her of her mother when she was dying of cancer! wow.
  • sandralila
    sandralila Posts: 21 Member
    You look good for your age.
  • robinbarten
    robinbarten Posts: 17
    Well you may be fat but your face ain't too lined, but then wrinkles don't show on a balloon do they?? I was speechless!!

    Really?? Someone actually said that to you. Wow!:angry:

    Mine is "you don't look overweight to me"
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    One of my co-workers told me I was getting too skinny, and that I reminded her of her mother when she was dying of cancer! wow.

    Nice! Holy Cow!
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Something is different about you. Hm....You look pretty!
  • bstrongerlennox
    bstrongerlennox Posts: 7 Member
    As long as it's meant to be a compliment, I tend not to mind. It's the compliments veiled in sarcasm or jealousy that I cannot forgive. If you can't be supportive of my efforts, don't say anything at all.

    But just to put something specific out there, I have a comment - which is not complimentary - that I cannot effing stand to hear. It's when someone says, "You're so lucky you've been able to lose weight." I'm lucky? Does running 15-30 miles per week, going to Curves 5-6 times per week, doing the JM 30 Day Shred video 6-7 days per week and counting every calorie I eat sound like "luck" to you? I'd say it sounds more like hard work and dedication, but I'm not here to pat my own back - more like to kick my own a**! I guess the lucky part is that I don't mind the work - I actually like it, but everyone on here knows we didn't start out loving it. It took some positive results and some kicka** endorphins to realize it's also kind of fun.
  • NK203
    NK203 Posts: 35
    The comment that bugs me is, "Are you losing weight?". The implication is that I need to lose more. I am sure it isn't intentional, but I don't care for it. I am also amazed how many people ask how many pounds I have lost. I only share that with a few close friends (and MFP), and they have the good sense never to ask. I am fine with people saying nothing, but a general, "You look great!" is the compliment that I appreciate most and the one I use when acknowledging others' weight loss.
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    "You are disappearing, soon there will be nothing left!"

    ..really?? I'm 190lbs, I have a long way to go idiot.
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    When I got down to 140 lbs., my mom would always tell me I was getting too thin and it was time to stop losing weight....EVERY TIME SHE SAW ME. This was the same woman who used to tell me I was getting too chunky when I weighed 105 lbs in high school. Mom...gotta love her.

    When I had finally reached my goal weight, my husband's best friend decided it was a good idea to tell me that I'd lost too much weight and that I now looked like a 12 year old BOY! :grumble:
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    "You're not fat!"

    Thanks, Jerk. I never said I was. Nor do I think I am. I hate how people presume I am/think I am if I'm just trying to be conscious of my eating and exercise.
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    you dont need to lose weight. you need to tone
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    also my mum used to always say "its a shame your overweight/fat/chubby cos youve got a pretty face"..."if you lost weight you could look good like your sisters"."you look ok neck upwards but the rest is just too big and bloated"..xx
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    "yeah ive noticed you've lost weight, id stop there you'll look sick if you lose any more" what?!??!

    i mean come on, im 181cm and 81kg ( started at 90.5) and my BMI says 25, im still classed as "overweight" by that rating! and they have the nerve to say that !? i think some people have fogotten what the human form is supposed to look like.

    i dont think there is anything wrong with losing the excess fat around your waist, and educating yourself on what you put in your mouth.

    i also hold back and dont tell anyone bar a few key people that i am counting calories and logging my food, because i get strange reactions. this website/app is fantastic because it teaches us about the foods we eat, and more importantly for me was i was eating the right things, my portions were far too big.

    without myfitnesspal i wouldnt have known i was over-feeding myself!!

    I know!!! I'm 6'1.5" with a BMI of 23.7 (after a lot of hard work on and off over the last couple of years) and could lose 15kg and still be in the healthy BMI range, but people tell me I'm skinny and that I should eat more, especially my mum. Drives me nuts! Mind you, mum has struggled with her weight for years so I think that SHE may have forgotten what the human form is supposed to look like...

    I love this site, too, because it helps you learn what you're eating. The only people who know I am using it are friends who are also trying to stay in control of their weight and get fitter, because I feel like anyone else would judge me. Sad, isn't it.
  • LyndsieLovejoyyy
    "you can be on top tonight.. you've been working out so you should have plenty of endurance"
    - my husband :heart:
  • joenolte
    joenolte Posts: 11
    I can see where all of these are annoying, but I'll take 'em. After 37 years of being overweight, I'm excited and motivated every time people who care about me notice. That being said, I guess growing up on the farm, we were taught it wasn't polite to comment on someone's weight period. So I usually start a conversation about it so that people know it's OK. Most of the folks around here do really well with that. Then, when I get the "I see it in your face" or "you are looking so fine now", I can make a joke right back to them like, "what do you mean 'now'?" I love it, and I'm hoping that I get TONS of these as I lose the next hundred!