Quirky/OCD eating habits?



  • jikkenkekka
    jikkenkekka Posts: 61
    Yeah, I've got a favorite knife and spoon (and a favorite bowl as well, though I don't "have" to eat out of that) that I use--oh, and a mug that I use for my tea that no one else in the house is supposed to use since I'm pretty particular about that as well. XD For the most part I don't like my food to touch. As someone mentioned above, I sort my M&Ms my color, although probably not the way most people do. I eat the blue and yellow ones together, the red and green ones together, and the orange and brown ones separately. O____o

    I also eat some weird combination of foods one after the other because some foods give me cravings for others. For example, I love really sour dill pickles, but eating them always gives me cravings for chocolate. :/
  • SassetG
    SassetG Posts: 19
    I only like to eat with the small spoons, and they have to be a certain type. And I also agree with you on the coffee mug (but ill be drinking tea). I dont mind mixing my foods but as long as they " belong together" But if the foods dont belong together then I wont eat/drink them one right after the other; for example I wont have a bowl of cereal then a glass of lemonade..

    I think everyone has quirks when it comes to eating
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I eat veggies, starch, and last meat.

    I don't eat cooked fruit of any kind. (no cobblers or pies blech) AND I don't eat fruit mixed in with anything. I don't like the chunks of it. (yogurt or ice cream included ) Must be a texture thing for me.
  • boodlelibra
    boodlelibra Posts: 74 Member
    I can't eat most fruits and vegetables because of texture issues (seeds and hairs and things that break when bitten, like blueberries and peas), can't let food touch, and love fried eggs but can't eat the part where the yellow and white touch. No pork, venison, lamb, aquatics, or mushrooms, either. Basically, I'm 4 years old.
  • CrazyGraciegirl
    When I was younger I would eat my hamburger from McDonald's in layers. Bread and pickles go first, then meat. I can't think of anything else I do but I am OCD with other things.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I have quite a few, some that have been pointed out over the years. My mom noticed that while I was eating chicken I dipped it in the bbq sauce twice then the ketchup twice every time.
    I hate my food touching, or getting butter from veggies onto my bread/sandwich.
    I always eat my sandwiches crust first, starting with the top crust.
    I always eat triangle sliced pizza crust first.
    I cut off all of the fat and red bits from chicken, because it disgusts me if I bite into something chewy.
    I must have something to drink while I eat, or I find things hard to swallow.
    I eat little bites of everything, and once there is one or two bites of each food left I decide which I want to eat last.

    That's all I can think of right now, but there are more. :ohwell:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Can't it be enough to be quirky or have odd habits? Do you have to claim a mental disorder to make yourself feel special?
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Can't it be enough to be quirky or have odd habits? Do you have to claim a mental disorder to make yourself feel special?
    I didn't say I cared that I have odd habits. As far as claiming a mental disorder, I have a few...recovered anorexic-bulimic and I'm OCD. I count. I count steps, even while hiking 10 miles.. I can tell you exactly how many steps it is to my mailbox, down the stairs to the laundry room, I know how many tiles are in the bathroom from the toilet to the wall. lol. etc,etc. I recite the alphabet backwards when I'm trying to sleep, I type in my head, I can type and read backwards quickly and I'm someone of a germ-phobe but I blame that on Microbiology classes.
    I do not think I'm less of a person because of these. They don't hurt anyone but me, it's not a big deal and it's tolerable. I was just curious as to what habits people besides myself have. I posted this under Chit-chat, FUN, and games for a reason. Try to have some fun. :flowerforyou:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member

    I always use the smallest spoon to have ice cream or yogurt.

    I forgot, I do this too! Not so much with yogurt...it just has to be a small spoon, but I only use baby spoons to eat ice cream.
  • BlowYourMind
    BlowYourMind Posts: 162
    When I eat I make sure I get a bite of each different thing on my plate and go in the same order until it's all gone, I don't like a specific food left over.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I don't like my food to touch and I have to eat all of one item on the plate before eating another item. I don't know how people can switch between eating different foods on a plate. It really disgusts me:sick:
  • AshCakes88
    AshCakes88 Posts: 131 Member
    I have to finish one food on my plate before I move on to the next one. Idk just feels wrong to mix lol
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    oh hell yes!
    If its chips or anything of differnt sizes I leave the bigest ones til last.
    I tend to eat veg first then potatoes then meat.
    I can only have sauce on the side not all over (yet I have gravy all over!)
    Oh and don't get me started on 'round' food.
    If its a burger or a sandwich I have to eat round the outside first then go to the middle
    Think subconsciously I know there's always more filling in the middle!
    Worst thing is I've just caught my 6yr odl doing the same thing :blushing:

    I thought I was the only one lol... I do ALL of the above (apart from the 6yr old)
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I eat bread crust first, work round the edges. I work around the outside of buns first too.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    I eat things in layers. If it's pizza, I eat the toppings, then the cheese, and then the crust. With cake, I eat the frosting first, then the cake. If it's a layer cake, then I start with the top layer of frosting and work my way down, layer by layer.

    When I eat my meals, I eat in a circle: a bite of meat, a bite of carb, a bite of veggie, then take a drink. The husband, who eats everything item by item, thinks it's odd. In spite of my eating in a circle, I don't like my food to touch.

    If I eat pancakes, I dip the pancake in the syrup instead of pour syrup on my pancake.
  • bigdal77
    bigdal77 Posts: 69
    hi there yer i have a fav spoon and i only drink out of one cup my cup but i think that's it
  • Kichelchen
    Kichelchen Posts: 79 Member
    Meh, the usual, eating pizza and cake and the like from the outside inwards (because that's the best bit) and I absolutely HATE wasting food, so I have to empty everything until it's completely gone, like yoghurt pots, stuff I cook, people's leftovers... We're so lucky to have it, so so lucky, and it makes me beyond angry when I see people just throw away perfectly fine food. *ARGH*
  • onequirkygirl
    onequirkygirl Posts: 303 Member
    I chomp my string cheese. *hangs head*
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I separate my food into size, shape, and color. With candy, I always eat browns first, followed by oranges, then yellows, then blues or purples, then greens, then reds and pinks. Red and pink is always last. With size, it is smallest first and I work my way to the largest.

    I cannot eat a Big-Mac whole, I tear it apart, throw away the top bun, then eat the burgers open faced.

    I too eat round the food getting the outside first followed by the inside.

    When I am eating a meal, I can only eat one type of food at a time. Ususally it is veggies first, then meat, then starches. This goes for salads and pasta dishes too.

    Cream must go in the coffee first...otherwise it is all wrong and I dump it out and get a new coffee
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    i eat crust 1st
    i only eat with the small forks ( can't stand the long 1s)