Question for girls ! Boobies!



  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Don't get implants, they look tacky. Love your boobs! If your self conscious about the size, get a padded bra. I used to be a 34 D, and now I'm a 32 C, but I love it, I feel like clothes fit so much better.
    It's so easy for someone to tell someone else not to get implants. You probably either still have perky boobs, or you don't really care what you look like. Take this from a woman who, as a teenager, swore I'd never get implants. Why would I when my breasts were so perky? Well, after having two kids and losing all the weight from both pregnancies, I started having second thoughts. I went from a 34C(as a teenager) to barely a 34B, but they were so saggy, like empty skin. I could not be truly happy about my weight loss when I had those nasty little things to look at. So, I got implants. BTW, not all implants are tacky. You can certainly get a modest sized implant that fills up the breasts that were ravaged by pregnancy, nursing, and/or weight loss.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Boob job I'd say!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have had a different problem!!1 36D to 34DD!!!! very very strange! funny how our bodies work.... How ever I have been swimming so maybe I have built the muscles behind my boobies :D
    It looks like you shrunk in the band, and kept your volume. (Those 2 sizes are sister sizes)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I guess I see this differently. I've had a rather big chest since high school and its caused nothing but problems for me. I can't buy clothes that other girls buy (forget bathing suits), i've had back and neck pains. Now that I'm loosing weight, they are starting to get smaller, although I'm not sure If i can switch sizes yet.

    It will be a blessing for me to be a bit smaller. I think that mine will be bigger no matter what, but I can't weight to shed the weight and some of my boobies lol

    Bra sized swimwear saved my life! :)

    Well worth the investment.

  • See if you are singing this same tune in your 30's after having carried and nursed multiple @ 19, we all loved out boobs sweetheart!

    I'm 35. VERY happy with what I've got. That is all.

    Happy for you...I believe I quoted the 19 year old calling implants tacky, not urself. You clearly have a personal, terrible connection to this topic that has little to do with appearance. I understand your sensitivity, but maybe you should just stop coming back to this thread?

    I'm 32, nursed 3 babies to a year (P.S. huge factor) and now I'm all done. And I fixed my boobs back to how I wanted them. They are sexy, I love them, hubby loves them, and they have GREATLY improved my confidence in the bedroom which is a win win. each their own, let us not judge one another or assume that all implants look tacky because I guarantee you couldn't call mine out.

    {standing ovation}
  • today6212
    today6212 Posts: 86 Member
    I went from a C to a D in 3 weeks of mild cardio with lots of strength training. I called the womn at victoria's secret a liar when she measured me, hahaha!!!
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    Ugh...That sucks! But it happened to me as well but enjoy being a C cup at could be worse! I wet from a 36B to not fitting a 34A...Sad...

    Me too! I got nothing! But my *kitten* looks AWESOME!!!! :smokin:
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    To each their own. But like I've said before just be glad they are healthy. Seriously.
    i'm glad they are healthy and i dont think getting implants or not has any effect on their health. i look at it as putting my body back together after childbirth.


    But what I was trying to say is after watching a loved one struggle with cancer, just be glad the boobs are healthy. Not saying implants (or even a reduction) for personal or cosmetic reasons lead to bad health. I just wish women on here would be happy they are 1. getting healthier and putting their best foot forward; 2. have healthy breasts.

    Women can be happy about those things but still be unsatisfied with other aspects... Being grateful about something doesn't automatically mean you're "satisfied" with things. It doesn't work that way.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    To each their own. But like I've said before just be glad they are healthy. Seriously.
    i'm glad they are healthy and i dont think getting implants or not has any effect on their health. i look at it as putting my body back together after childbirth.


    But what I was trying to say is after watching a loved one struggle with cancer, just be glad the boobs are healthy. Not saying implants (or even a reduction) for personal or cosmetic reasons lead to bad health. I just wish women on here would be happy they are 1. getting healthier and putting their best foot forward; 2. have healthy breasts.

    Women can be happy about those things but still be unsatisfied with other aspects... Being grateful about something doesn't automatically mean you're "satisfied" with things. It doesn't work that way.

    Thank you MissFit!

    I am so fed up of hearing : Just be glad with what you have...

    My mother in law has terminal cancer, my mom's husband has prostate cancer and my grandfather too. I am EXTREMELY affected by cancer and try to help them as much as I can.

    Don't tell me you've never complained about a zit, cellulite or stretch marks neither.

    Yes they are healthy, but not the way I want them to be like, is that a sin?

    Yes I am losing weight and I'm more healthy, but 4 years ago I had abs and beautiful breast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Yup, I get this too... my problem is, last time i weighed less was 10 years ago - and i guess it's unrealistic to want my boobs to look the way they did back then... but what the hell, i do.
    I haven't lost that much yet, maybe a cup size (yup, my bras actually fit now). But I've decided on some targeted muscle building exercises, to help with the look... now i just have to make myself do it...

    as for implants - guess that'd be the quick fix, but definitely out of my budget. besides, a good bra is all you need most of the time :wink:
  • I used to be a 40DD and now I'm a 36D/38C. I've found that when you first lose the weight there is a bunch of extra skin and they look "hollow". It seems to me though, that eventually it works itself out. I used to hate how my boobs looked just sad compared to before, but they slowly fixed themselves. Give them time, drink lots of water, and maybe work on your pectoral muscles. Good luck! I'm really against plastic surgery personally. Maybe you could talk to a trainer about it and see if they have any suggestions? :)
  • robbiemac00
    robbiemac00 Posts: 8 Member
    ok im not a girl im a dude and all i have to say is this. If you lose weight and your breasts get smaller its ok, if you want implants then do it for yourself. NOT FOR A MAN OR ANYBODY ELSE!!!! You are all beautiful and strong. Like I tell my wife everyday You are strong and sexy and you can do anything you want. Stay strong women of MFP and don't sweat the small stuff.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you !!!

    4 years ago, I was skinny, with abs and beautiful breast (C cup).

    Now I'm losing weight but I also think I will probably get to a B cup.

    I don't mind the B cup, its mostly that the skin looks empty....

    I thought I would of gone back to my original size but no... lol
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    ok im not a girl im a dude and all i have to say is this. If you lose weight and your breasts get smaller its ok, if you want implants then do it for yourself. NOT FOR A MAN OR ANYBODY ELSE!!!! You are all beautiful and strong. Like I tell my wife everyday You are strong and sexy and you can do anything you want. Stay strong women of MFP and don't sweat the small stuff.

    Thank you!!!

    I wouldnt do it for my boyfriend since he's extremely supportive and loves the way that I look, chubby or not.

    I dont mind them being small, it just that it looks weird, not like when I was skinny.... lol
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    Can I share something that might be a little... odd?

    Ok, I've been a 34B since age... idk, 13 or whatever. I'm 5'2" and weighed around 110 pounds through high school and college.

    THEN... I took up pole dancing. And guess what? I went from a 34B to a 34C... my pectoral muscles and lats are bigger and well... they push everything else out!! I actually think it looks good, I'm not saggy/floppy at all, things point up :-D

    So ladies, if you want a perkier bust naturally, take up pole dancing. In addition to myself, several of the girls I know at the pole studio have experienced this same phenomenon!! :-P No implants needed!!
  • southernpurplevegan
    southernpurplevegan Posts: 48 Member
    yea i haven't lost a single inch off my boobs no help from me. I have lost 35lbs and many many inches everywhere but there.

    same here
  • k8tls
    k8tls Posts: 23
    The reason that they look weird is most likely because the size went down so rapidly that your skin has not had time to adjust to the fat loss under it. I have heard stories of this in the past. Your best bet it to give your skin time to readjust and to do muscle training in that area.
  • VeroM1234
    VeroM1234 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks girls!!!!
  • ksparky911
    ksparky911 Posts: 8
    I'm worried this might happen to m had been asking the bf over the past year or so if my boobs looked bigger or not (I had gained weight, but my bras still mostly fit). Well, all my bras finally broke, and when I went shopping, found I went up a size! Now I have three new bras and am trying to lose weight. I was happy with the way they were, and they're nice now, I just don't want to keep having to buy bras if I keep losing weight like my plan is!
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 175 Member
    Because mine are going buh-bye and I was considering implants. I never really had them before (32B) so I never cared about them but, now that I got "fat" I have more of them (36C) and I will miss the girls :frown: