Any gamers out there?



  • SaraLouise1988
    SaraLouise1988 Posts: 19 Member
    I play WoW...Quit for a while because Cata blows, but Im back at it again for the time being. Def quitting when MoP hits though...Ick.

    I hear that...pandas? Seriously?
  • Doing_The_Unstruck
    Doing_The_Unstruck Posts: 241 Member
    I was a WoW addict for 3 years. Played on and off the past year. Pretty much just do random BGs on my disc once in a while now, and pwn lowbie BGs with heirlooms. Also, I don't believe all these girls because girls don't play wow! :laugh:
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    hey guys :) I'm a gamer too. I have a ps3 and a steam account (just recently switched.from xbox lol ), would love some buddies to play with ;) some of my favorite games are dead space 1 + 2, bioshock 1 + 2, ninja gaiden, resident evil 1 all the way to orc, fallout 3.and vegas, zelda oot and twilight princess, diablo 1 + 2, mortal kombat and a lot more ^_^ on the flipped side I am looking to lose about 20 more pounds, have already.lost 40 and would love some fitness buddies to o : D I love me some Marvel and most anime too!! Add me if you'd like and.we can exchange psn info and all that jazz! I'm on mfp everyday so :)
  • No vidya while I'm in school, but I play pen and paper D&D with friends once a month.
  • ronanoo
    ronanoo Posts: 37 Member
    A gamer or a half assed gamer, was hardcore up to n64, dropped out but got a ps2 and a ton of games last year. I've spent it playing games and what i want is the umpf, the thrill of it with a decent story line. Max payne 1 and 2 were gems and black for the ps2 was exhilarating otherwise i'm left kind of cold to games.

    I'm playing killzone at the moment, it's fine but nothing amazing. I'll be updating to xbox 360, no more 1 euro games for me :(
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    My husband and I have been playing Diablo 3 a good chunk of the day today :smile: When we were in college, we used to "go on dates" sitting in the same chair behind his computer playing Heroes of Might and Magic. :laugh:
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    Also, I don't believe all these girls because girls don't play wow! :laugh:

    hahaha My hubby's online buddies used to tell him all the time they were jealous b/c I didn't nag him about playing computer games all the time (I was playing at the computer next to him). Awesome ladies like us DO exist. :tongue:
  • myntric
    myntric Posts: 6 Member
    Love my PS3, although my attention span doesn't allow much more than 30 minutes or so before I get bored. Games of choice tend to be MW2, MW3 and the Uncharted series, but I just can't get wrapped into the 3rd one so I still haven't made it through.

    Used to be a PC gamer, but that was back in the day of the old Sierra Online games (King's Quest, Space Quest, Leisure Suit Larry, etc.). I think that just dated my age.
  • VPBullock2306
    VPBullock2306 Posts: 4 Member
    hey, i'm a gamer. mostly WoW. D3 sometiems.
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    There's a MFP Gamers group! Look for us!

    I've been playing WoW for a little over 3 years, love it to death. Don't have a lot of time to play anymore. Have 6 85s, 4 are raid-geared, 2 are into progression raiding when I have time (5 Horde, 1 Alliance).

    I played ToR for a bit and acutally really liked it, but couldn't justify both sub costs.

    Of course, started out with SNES and N64 games, lurve 'em.

    CoD on XBox - not very good, but again, I get to play maybe once a week.

    I hate work, it ate all my gaming time D:

    Also very into Magic: The Gathering but currently want to set standard on fire

    I was so addicted to MTG. I loved all the card games but that was deff my #1

    and to OP, there's nothing wrong with gaming. Some of my best memories growing up involved GoldenEye, Mario Kart, Smashbrothers, and mario party. Now I just stick with PC and XBOX. In fact, I think D3 is calling my name right now :laugh:
  • divinebird
    divinebird Posts: 81 Member
    Both my husband (Proudgamer here on MFP) and I are gamers. He moreso than me--I prefer to watch someone else play an RPG. I am more casual, though I am using our Wii for exercise. :)

    Feel free to add us! There's also a couple of gamer message boards on here. Do join them! :D
  • Mctree20
    Mctree20 Posts: 137
    I play WoW...Quit for a while because Cata blows, but Im back at it again for the time being. Def quitting when MoP hits though...Ick.

    This exactly. BC was far best expansion.

    Currently trying to find time to play D3.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    I love video games. mostly as of late i have been playing sims3 and sims3 pets. magic the gathering on pc and i play resident evil 4 on my wii. i had to make a deal with my nurtirionist this week that i would only play video games for the amount of exercise i get. odd thing i exercised on the weekend but was so tierd that i didn't even feel like playing video games. i had been playing so much that i was actually getting physically ill from sitting for too long. i had started developing extensive fluid build up on my legs and feet from sitting and playing games all day. it is amazing how time flies once you get caught up in playing that hours fly without ever noticing. the new diablo 3 looks interesting on the commercials. i am almost tempted to buy it but i think i would get so caught up in it too. i never played wow but have picked it up and put it down several times at best buy. it looks so cool. gaming is awesome. sad thing is it becomes an escape from reality for me sometimes to the point i would rather just play games than go out and interact with people in public. it's great that you are learning to balance your life and still have some fun with gaming.
  • My partner and I play in second life. I run a Vampire The Masquerade Followers Of Set group on there. We are both on here and it is a great website. If you are ever interested there is great roleplay on second life if you know where to look. I am Kittydarling Zelnik
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member

    But I still wanna see it, I hear the realms are GORGEOUS.

    If I go back, I'll sit on my *ss all day, and then stop working out..but I wanna see it!
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Also, I don't believe all these girls because girls don't play wow! :laugh:

    hahaha My hubby's online buddies used to tell him all the time they were jealous b/c I didn't nag him about playing computer games all the time (I was playing at the computer next to him). Awesome ladies like us DO exist. :tongue:

    This is so funny to me. In our hardcore 25m raid group, we had 7 my last 10m raid group (less hardcore), 4 of us were female.

    I do, however, hear from Trade Chat that girls don't play wow; therefore I'm a fictional creature. I pick UNICORN :P
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    <---Gamer checking in and yes I am a girl :)

    Started the old school text games <Zork etc>, found my way to a friend who got me into the beta testing of EQ and I stayed there till about 2004, then moved to EQ2. Stayed with EQ2 till this year and I went back to my beloved EQ.

    I also play Sims 3 as well, but I prefer EQ1. I am trying hard to keep it casual and not get back into the MUST PLAY MUST RAID PHAT LEWT RAR mentality, cos that is partly where I got the extra pounds from :( I am strictly casual now. I log in every few weeks to get my fix and play for a few days, then leave it be for a while.

    I am pretty lucky, my husband is a gamer and doesn't mind when I play as long as I return the favor.

    What server did you play EQ on? I was on Fennin Ro for many, many years (I started April 8th, of 99)...then transferred to Prexus when the server mergers were going on.

    Now I play Rift...and I've got to say that of all the games I've played (and I played EQ until 2010), this one is probably my favorite.

    I started on Povar back in the day, and that was wayyyy back in early 99. I ended up on Saturn and stayed there till 2004 when I left for EQ2. I ended up on Butcherblock there. Now I am back in EQ playing on Xegony. On Rift I can't recall the two servers I am on is Greybriar and the other Shattering iirc.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    <---Gamer checking in and yes I am a girl :)

    Started the old school text games <Zork etc>, found my way to a friend who got me into the beta testing of EQ and I stayed there till about 2004, then moved to EQ2. Stayed with EQ2 till this year and I went back to my beloved EQ.

    I also play Sims 3 as well, but I prefer EQ1. I am trying hard to keep it casual and not get back into the MUST PLAY MUST RAID PHAT LEWT RAR mentality, cos that is partly where I got the extra pounds from :( I am strictly casual now. I log in every few weeks to get my fix and play for a few days, then leave it be for a while.

    I am pretty lucky, my husband is a gamer and doesn't mind when I play as long as I return the favor.

    What server did you play EQ on? I was on Fennin Ro for many, many years (I started April 8th, of 99)...then transferred to Prexus when the server mergers were going on.

    Now I play Rift...and I've got to say that of all the games I've played (and I played EQ until 2010), this one is probably my favorite.

    If you put an answer in there...I've completely missed it lol.
  • MyaTala
    MyaTala Posts: 10
    Full on gamer here. Play WoW (since vainlla), play swtor some now, and going to play diablo III once i get a new vid. card.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    LOL I tried but I am on my phone should be written now correctly.