My Unpopular Opinion



  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I got a question. I'm not particularly religious but why is it ok to bash something that might be the only thing that's keeping someone going? It's not hurting them if they believe, it's HELPING them, whether its real or not. If you don't believe, GOOD FOR YOU...why is it necessary to bash people that do? I've never understood that. I've never understood the whole Atheism thing. If you don't believe in God...just don't. Why is there a label for it? I don't believe in Buddha but I don't go around posting graphics poking fun at people who do or getting mad at a Buddhist person for talking about it. I read a quote the other day that makes a good point.

    Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
    -Haywood Broun

    If you don't believe in it...why are you talking about it? Why are you offended when someone tells you you're going to hell if you don't believe in it? When I was in first grade some kid told me that I wasn't going to get any presents because I didn't believe in Santa Claus. Did I get mad? No, because I knew I was getting presents. Did I tell him he was dumb for believing in Santa Claus? No, because if that made him happy, who cares, it doesn't hurt me. On Christmas day BOTH of us got presents. Neither of us were harmed in the process...It's sad that I had more sense as a 6 year old than some of the so called adults in the world.
    My only problems with religion are when people try to condemn me, preach at me, or treat me like I'm ignorant about life for not believing as they do and when people try to pass laws that affect everyone based on their religious views. If you (general) are happy with your religion then I am honestly very happy for you. But don't treat me like I'm missing something important in my life because I don't believe as you do and don't try to pass laws based on nothing more than your religious opinions. If you (again, general and not the specific person I'm quoting) wouldn't want to live under Sharia law or under the rules of FLDS or some other religion then why do you think it's OK to try to make others live under the laws of your religion?

    That makes complete sense but it irritates me when people say stuff like "My only problems with religion are when people try to condemn me, preach at me, or treat me like I'm ignorant about life for not believing as they do" then turn around and do the EXACT SAME THING to people that are religious. I'm not saying you did it, I'm just saying A LOT of Atheists tend to do that. Again, I'm not saying YOU or ALL atheists. I'm just saying SOME.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    WHAT the FLIP is up with Nikki Minaj???? Is she mentally ill? What is wrong with her? Why does she sound so horrific and why is she famous?

    I forgot about her! Yeah!! Why is she famous?

    How about Paris Hilton? She is only famous because her father owns a freaking hotel ... she has NO TALENT WHATSOEVER.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I believe abortion and god are over debated.
    Jello is disgusting
    Euthanasia should be legal

  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Contemporary art is a mess.

    Forever 21 gets their fashion ideas from pictures of Grandma's closet.

    Travolta does not have it going on. Neither does Sheen.

    Cheesecake is gross.

    Pineapple does not belong on pizza.
  • JennyLu3
    JennyLu3 Posts: 26
    Adele CAN'T SING. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Blondes aren't that attractive.
    Final Fantasy 8 was far better than 7.
    Cardio sucks big hairy camel testes.
    TV, for the most part, is awful, brain-numbing crap.
    Lady GaGa has no talent.
    Apple products are for people who can't operate Android and Windows.
    Fit women are hotter than soft or thin women.

    I agree with every single one of these!

    Also, bulky muscular guys look like laundry sacks full of meat
    Being pale is hot
    Books>Movies 99% of the time (My biggest exception being the first X-Men movie and then the crappy "based off the movie" book they wrote after).
    More women need to accept that curves are beautiful and weight is just a number. If you're healthy and happy, then screw the numbers.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Adele CAN'T SING. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

    This makes me sad :sad: I love Adele!
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Adele CAN'T SING. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

    <GASP> Ohhhhh no u didn'!!!!!! LOL :huh:
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Adele CAN'T SING. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


    Also, Angelina Jolie is hideous.
  • SinuousNihilist
    WHAT the FLIP is up with Nikki Minaj???? Is she mentally ill? What is wrong with her? Why does she sound so horrific and why is she famous?

    I forgot about her! Yeah!! Why is she famous?

    How about Paris Hilton? She is only famous because her father owns a freaking hotel ... she has NO TALENT WHATSOEVER.

    Here's another really unpopular one...

    Lady freaking Gaga.

    I mean...shouldn't people be aware of how far her "talents" go if she wrote her first album in TWO DAYS?

    *head shake.*

    And for some reason, "smh" irritates the hell out of me.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    My unpopular opinions:
    Nutella isn't even that good..

    Blondes/Brunettes are equally hot..Gingers are super hot.

    Television is boring.

    What are some of yours?

    I agree, but I prefer brunettes over blondes lol. and Gingers over both.

    Tattoos are incredibly sexy, meaning or no.
    A zombie apocalypse is NOT a good thing.
    Black and white do NOT go with everything

    edit: I don't think (super) muscular women are attractive, I think it's better when a women still has some rounded softness
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    The Office (American version at least) is offensive, not funny.

    People need to stop having "team" shirts for fictional relationships. I'd like to see a "team read the damned book and know how it ends up" shirt.

    Baby on board signs are just obnoxious. I'm on board, that's reason enough to drive cautiously.

    Hockey is not a great sport (Blasphemy I know as I am Canadian)

    I hate whales. Seriously. blech.
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    My unpopular opinion is that this thread has BEEN totally ruined by all the bible bashing and religious preaching/bible quoting posts...

    keep it light or start a new forum for a religion anti religion debate -

    ps Nicki Minaj ROCKS and I :heart: her and her bod
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    Bagpipes are pretty much the most beautiful sound in the world.

    ETA: George Clooney and Matt Damon (whose name I can't even say in the non-Team-America way anymore :laugh: ) are *terrible* looking!! I mean I think most actors are considered better looking than they are but could they be any less hot??? O.O

    ^^^^THIS Except I think Matt Damon is cute. And the Team America thing? Yeah, that's the ONLY way I say his name now too lol.
    I do the same thing with "ReTard" from The Hangover :)
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    all weapons should be desroyed go back to the basic and fight fist a cuffs

    booze should be banned from everyone

    eminem suck because he think he original lol

    yogurt is gross
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I got a question. I'm not particularly religious but why is it ok to bash something that might be the only thing that's keeping someone going? It's not hurting them if they believe, it's HELPING them, whether its real or not. If you don't believe, GOOD FOR YOU...why is it necessary to bash people that do? I've never understood that. I've never understood the whole Atheism thing. If you don't believe in God...just don't. Why is there a label for it? I don't believe in Buddha but I don't go around posting graphics poking fun at people who do or getting mad at a Buddhist person for talking about it. I read a quote the other day that makes a good point.

    Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
    -Haywood Broun

    If you don't believe in it...why are you talking about it? Why are you offended when someone tells you you're going to hell if you don't believe in it? When I was in first grade some kid told me that I wasn't going to get any presents because I didn't believe in Santa Claus. Did I get mad? No, because I knew I was getting presents. Did I tell him he was dumb for believing in Santa Claus? No, because if that made him happy, who cares, it doesn't hurt me. On Christmas day BOTH of us got presents. Neither of us were harmed in the process...It's sad that I had more sense as a 6 year old than some of the so called adults in the world.
    My only problems with religion are when people try to condemn me, preach at me, or treat me like I'm ignorant about life for not believing as they do and when people try to pass laws that affect everyone based on their religious views. If you (general) are happy with your religion then I am honestly very happy for you. But don't treat me like I'm missing something important in my life because I don't believe as you do and don't try to pass laws based on nothing more than your religious opinions. If you (again, general and not the specific person I'm quoting) wouldn't want to live under Sharia law or under the rules of FLDS or some other religion then why do you think it's OK to try to make others live under the laws of your religion?

    That makes complete sense but it irritates me when people say stuff like "My only problems with religion are when people try to condemn me, preach at me, or treat me like I'm ignorant about life for not believing as they do" then turn around and do the EXACT SAME THING to people that are religious. I'm not saying you did it, I'm just saying A LOT of Atheists tend to do that. Again, I'm not saying YOU or ALL atheists. I'm just saying SOME.
    I agree completely. It is just as wrong for an atheist to try to make a religious person feel foolish as it is for a religious person to try to tell an atheist that they will burn in hel. HOWEVER, I have never heard of an atheist trying to force everyone to live according to their beliefs which is something religious people do all the time.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I really, really, REALLY hate Five Finger Death Punch, Avenged Sevenfold, Hinder, Nickelback, and wildly popular bands that used to be good before going on to "please the kids" I.e. Slipknot, Green Day, Seether, Korn, etc.

    GREEN DAY??????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I love Green Day. <3 Favorite band.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Ok enough is enough.............I can take someone not liking pie

    I can take someone not liking pineapple on pizza

    I can even take someone not liking My Jesus

    But ......

    Not likin Adele??? What sort of madness is this???:sick:
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619

    People need to stop having "team" shirts for fictional relationships. I'd like to see a "team read the damned book and know how it ends up" shirt.

    This is too funny!
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    The Office (American version at least) is offensive, not funny.

    People need to stop having "team" shirts for fictional relationships. I'd like to see a "team read the damned book and know how it ends up" shirt.

    Baby on board signs are just obnoxious. I'm on board, that's reason enough to drive cautiously.

    Hockey is not a great sport (Blasphemy I know as I am Canadian)

    I hate whales. Seriously. blech.

    Yes! George Carlin (RIP♥) said it best..