My Unpopular Opinion



  • KansasRain
    KansasRain Posts: 65
    I HATE meat, it smells nasty, it looks nasty, IT TASTE nasty, it feels nasty. Eating it makes me feel like i'm chewing human flesh. YES THIS INCLUDES NASTY BACON

    I hate when people make blonde jokes, we are smarter then people think, we aren't all superficial *****es.

    I love darker hair, i'm not attracted to blondes or red heads. I really find red heads ugly troll like people, however i do find 1-2 attractive.

    People who think pregnancy or having children should be limited to only smart,middle class,older(23+) married people are stupid, judgmental, closed minded fools. EVERYONE should be allowed to have a child without judgment until they prove incapable of being a parent.

    Also people who think having a child is hard or annoying or like jail are just bad parents, because its not that hard unless your lazy or don't love your child. it CAN be hard AT TIMES but not always like a lot of people seem to think.

    I don't understand or see the point to the show "How i met your mother" it is NOT funny.

    I think skinny is ugly, fat is nasty, chubby is weird, every one should try to be flat and athletic. That said i do not judge people for being these things, this is an opinion only based on how I feel at those sizes.

    I think children today are screwed up and that more parents should raise children the way we were raised. To play outside till the lights come on, to play sports and have fun with other kids, to only watch TV for hours on early Saturday mornings to eat healthy and give school a chance. To treat others with more respect, be kind to the elderly, cherish what you have and to respect yourself more then anyone else. To many kids dress like wanna be gangsters and hookers, ignore their elders and treat people like trash and are demanding anti social brats, who spend to much time on the computer and cell phones and video games.

    Wow that was way longer then i thought, ah well those are my unpopular opinions.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    Also, another VERY unpopular opinion:

    Johnny Depp is not hot.
    ^^^ THIS! THANK YOU!!! What do people see in him?!?! :yawn:

    Seinfeld is not worth quoting all these years later. Ever. It was dumb, and so was Friends.

    ETA: Glad I dodged pages 5-16 of this thread!!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Peanut butter is gross. So is fudge. ACK!

    I hate NASCAR.

    Cats are stupid.

    Sweating feels good.

    Not all politicians are liars.
  • SinuousNihilist
    I hate Skrillex.

    Can't stand whiny male singers.
  • zandrellia
    zandrellia Posts: 26
    Babies (yes, all babies - even Drew Barrymore as a baby on baby food jars.) are ugly.

    Public gatherings are highly over-rated, particularly parties. (Most are highly disorganized and the average person doesn't take their guest's needs into consideration.)

    White wedding gowns suck. (Also, strapless ones are so boring and cookie-cutter. I get that it's cheaper and easier for the designer to make one that's strapless so it will fit a wider range of brides, but it's getting soooo old!)

    Diamonds are ugly.

    Cut flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and bath supplies are awful gifts. (Practical things are so much better.)

    Coffee, while it smells amazing, tastes disgusting. Tea isn't much better.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm crazy stupid pale! I can't tan if I tried :)

    hehe I like that! PALE RULES!!!!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    If you live in America and are not proud.. I say peace out!!

    Why exactly? Why do we have to be proud about where we live? I am indifferent. I am more proud of the state I am from because it is beautiful, rather than our country. Please tell me what people are proud about. If you're proud about our soldiers and such, than I'd say I'm proud of the American people. Not America.
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    I an American and not necessarily "proud" of that fact (bring it! I can take it!)
    To go with that, I do not believe we are the "best" country in the world.

    I think brown hair is boring and plain. I was a bit disspointed when my son came out brunette (I am over it now though ).

    Marijuana should be legal (I am not a smoker though because it's not)

    Then you should go ahead and move to which ever country you feel is better.

    I would, but unfortunatly I cannot afford to move my entire extended family. I love them too much to leave them behind :(
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member

    Apple products are for people who can't operate Android and Windows.

    Definitely this!

    And on a more serious note: War is stupid and the best way we can 'support our troops' is to bring them home, give them a fair living wage, quality medical care, and assistance integrating back into civilian life.
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Big, hairy caveman type men are WAY hotter than hairless, groomed metrosexuals. :)

    YES YES YES!!! I like me a hairy man that smells like, well, a MAN!

    As for a few more opinions;

    - Nobody would work out if it didn't keep you thin.
    - Lululemon is overpriced garbage
    - Glee is the worst thing on TV. Ever.

    Great topic! So fun to read everyones replies.

    NO, NO, NO, NOT Lululemon!! Have you worn any of the clothes? They fit like a dream!! NO, NO, NO ... I can't allow you to disparage these clothes! No ride up, wicking material, holds up for years, and looks cute! I'm sick now :sad:
  • jenslife82
    jenslife82 Posts: 229
    Breasts are disgusting blobs of fat.

    Awe.. I love my boobs!!!
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm crazy stupid pale! I can't tan if I tried :)

    I just burn. really, really badly. No tanning over here.

    Me too! I have had 2nd degree burns from a day at the beach before. I remember laying on my stomach while my mom doctored the blisters on my back. Every sunburn I have gotten has never really left any color behind. Weird.
  • icewindfirex
    icewindfirex Posts: 118
    NO vegetables or fruit belongs on pizza (I know, I know. I'm strictly cheese, pepperoni/canadian bacon)
    I hate internet slang like smh, af, and the like.
    Lady GaGa is so not that great.
    Cottage Cheese is not edible.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member

    Nutella isn't even that good..

  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    I'm crazy stupid pale! I can't tan if I tried :)

    hehe I like that! PALE RULES!!!!

    Agreed! Pale is beautiful and overtanned is just plain ugly.
  • EvaHayden
    EvaHayden Posts: 3 Member
    I think people should be able to marry whoever they want to
    twilight sucks but I;m still a sucker for cheesy teen love books
    I'm pro choice
    I really hate when people pull the race card
    bacon and sausage makes me sick
    I love nerdy guys (If I could marry Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds my life would be complete)
    I love when guys have full sleeve tattoos
  • SinuousNihilist
    If you live in America and are not proud.. I say peace out!!

    Why exactly? Why do we have to be proud about where we live? I am indifferent. I am more proud of the state I am from because it is beautiful, rather than our country. Please tell me what people are proud about. If you're proud about our soldiers and such, than I'd say I'm proud of the American people. Not America.

    I wouldn't be able to find happiness anywhere; the world is screwed. May as well stay where I know at least some of the rules and customs ;)
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Breasts are disgusting blobs of fat.
    R Patz isn't that hot.
    Sunshine sucks.
    Contemporary art is boring.
    lol Finally some one agree with me, about R Patz. Gross looking
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    bacon and sausage makes me sick

    Me. Friggin. Too.
  • jamesvic22
    jamesvic22 Posts: 3 Member
    I think people think this is a popular opinion, but these days it tends to get me ridiculed: I actually really like television. Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation, Doctor Who, So You Think You Can Dance, pretty much anything on HGTV. I love tv!

    The word "retarded" should be removed from everyone's vocabulary. It's offensive.

    Instead of trying to "cure" autism we should be focusing on supporting autistic people (children AND adults) and finding coping strategies for them, and ways to make the world more accommodating.